Fifth birthday

Fifth birthday

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION Js the journal of the International Inst=tute of Refngerahon 177 Boulevard Malesherbes 75017 Pans, France pubhs...

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION Js the journal of the International Inst=tute of Refngerahon 177 Boulevard Malesherbes 75017 Pans, France pubhshed by Butterworth Scientific Limited Papers are published on all subjects related to the theory and practice of refrigeration The journal also conta,ns news of the Internatuonal Institute of Refrigeration plus more general news =terns conference reports book revtews and a hst of forthcomung events Papers w,II be accepted m English or French The journaluspubhshedbimonthly Material intended for pubhcation should be sent to the General EdJtor or to the Editorial Office ,n Guddford La 'Revue/nternat/ona/e du Fro/d est une pubhcat/on de / / n s t / t u t / n t e r n a t / o n a / d u Fro/d dd/t#e par Butterworth Sc/ent/hc L/m/ted E//e pubhe des art/c/es se rapportant ~ tous sujets concemant la th#one et /a pratique du fro/d ams/ qu aux su/ets qu/ s y rattachent On trouvera auss/ darts cette Revue des nouve//es de //nst/tut /nternat/ona/ du Frond des nouve//es p/us g#ndra/es des comptes rendus de conf#rences une b/bhograph/e, une hste des 6v#nements futurs Les commumcat/ons do/vent #tre soum/ses en ang/a/s ou en franca/s La Revue est pubhde tous /es deux rno/s Les documents destines b /a pubhcat/on do/vent #tre envoyds au rddacteur en chef ou ~ /a r6dactlon ~ Gu/Idford

Fifth birthday In this issue we celebrate five years of publ~catpon of the Journal, but we concentrate on the future Some world experts ~n refrigeration, including members of our own Editorial Board, give their judgement on w h a t w d l b e s l g n i f i c a n t rn the next few years Do you agreew~th them? There ~s a sectfon for Short Communications and Letters but ,t ~s too Irttle used Can I prod you to p~ck up your p e n - or s~t at your word processor- and send me your thoughts about what will really matter in refrigeration, a~r conditioning or heat pumps in the next few years? My feeling rs that we could develop far cheaper ways of freezing, stonng and transporting foodstuffs suited to less developed nations If we used batches of optimum spze could we refrigerate the foodstuffs to a sufflcrently low temperature, surround it with a foam-m-place, nonreturnable, ~nsulant, and transport rt to pts destrnat~on before detenoratlon set in? Could th~s be much cheaper?

5e anniversaire Dans ce num#ro nous c#/#brons /e c/nqu/#me ann/versa/re de cette

Editor Beverly Law Assnstant Edutor Valerie Lusmore

revue, mats aussl nous concentrons

notre attention

sur /'avenlr


ques experts mond/aux du fro/d, parrot/esque/s des rnembres de notre corn/t# de r#dact/on, donnent /eur opinion sur ce qu/ aura de hmportance au cours des ann#es ~ venlr Etes-vous d'accord avec eux2

Product=on M a n a g e r Bryan Marshall Registered Office 88 Kmgsway, London WC2B 6AM England Publishers, Editorial, Advertisement, Production and Reprint Offices Butterworth Scnentrfic Limited PO Box 63 Westbury House Bury Street Gunldford Surrey England GU2 5BH Te/ephone 0483-31261 Te/ex 859556 SCITEC G Back issues prior to the current volume are available from Wm Dawson and Sons Ltd Cannon House Folkestone Kent England CT19 FEE Telephone 0303-57421

La revue cont/ent une sect/on "'Breves communications et courners ; qu/ est trod peu ut/fls#e Pu/s-je vous reciter b prenc/re votre p/ume ou b vous asseotr ~ votre o r d / n a t e u r - et & m'envoyer vos idles sur ce qu/ comptera r#e//ement dans /es doma/nes du fro/d, du cond/tlonnement d'a/r ou des pompes ~ cha/eur au cours des ann#es qu/ wennent2 J'az /'Impress/on que nous pournons d#ve/opper des m#thodes b/en me/fleur march# de cong#laflon, d'entreposage et de transport des ailments pour/es nations en d#ve/oppement St nous const/tu/ons des tots de ta/I/e opt/mate pourr/ons-nous trailer/es a//ments b une temp#rature suff/samrnent basse, /es enve/opper d'un /so/ant perdu expans# /n s/tu et /es amener a destination avant que /a dfit~norat/on ne se produ/se2 Est-ce que ce/a ne sera/t pas b/en me///eur march62

Publisher T Feest Enqunr0es relating to subscrnption and cnrculation should be sent to MAGSUB (Subscription Serwc~s) Ltd Oakfield House Perrymount Road Haywards Heath Sussex England RH16 3DH

Geoffery Haselden

Te/ephone 0444-459188

Volume 6 Num6ro 3 Mal 1983