Federal and State Actions price advertising unprofessional The New York State Board of Regents of the department of education has approved a change of the definition of unprofession al conduct. The new regulation statesAdvertising af any character in respect ta prescriptian prices, which includes ar cantains any flxed price or discount whatsoever ar any reference thereto, by the owner ar owners of a pharmacy or pharmacies shall be considered unprofessional conduct.
illegal sales of prescription drugs for the month of September Colorado-Adolphus Adams, t/ a Adams Drug, and George J . Lohmiller, pharmacist, Pueblo-Selling and refilling antibiotics and tranquilizers without doctor' s authorization. Adams fined $575; Lohmiller fined $375 and placed on one-year probation previously (October 9, 1959). Robert S. Logan, t / a Logan Drug Store No.1, and Kenneth L. Doren and Albert W. Keithley, pharmacists, Pueblo-Refilling amphetamine. antibiotics and tranquilizers without doctor's authorization. Logan fined $500; Doren and Keithley each $200. Georgia-H.L. Green, Inc., and David Lloyd Thomas and James Riley Lindsey, Columbus- Refilling tranquilizer without doctor's authorization . Firm fined $300; Thomas and Lindsey each, $100. North Highland Pharmacy, Columbus-Refilling barbiturates and tranquilizers without doctor's authorization. Fined $500. Indiana- Ruth Lambright, t / a Economy Lunch . Legonier- Illegal sale of amphetamine. Sentenced--18 mon ths in jail-suspended, defendant placed on two-year probation. Sue Wintrode, t / a Wintrode Sterling T .S., Marion-Illegal sale of amphetamine. Sentenced -36 months in jail -suspended, defendant placed on two-year probation . Maryland-Ansel W . Braden , t / a Braden's Professional Pharmacy, and Frank C . Hagan, pharmacist, Silver Spring-Refilling cortisone without doctor's authorization . Braden fined $100; case dismissed against Hagan. Michigan-Cyril Hansen, Grand Rapids-Illegal sale of amphetamine and barbiturates. Fined $300; sentence suspended on another count and defendant placed on four- y ear probation.
George G . Love, t / a Love's Cut Rate Drugstore, and Beatrice J. Ingram , Grand Rapids-Selling amphetamine without doctor's authorization. Love fined $250; Ingram , $50.
Hughey and Miles E. Kiester, employees, Danville-Illegal sale of amphetamine. Mrs . Taylor fined $500; Kiester and Hughey placed on threeyear probations: Mills died.
Mississippi-Pauline H.S. Abercrombie, t/ a Polly's Truck Stop, East Columbus-Illegal sale of amphetamine. Fined $300. Sentence' suspended on two additional counts defendant placed on two-year probation. Thomas Brit Chism, t / a Brit Chism's Truck Stop, and Dorothy Chism, Shannon-Illegal sale of ampheta~ mine. Thomas and Dorothy Chism each fined $50. Samuel C. Woolbright, Jr. , t / a Bill Kiefer Truck Service, and H. Osborne, Verona-Illegal sale of amphetamine. Woolbright fined $700; sentence suspended on other counts; Woolbright placed on two-year probation . Osborne on three-year probation.
West Virginia- J. Tom McClaugherty and Sidney McMillen , Jr., Princeton-Illegal sale of amphetamine. McClaugherty nol prossed: McMillen, Jr. sentenced to one year in jail-two years in all since he was sentenced to one year on the same offense as sole defendant in the following case. Sidney McMillen, Jr., formerly manager of Tradewinds Drive-In, Princeton-Illegal sale of amphetamine . Sentenced to one year in jail, to run consecutively with one-year term he is to serve on the preceding case.
New York-Leona rd Drug Co., Inc. , and Leonard Stein, president, a nd James Adams, pharmacist, New York City-Selling and refilling amphetamine, tranquilizers and thyroid without doctor 's authorization. Firm fined $100; Stein, $500; Adams, $250. McCurdy & Company, Inc., and James J. Billings, pharmacist , Rochester-Selling barbiturates and sulfonamide without doctor's authorization. Billings fined $200. Hyman J . Mandell, t / a Mandell's Pharmacy, Melvin G . Wheeler, Frank W. Ziebro, Rochester-Selling amphetamine and hormones without doctor's authorization. Charges against Mandell dismissed, Wheeler and Ziebro each fined $600. South Carolina- J a mes Harold Carpenter, Rock Hill-Illegal sale of amphetamine. Fined $ 100 and sentenced to one-year in jail ; prison sentence suspended and defendant placed on five-year probation. Berle A. Craft, t / a By-pass Truck Stop, Ff Mill-Illegal sale of amphetamine. Fined $100 and sentenced to one-year in jail; prison sentence suspended and defendant placed on fiveyear probation. Virginia-Robert Gordon Carlan, Galax-Illegal sale of ampheta mine and barbiturates. Fined $1 ,000: placed on two-year probation under the condition that fine be paid within one year. Mrs., Lillian M .Taylor, t / a 58 Truck Stop, and Earl Mills, manager, Robert VOL 21
injunctions Illinois-James N. Conover, t / a Micon Laboratories, Wauconda-Permanently enjoined from shipping solutions for wetting and cleaning contact lenses until the firm maintains adequate sterility controls, approved during FDA inspections. Texas-Hoxsey Cancer Clinic, Harry M. Hoxsey, Dallas-Supplement to injunction of October 26, 1953, provides that defendants will discontinue lease contract with Dr. Harry R. Taylor for use of former Hoxsey Cancer Clinic and that no further use of this clinic building will be made for any promotion or distribution of the Hoxsey Cancer Treatment. Harry R. Taylor, t / a Taylor Clinic, and Alan F . De Vore, Walter J . Williams, H.W. Crawford, DallasPerpetually enjoined from using or distributing the so-called Hoxsey cancer treatment under the guise of practicing medicine or osteopathy and directed to notify patients that its distribution has been enjoined.
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Philadelphia College OF PHARMACY AND SCIEN(;E 43rd St •• Woodland and Kin_log Ayenuea. Philadelphia 4. Penna. Founded In 1821.