World :iurznr Infirmution. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 89992, Pergam,,n International Information Corp. Printed in Great Britain.
with some speculations...
World :iurznr Infirmution. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 89992, Pergam,,n International Information Corp. Printed in Great Britain.
with some speculations about the impact of new technology. particularly in regard to the mass storage of graphics and in-house spinning of mini-data-bases.
Abstracts of Articles Included in This Issue
Jonason M.!_eQtothe development trend in Sweden in 1925 1936-H. y;rld Parzrt Informuian
Fox M., Caglar M. L. and Robertson A. B. Finding outlets for inventiveness. World Patent Information 4 (2) 66-69.
ind.ustrial the period 4 (2) 48-55.
This paper is concerned with the degree of successful exploitation of publicly-funded research and the means available for its improvements, and in particular studies the commercialization of university inventions in the U.K. and to some extent in Sweden. University inventions is an umbrella term which includes polytechnics, governments research establishments and Research Associations. though in fact, most of the inventions considered come from universities.
This article sets out to use statistics on the number of patent applications as a basis for discussing and explaining the industrial development trend in Sweden during the period 1925-1936 from various standpoints. The following topics are examined: The extent and depth of the Depression; Structural changes; Foreign activity in Swedish trade and industry ; and the increase in systematic research by firms. The first two of these topics were examined in Part I of the article. The second two are dealt with here in Part II.
Negulyaev G. A. The integrated use of information retrieval languages in patent search. W’orld Patent Information 4 (2), 70-74.
de Jonge A. P. Statistical evaluation of patent applications on inventions in a field ofcoherent subjects as a base for R & D policy. LVorld Patent Information 4 (2), 56- 59.
The processing ofpatent documents by various information agencies leads to the indexing ofdocuments according to several classtfication or coordinate indexing systems. This multt-lingual Indexing has both its advantages and disadvantages.
Graphtcal representation of the number of patent families in the year of first filing, or of the cumulativ,e number of patent families since a certain year. gives useful information regarding the inventions made in a field ofcoherentsubjects. This provides R & D units with a better base for their policy than corresponding surveys of journal articles.
The disadvantages are that more than one information language must be studied, and that the search time increases. Bestdes. the maintenance and use of a multi-lingual system IS more costly. The advantages are the posstbtlity of selecting in each case the most efficient language or of makmg multi-lingual searches.
Dixon M. D. and Oppenheim C. Recent developments in Derwent Publications’ patent information services : a review with some predictions for the future. World Patent Ir$ormation 4 (2). 60-65.
The advantages of multi-lingual patent documentation Indexing become more attractive in view of mtersystem mformatton exchanges. especrally withm the framework of rnternattonal cooperation.
Spentzas D. The Documentation and Information Unit of the Greek Productivity Centre (GPC). IVorld Patent Iqformation 4 (2). 75-80.
Recent developments in Derwent’s patent informatton services are described. E/rc/ric,u/ Puterr~s 1~rde.x is a new and sophisticated information retrieval service covering subjects of interest to the electrical and electronics industries. Parents Ahsrracts on Microfiche is a forthcoming service for simple and inexpensive searches through Derwent’s entne collection of abstracts. Developments in Derwent‘s chemrcal codmg system are briefly described. and major developments in its onhne data-bases are also described. The paper finishes
Thus paper deals with the policy adopted for the development of the GPCs Documentation and Information Unit (DIL’j. the unit’s first five years’ experience, and its future orientations and plannmg.
Jonason M. Nombre de demandes de brevet et developpement industriel en Suede au tours des annees 1925- 1936 --II. World Patent Information 4 (2). 48-55.
tours de I’annee du premier depot. ou du nombre cumulatif de families de brevets durant une annee donnee. apporte des informattons utiles sur les inventions faites dans un domaine de sujets coherents et fourmt aux unites de R & Dune meilleure base pour leur politique que ne le feraient des etudes correspondantes d‘articles de revue.
Cet arttcle s’efforce. au moyen de statistiques sur le nombre de demandes de brevet, d’etudier sous differents aspects et de mettre en evidence le developpement industriel qui s’est opere en Suede au tours des annees 1925 a 1936. Les questions suivantes sont examindes: ampleur et intensite de la crise. changements stmcturels, activites etrangeres au sein de I’economie et recherche systematique accrue dans I’entreprise. La premtere partie de I’article a ete consacree aux deux premieres questions. Les deux questions suivantes sent traitees ici dans la 2eme partie.
Dixon M. D. et Oppenheim C. Developpements recents des services d’information sur les brevets dans les publications DERWENT: compte-rendu accompagne de previsions pour l’avenir. World Patent Iqfiwmution 4 (2). 60-65.
de Jonge A. P. Evaluation statistique de demandes de brevet d’invention portant sur un domaine de sujets coherents comme base d’une politique de R & D. World Patent Information 4 (2), 56-59. La representation
du nombre
II est rendu compte des developpements recents intervenus dans les services d’information sur les brevets darts les publicattons Derwent. L’iudc~ c/es hrrrer.\YUe/rc,rric,ire est un service de recherche documentaire nouveau et tres Clabore portant sur des sujets qut concernent les industries electriques et Clectromques. Lrs rrsum~.c dr brcwrs sur microfichevont constituer un service de recherche simple et peu cotiteuse grace a tome la collectton des resumes de Derwent. Les progris du systeme de codage en chrmie dans les publications