Stephen Ward and other examiners put me me to thoroughly through my facing before pe
of Council; they rather determined to leave this case alone, and to reaffirm in a very emphatic manner the principles formerly expressed by the Association aga nst homœopathists in general-in this way, as far as I can judge, declining to
assert that Dr.
To the Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,—I am one of the many who would view with deep regret the obliteration of the Apothecaries’ Company ’as an examining body. Which of us, who has reached middle age, has not years since heard veteran practitioners, whose one diploma emanated from the College of Surgeons, make such a speech as the following :-"The Hall is a nasty quirky examination ; it deniands a knowledge of such a multiplicity of subjects. Now, at the College only anatomy and surgery are required, so I preferred to go there." In due course these gentlemen obtained, by purchase, the fellowship of the College, and, to their discredit be it said, proceeded to sneer at " country apothecaries." The fact is, that in days gone by the country apothecaries were the men best qualified to practise the profession of medicine. I obtained my diploma from the Hall in 1858, and can honestly
them is considered.—ED. L.
a diurnal periodicity of the filaria hominis sanguinis having now been very satisfactorily discussed by Dr. Stephen Mackenzie (the main result beingthat such periodicity is, as might have been anticipated, of a strictly contingent character), I should like through your columns to ask Dr. Manson if, as regards his Mse No.2 2 (the lad Tiong-Seug), he be of opinion that the febrile attack of the 16th day of July onward, was connected with the previously great abundance of filariæ in the blood on the 14th and 15th days? This question is submitted because at Bombay, five years ago, I had seen reason to associate the seasonal periodicity of elephantoid (or lymphatic) fever with not only the wellknown concurrent disturbance of some part of the lymphatic
SIR,—The subject of
system, but also the appearance, perhaps unusual abundance, of the parasite iu the circulation, and there appears to be a connexion of this kind in the case just alluded to. I am. Sir. vour obedient servant. H. V. CARTER. London, October 19th, 1881.
UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM. — The following candirecently passed the First M.B. Examination :—
At the
October Examinations the following obtained the Licences in Medicine and Midwifery of the College :— MEDICINE.-George Abbott, Francis George Bonynge, Mark Andrew Brennan, Patrick Joseph Dempsey, Walter William Stockton Jones,
following Licentiates have been
admitted Members
HEALTH.-At the sixth annual meeting of this Association held on the 14th inst., Mr. S. W. North, the President, moved the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted :-" That the Secretary be directed, in the name of the Association, respectfully to request the President of the Local Government Board to allow the printed reports of the medical inspectors of the Board, in so far as they relate to outbreaks of disease, to be purchased in the same manner as Parliamentary papers." The following were elected officers of the Association for the ensuing year :-President : Mr. S. W. North, York. Vice-Presidente : Dr. T. Scott, Ilkley; Mr. H. Butterworth, Bradford. Committee : Dr. S. Dean, Chapeltown, Sheffield; Dr. J. Farquhar, Pudsey; Mr. E. B. Hickes, Easingwold ; Mr. J. Hardwicke, Rotherham; Mr. B. B. Low, Helm-dey; Dr. J. Britton, Halifax ; Mr. J. W. Hime, Sheffield ; Mr. W. Sykes, Mexborough. Secretary and Treasurer : Mr. J. Mitchell Wilson, Doncaster. Papers were then read by Dr. Sykes, of Mexborough, and Dr. J. M. Wilson, introducing the subject of " The Induence of Drinking Water in Originating aud Spreading Fever," which were briefly discussed by the members.
Medical Appointments. Intimations for this column must be sent DIRECT to the Office THE LANCET before 9 o’clock on Thursday Morning, at the latest.
ALLEN, A. H., F.C.S., has been appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Wakefield for one year. BAMPTON, A. H., M.D., M.Ch., has been appointed Assistant-Physician to the Plymouth Public Dispensary, vice H. Greenway, Esq., resigned. BARTON, E. W., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S., has been reappointed
their examination in the Science and Practice of Medipassedand on Oct. 13th received certificates to
following gentlemen :-
Deane, Herbert Edward, Sutherland-gardens, St. Peter’s Park. Donald, James, St. Leonard’s Place, Kingston. At the recent examination for the Prizes in Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry given annually to medical students by the Society of Apothecaries, the following were the successful candidates:Ist.-Joseph Walker, Liverpool School of Medicine. A Gold Medal. 2nd.-Herbert Tanner, St. Mary’s Hospital. A Silver Medal and Books.
DOCTOR IN MEDICTNE.—First Honour Class: Havelock Henry Charles, Thomas Sinclair.—Second Honour Class : George L. Galpin, William Henry Lendrum, Francis McLaughlin, James Pinkerton, David Semple. - Upper Pass Division: Warwick Long Child, Timothy Dilworth, William Walter Gibson, Patrick F. Graham, James W. B. Hodson, John Kennedy, William J. R. Knight. John S. Logan, Robert W. S Lyons, Samuel Macauley, William 0. Maher, Edward J. Parry.-Lower Pass Division: Robert Anderson, Wm. G. K. Barnes, John G. Black, John Blair, Samuel Connor, James Craig, Charles Daly, John Dodd, Charles Dundee, Alexander John Fleming, David Forsyth, Henry Harper, Robert Henry, Michael Jennings, John L. Jaquet, Samuel W. Johnson, Walter C. Johnson, Samuel F. Longheed, Daniel Lynch, Edward McConnell, Thomas S. McConnell, Robert James McCurmack, Joseph R. McDonneU, Beattie McFarland, Jeremiah McKenna, W. Mc Murray, John R. McNeill, Witliam N. McWilliam, James Minniece, Gerald Mttcheil, David T. Monteith, William Arthur Moynan, William Nelson, David Valentiue O’Connell, Arthur O’Keeffe, Robert J. O’Malley, George H. Powell, Richard M. Ralph, John Redmond, Archibald C. Roblllson, R. Rutherford, David AI. Saunders, William D. Sexton, James Simpson, Henry Sinclair, Robert Stewart, Edward James Holmes Suthvan, George M. Thompson, John M. Trimble, Felix C. Vinrace, Charles H. Wheeler, Charles Wiseman. MASTER IN SURGERY.-Robert Alexander, Joseph Anderson, William G. K. Barnes, John Blair, Richard Campbell, Havelock H. R. Charles, W. Naunton Davies, Timothy Dilworth, John Dodd, Alex. Fleming, George Luck Galpin, James Geraghty. Patrick F. Graham, Robert Henry, James W. B. Hodson, Edward Horan, John Kennedy, William Henry Lendrum, J. Smythe Logan, Daniel Lynch, R. W. Steele Lyons, Samuel Macauley, Robert McCormack, Jeremiah McKenna, Wahab McMurray, John Rot’inson McNeill, W. 0. Maher, James Minniece, Gerald Mitchell, David Taylor Monteith, William A. Moynan, James Mullin, John F. L. Mullin, William Nelson, James A. Oakshott, Arthnr O’Keeffe, David J. O’Malley, James Pinkerton, George H. Powell, David M. Saunders, David Semple, Henry Srnclair, .Thomas Sinclair, William Smyth, Robert Stewart, Jeremiah Sugrue, Edward J. Holmes Sullivan, George M. Thompson, John M. Trimble, Felix Coulson Vinrace, Charles H. Wheeler, James B. White, James F White. DIPLOMA IN MIDWIFERY.-J. Greer Black, John Blair, Havelock H. R. Charles, Warwick L. Child, Samuel Connor, Charles Daly, W. Naunton Davies, Timothy Dilworth, Patrick F. Graham, John Kennedy, William H. Lendrum, J. Smythe Logan, David Lynch, Robert, J. McCormack, Jeremiah McKenna, W. Odillo Maher, James Minniece, James Mullin, James A. Oakshott, David V. O’Connell, Arthur O’Keeffe, James Pinkerton, George H. Powell, Richard M. Ralph, John Redmond, David M. Saunders, David Semple, Henry Sinclair, Thomas Sinclair, Edward J. Holmes Sullivan, David Taylor, George Matthew Thompson, James B. White, James E. White.
MEDICAL MEN.-The Quarterly Court of Directorswas held on Wednesday, October 12th, at 5 P.lII., in the rooms of the Medical and Chirurgical Society. The chair was taken by the President, Sir George Burrows, Bart. The deaths of two of the oldest members of the Society, Dr. Billing (VicePresident) and Mr. R. C. Griffiths, were announced. Two new members were elected. The deaths of two widows were reported ; one had been in receipt of grants since 1833, receiving for herself and children the large sum of .62272;; the husband, having been a member for only nine years, paying but guineas. Applications were read from sixty widows, nine children, and three recipients from the Copeland Fund, and a sum of JZ1250 10s. was recommended to be paid them at the west court. The expenses of the quarter were E37 15s. The treasurer reporting favourably of the state of the funds, the directors resolved to give the same present this Christmas as last to the widows and orphans receiving grants. An application was approved of from one widow, and a grant of JZ30 was given to an orphan towards his self-maintenance.
Degrees were conferred last week by his Grace the Duke of Leinster, Chancellor of the University :—
James Chalmers Cameron, George Cochet Chesnaye (Surgeon-Major, Indian Army), John Nield Cooper, Thomas O’Dwyer Russell, Richard Baker Smith, George Westby.
Downing College.
Charles Louis Lumley, Francis Edward McFarland, Vincent John Magrane, Lyster Andrew Nolan, Daniel M. O’Connor, Charles Parsons, John Alexander Cairns Penny, John Tuthill. MIDWIFERY.—George Abbott, Francis George Bonynge, Walter William Stockton Jones, Charles Louis Lumley, Vincent John Magrane, Lyster Andrew Nolan, Charles Parsons, John Alexander Cairns Penny, John Tuthill.
number of col-
Dr Creighton have been appointed Examiners for the Second M.B. Examination; Dr. Reginald Thompson and Dr. Galahin, Examiners for the ’J hird M.B.; and Mr. Luther Holden and Mr. Thomas Bryant, Examiners for Medical and Surgical Degrees durmg the ensuing year. Dr. Cheadle has been appointed Assessor to the Regius Professor of Physics. The degree of M.B. has been conferred on Edward Ground,
Frederick Ernest Abbot, Charles S. Blair, Howard Albert Bredin, William Maberly Buxton, Ambrose Edward Charpentier, Arthur Wm. Dawson, H Gnmliner Hill, M.R.C.S., George David Johnston, H. P. Keatine, John Inglis Parsons, Septimus T. Pruen, Geo. Hook Rodman, Daniel Thurston, William Owen Trown, Robt. W. Watson.
meeting of the session will he held at 1, Adam-street, Adelphi, tu-day (Friday), at 7.30 P.M. The President, Dr. Tripe, will deliver an inaugural address at 8 o’clock, entitled "The Sanitary Condition a id Laws of Medieval and Modern London," and will refer to the diseases, mor. tality, and population of those periods.
dates have
Medical News.
Fund amounts to £8000.
lections have yet to be returned.
Medical Officer of Health for the Market Rasen Urban Sanitary District. BIRD, A., M.R.C.S., L.S.A.Lond., has been appointed Assistant Medical Officer to the Bow-road Infirmary. CAWTHORNE, B. W., M.B., C.M.Ed., has been appointed Medical Officer for the Fifth District of the Stroud Union. DAVISON, R. T., M.D.Aber., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Medical Officer of Health for the Hastings Rural Sanitary District.