J. Trace Elements Med. BioI. Vol. 11, p. 260 (1997)
Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM)
Foundation in Rome, Italy the 21st of March 1997
To promote co-operation and co-ordination in the development of the scientific value of minerals and trace elements in matters of research, methods, materials, regulations, education and training, codes of ethics and related subjects within Europe, the Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM) was founded under the initiative of the national societies from Germany, the "Gesellschaft fur Mineralstoffe und Spurenelementc (GMS); from the French speaking countries, the "Societe Francophone d'Etude et de Recherche sur les Elements Tracc Essentiels (SFERETE)" and from Italy, the "Associazione Italiana per 10 Studio degli Elcmenti in Traccia negli Organismi Viventi (A.I.S.E.T.O.v.)". Its aim is to increase the collaboration, the diffusion and the exchange of information on scientific activities of national societies, including advances in basic and applied research about minerals and trace elements in chemical analysis, physiology, epidemiology, molecular biology, medical diagnosis and therapy, pharmacology, preventive medicine, nutrition, toxicology, occupational medicine, and environmental protection. The Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM) will seek to establish formal links, inter alia, with the Commission of the European Union and the World Health Organisation. Among other activities, the FESTEM, will support interdisciplinary exchanges of ideas between pure and applied science, initiate research projects, conduct lecture series, hold scientific conferences and support the publication and presentation of scientific research. The Federation will also provide information to the medical and related professions, and seek as well to inform the general public. In the field of chemical analysis the FESTEM will make effort to improve the quality of analyses. This first version of the statutes and rules of FESTEM was presented and will be revised for further approval by the three respective National Societies involved in its creation. Contacts will further be taken with others European Societies willing to participate to the Federation. A Managing Board comprising representatives of the three national societies has heen elected. This Board is charged with the executive management of the subsequent steps related to structure of the Federation, including the development of the statutes till its final approval and the nomination of the first General Council Meeting. The Managing Board agreed to designate the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology as organ of the Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals.
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N"lo"" Socl"l" which ' " ", offici,' ,ortlel,""" (GMS, SFERETE, A1SETOV) are simultaneously members of the FESTEM. -
Managing Board of the FESTEM Prof. Dr. Peter Bratter, Vice President of the German national society Gesellschaft fUr Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente (GMS) Hahn-Meitner Institut Berlin, Abt. Spurenelemente in Gesundheit und Ernahrung, Glienicker Str. 100, D-14109 Berlin, Germany. Prof. Dr. Jean Neve, Vice President of the national society for French speaking countries, Societe Francophone d'Etude et de Recherche sur les Elements Trace Essentiels (SFERETE) Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Institut de Pharmacie, Campus Plaine 205-5, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgique. Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Vivoli, President of the national Italian society Associazione Italiana per 10 Studio degli Elementi in Traccia negli Organismi Viventi (A.I.S.E.T.O.V.) Dip. Scienze Biomediche, Sezione di Igiene, Universita degli Studi di Modena, Via Campi, 287, 1-41100 Modena, Italy.
Visit us in the World Wide Web www.hmi.de/-cvn/FESTEM.html www.gms-germany.com www.hmi.de/-cvn/SFERETE.html