Favoritism in the Draft

Favoritism in the Draft

638 TH E JOURNAL OP TH E NATION AL DENTAL ASSOCIATION. FAVORITISM IN TH E D R AFT. To dispose of any fear that county and city registration boards w...

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FAVORITISM IN TH E D R AFT. To dispose of any fear that county and city registration boards will exercise fa ­ voritism in enrolling soldiers under the selective-draft act, P rovost Marshal Gen­ eral Crowder has issued a statement de­ claring such practices would he virtually im possible because o f the explicit terms in w hich the act is drawn. He warned registration officials that favoritism easily could be detected and would be punished with heavy penalties. “ Every precaution,” said the state­ ment, “ w ill be taken to make it certain that the registration w ill be conducted with exact justice. “ The law is specific and allow s no lati­ tude to the boards, either in the m atter o f registration or in the latter m atter of exem ption from service. ’ In fact, the law is self executing. E very man within the age lim its fixed by the selective-service act must register, and the penalty o f the law for evasion o f registration w ill fall not only on the man who fails to appear, but on any mem ber of a registration board who may be shown to be in collusion with

the person who attempts to escape his duty. “ Further than this, the registration boards w ill never act as exem ption boards except in certain specific cases, such as where a young man who has reg­ istered shall claim to be em ployed in a federal, state, or local office and thereby does com e within the exem ption clause of the statute. In cases like this the facts must be entered officially and at­ tested. “ So far as the other reasons for exem p­ tions under the law are concerned, ex­ emptions for men engaged in pursuits in w hich their work is m ore valuable at home than in the service, the authority w ill lie with a board of higher ju risdic­ tion. “ The law provides the penalty of im ­ prisonment, with no alternative of a fine, fo r any official or any registered man who shall make a false return or connive at such a practice. The safeguards against favoritism or evasion are am ple.” — Army and ATavy Register.

GOVERNMENT WILL PURCHASE A DENTIST OUTFIT. The prohibition contained in para­ ing the present em ergency, su bject to a reasonable discount for depreciation due to previous use. gard to the purchase o f supplies for the (2574625 A. G. O.) Governm ent by officers or agents in By order of the Secretary of W ar: the military service, is waived to the ex­ H. tent that dental and veterinary outfits, or M ajor General, Chief of Staff. such portions thereof as are required an:l Official: are suitable for the military service, may H. P. McCAIN, be purchased from the dentists and vet­ The Adjutant General. erinarians who com e into the Arm y dur­ Bulletin No. 28 W ar Dept II.

graph 521, Arm y Regulations, with re­

