Field Meeting in the Kidderminster Area 22 August 1954
Report by the Directors: W. WALDRON and G. COTTON Received 8 January 1955 THE FIELD MEETING wa...
Field Meeting in the Kidderminster Area 22 August 1954
Report by the Directors: W. WALDRON and G. COTTON Received 8 January 1955 THE FIELD MEETING was arranged to enable members to examine the Bunter in the Kidderminster-Habberley area, and the Dittonian and Downtonian in the Trirnpley inlier. First, the quarry in the Upper Mottled Sandstone at Aggborough (National Grid Reference 834753) was visited. It was this locality which yielded one of the few fossil fish ever recorded from the Bunter of this country. The specimen, identified by Dr. E. 1. White as a Perleidid, was collected by Mr. Whitehouse who indicated to the party the exact spot in the quarry where he made his discovery. A further search failed to reveal any additional fossils. A deposit of dune sand, ten feet in thickness, with characteristic bedding was seen in the more northerly quarry. Next the party examined the base of the Pebble Beds and Basal Breccia at Lea Bank (811760), and the Dune Sand at Devils Spittleful (807747) and Habberley Valley. The last locality is very near to the southward extension of the Enville fault, the position of which was approximately fixed by the identification of Enville Breccia on the western side of the valley. The party then proceeded to the Trimpley inlier where a small quarry was examined at Whitnells End (797817) in the basaltic sill intruded into the Kinlet Beds. The basalt shows characteristic spheroidal weathering. A short distance to the east, the Downtonian marls, the oldest strata in the inlier, were seen and at Shatterford (799804), the Dittonian sandstone, which forms the core of a syncline, was examined. Finally, the party inspected a roadside exposure (805798) to the west of the Enville fault. The section showed clearly the fault separating the Bunter Pebble Beds from a small area of Enville Breccia. A vote of thanks to the Directors of the field meeting was proposed by Mr. Aiers.