Fingerprint image enhancement and reconstruction using the orientation and phase reconstruction

Fingerprint image enhancement and reconstruction using the orientation and phase reconstruction

Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Information Sciences journal homepage:

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Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

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Fingerprint image enhancement and reconstruction using the orientation and phase reconstruction Rashmi Gupta a, Manju Khari a, Deepti Gupta a, Rubén González Crespo b,∗ a b

Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & Research, Delhi, India Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Logroño, Spain

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 21 February 2019 Revised 12 January 2020 Accepted 16 January 2020 Available online 11 February 2020 Keywords: Fingerprint identification Minutiae Orientation field Ridge frequency Fingerprint enhancement Fingerprint reconstruction

a b s t r a c t Fingerprints are the one of the most important means in the forensics as a means of identification of the criminals owning to the uniqueness and the distinct features in them. Fingerprint identification is considered as an important means for the identification of the people around the globe. Minutiae are the details present in the human fingerprints which are used as a means of identification and verification. Minutiae are the distinctive points which can be used for the effective reconstruction of the fingerprint image. However, there was a limitation that was considered. The minutiae points are completely not enough for reconstruction of the image. Many spurious minutiae are not included and the results for the latent fingerprints are not as accurate as they are for the normal data sets. In this paper, a novel technique has been proposed which considers the minutiae density and the orientation field direction for the reconstruction of the fingerprint. Two public domain databases Fingerprint verification competition 2002 (FVC2002) and fingerprint verification competition 20 04 (FVC20 04) have been used for the experimental results and to validate the suggested methods for the fingerprint reconstruction and enhancement. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Fingerprint recognition is one of the most widespread and effective method for the identification of an individual. This is used to confirm the identity of a person by comparing the fingerprint impression of two fingerprints. Even with new emerging techniques in the field of biometrics, fingerprint holds the tag of being most reliable among other physiological traits of a human body due to their uniqueness, permanence, acceptability and collectability. Thus, it finds it use in several applications today in the field of criminology, banking etc. Fingerprints are considered genetically unique; no two individuals can have same fingerprint, even the twins birthed at the same time are proven to have different fingerprints. Fingerprints are the patterns on a finger known as the ridges which are resulted from the friction between surrounding and the fetus. These lines and curves are formed on the base of the skin due to the pressure developed on the skin. They remain same throughout the lifetime. Fingerprints do not tend to change however they grew as the individual grow. Hence fingerprint identification and its applications is the base of today’s research in biometrics.

Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Khari), [email protected] (R.G. Crespo). 0020-0255/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

Automatic fingerprint recognition has been an essential part of the widely spread technological innovations in terms of both forensic and biometric applications. Even after having a history of almost thousand years during which fingerprints have been used as the identity proof of an individual and almost a decade on research on automated system, fully automatic fingerprint identification system is still a problem. Moreover, most of the research today is focused on matching the template of the fingerprint to an approximate area covering the shape and size of an exact fingerprint. The miniaturization of the sensors used in fingerprints only leads to the usage of the small area where the previous technique cannot be used. Partial and latent fingerprints are also common in the fingerprint applications and especially in forensic department, where small useable portions of latent fingerprints must be matched to the previously enrolled database. Fingerprint contains features which are usually the combination of the ridges and the valleys in the fingerprint. In 1912, it was found that the study of 30–40 pores (poroscopy) [1] alone cannot be used in the creation and identification of the fingerprint. From then on, fingerprint identification has been relied upon the features which are divided into three different levels. The structures are generally defined in three categories or levels namely level 1 features, level 2 features and level 3 features. The difference in the features lies in the occurrence of these features. Level 1 features are considered to have the details at the macro level such as ridge stream and the pattern type in the fingerprint. Level 2 type of features contains the local features such as the ridge endings and bifurcations also known as Galton characteristics. These two constitute the two types of minutiae in the fingerprint. Lastly level 3 features are the dimensional attributes such as shape, size, pores, and deviation in the ridge flow, breaks and many other permanent details in the fingerprint. Fig. 1 describes different types of fingerprint patterns namely whorl, loop and arch. Arches constitute about 5–6% of the fingerprint while whorl and loop comprise of 24–26% and 60–65% respectively. Fingerprints are described using the two levels which are defined as topological or global features formed where a ridge line outlines a pattern. Loop also called as the singular points and the delta acts as a wrapper around the ridge lines [4]. The coarse ridge line and the singular points are somewhat useful for the fingerprint classification but cannot be used to an accurate and effective matching. A second level which is constituted by the presence of local ridge details known as minutiae is the local level of classification as identified in [5] consisting of around 150 local details called minutiae details. Minutiae are defined by the ridge endings and the bifurcations. A ridge ending is nothing but the point where the ridge ends abruptly and the point where a ridge divides into two is known as ridge bifurcation. Minutiae are generally the prominent detail in a fingerprint that is stable and robust. It can be used to get the consistent results when minutiae extraction is considered. However, when the fingerprint is of low quality generally in the case of latent fingerprint or rolled fingerprint identification process can be challenging due the number of minutiae not enough to get the desired ridge structure as given in [6]. The last level is every fine level which consists of features having the specific ridge details like the dots, pores etc. [6]. These traits are now receiving the due attention as they are related to the increased accuracy when compared to the results obtained by using only level 1 and level 2 features. In some cases, the ridges are lost or broken as in case of latent fingerprint so, fingerprint reconstruction is necessary for the generation of the orientation field and the ridge structures.

Fig. 1. Types of fingerprint patterns (a) plain whorl (b) central pocket whorl (c) double loop whorl (d) accidental whorl (e) plain arch (f) tented arch (g) radial loop (h) ulnar loop.

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Fingerprint reconstruction can only be said to have been successful when the reconstructed image will match the original fingerprint image based on the minutiae points. The main aim of the fingerprint reconstruction is at make the original fingerprint image resemble the reconstructed image. Fingerprint reconstruction can be carried out in two major steps by reconstructing the orientation field i.e. the phase and the gradient of the fingerprint image and then calculating the frequency of the minutiae points present in the fingerprint image. 2. Related work 2.1. Literature survey Fingerprints are the impressions or mark made on the surface by a person’s fingertip which is used for the identification of the individuals from the unique patterns of whorls and ridges on the fingertips. Fingerprint identification method includes obtaining a fingerprint image then extracting the characteristic features to be identified in a fingerprint image. The authors proposed efficient technique in [33,34] to discard unimportant coefficients. The identified features are then matched with a preset threshold for the identification. The fingerprint templates are used to find a valid region of coincidence between the fingerprint template and the fingerprint to be identified. According to the valid region of coincidence fingerprint matching is done. This method can be stated as the direct recognition method. However, if a fingerprint is reconstructed based on the orientation and phase as the fingerprint features, the regenerated fingerprint can be used for the recognition purpose. Reconstruction of a fingerprint is advantageous when the fingerprints alone cannot be used for the recognition that is when they are unclear or are of poor quality. These kinds of fingerprints are known as latent fingerprints which are merely the skin impressions found at the crime scene by the criminals left accidently. Generally, those are not directly visible to our eyes. Some physical or chemical methods were used to capture and process such images. Latent fingerprints are used as important proof for to detect the criminals in security systems such as law enforcement agencies. Latent fingerprints are the finger impressions with the poor quality images with unclear ridge structure. Fingerprint reconstruction can give a better result for this type of research and investigation if the reconstruction is done accurately. There are various methods for the reconstruction of the orientation field as discussed below. The orientation field can be calculated using two models gradient based methods and model-based methods. Model based method is a complex method as it relies on the global regularity of the orientation values around the singular points. This work was first given in [2], it showed that the local ridge orientation of fingerprint can be described using the direction filed concept of the differential geometry. It was presented in the terms of deltas and cores also known as singular points as shown in Fig. 2. This method is popularly known as zero pole method in the literature. The fingerprint orientation reconstruction that the former used still doesn’t used the knowledge of the orientation filed and is solely based on the minutiae points which resulted in a distorted fingerprint image based on the orientation. The next step in the reconstruction is the ridge patterns which are reconstructed based on the orientation field. There are number of algorithms which only generate either the partial skeleton or the wide ridges. The method proposed in [3] was able to reconstruct the full fingerprint image using the minutiae set but it had a disadvantage that it contained many spurious minutiae points. Several methods for the automatic fingerprint recognition are there based on the global flow of patterns which are popular and reliable but due to the increasing usage of the fingerprint as an identity tool the whole attention has been increased on this field of the biometrics making fingerprint as an important topic of the research over the last few decades. The values of the phase of the orientation image are an important aspect for all the processes in an automatic fingerprint identification system. Orientation field thus is widely used and acknowledged in the singular point detection, classification and fingerprint enhancement. The directional field of fingerprints is estimated in [9] using the principle component analysis. The method given here computes the direction in any pixel location as well as its coherence. Also, in this paper detection the singular points from high resolution directional field are discussed. The method given in [9] is compared to the averaging method. Further. In

Fig. 2. Singular points.


R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

[12] the authors develop an effective algorithm to locate a reference point and compute the corresponding reference orientation consistently and accurately for all types of fingerprints. To compute the reliable orientation field, an improved orientation smoothing method is proposed based on adaptive neighborhood. It shows better performance in filtering noise while maintaining the orientation localization than the conventional averaging method. The authors presented the classification of fingerprints into five categories: arch, tented arch, left loop, right loop and whorl in [15]. The algorithm is presented in [17] which extracts singular points (cores and deltas) in a fingerprint image and performs classification based on the number and locations of the detected singular points. The program was developed in C++ language, using statistical techniques. The strategy allows to extract attributes of an image and to increase the quality of the process due to the reduction of noise, compared with results obtained by other methods. The author in [11] proposed an algorithm to ensure that the performance of an automatic fingerprint identification/verification system will be robust with respect to the quality of input fingerprint images, it is essential to incorporate a fingerprint enhancement algorithm in the minutiae extraction module. They presented a fast fingerprint enhancement algorithm, which can adaptively improve the clarity of ridge and valley structures of input fingerprint images based on the estimated local ridge orientation and frequency. They had evaluated the performance of the image enhancement algorithm using the goodness index of the extracted minutiae and the accuracy of an online fingerprint verification system. There are various methods for orientation field estimation namely filter-bank based methods [15,16] gradient based methods [9,10] and model-based methods [19–21]. The filter- bank based method is more noise resistant than gradient based methods, but the accuracy is less than the former. Also, they have a limitation of number of filters to be used and computationally expensive. In [27] the author presented the reconstruction of orientation field. It was done from the form the singular points (core and delta) using the zero-pole model. However, the orientation field in fingerprints cannot simply be accounted for by singular points only. The author proposed ridge pattern reconstruction only generates a partial skeleton of the fingerprint, which is obtained by drawing a sequence of splints passing through the minutiae. The author [29] has proposed a novel fingerprint reconstruction algorithm to reconstruct the phase image, which was then converted into the grayscale image. They proposed a reconstruction technique due utilizes which the fingerprints orientation from the minutiae, and it in the matching stage for the improvement of the systems performance to add some virtual minutiae and use Delaunay triangulation. In [23] According to the author Latent fingerprint matching has played a critical role in identifying suspects and criminals. The author compared to rolled and plain fingerprint matching, latent identification accuracy is significantly lower due to complex background noise, poor ride quality and overlapping structured noise in latent images. However, the gradient based approach is thus being a common approach, used to estimate the orientation in a fingerprint image introduced by Kass and Wilkin [18]. Recently, [30] a different approach for data acquisition, post processing and visualization has been introduced called MR fingerprinting. It uses a repeated, serial acquisition of data for the characterization of individual parameters of interest; MRF uses a pseudo randomized acquisition that causes the signals from different fingerprints to have a unique signal evolution. The processing after acquisition involves a pattern recognition algorithm to match the fingerprints to a predefined dictionary of predicted signal evolutions. These can then be translated into quantitative maps of the magnetic parameters of interest. There has been some improvement [31] in the above said method to reconstruct high-quality time-series images and accurate tissue parameter maps like spin density maps. With this improved technique to capture the fingerprint the probability to get the accurate results is fairly high. However, sometimes physical factors like the presence of dirt on the finger or some wound can ruin the quality of fingerprint image. Also, there are some medical issues like cancer and age factor causes the removal of fingerprint impression hence they are difficult to be captured using the biometric means. With these constraints, even with the high-quality sensor there is no guarantee that the fingerprint image will be of good quality making it necessary to employ some advance techniques for the fingerprint enhancement and reconstruction which can further contribute to the better results when identification will be carried out.

2.2. Contribution of the paper In this paper a novel approach for the fingerprint enhancement and reconstruction has been proposed. First, preprocessing is done on the fingerprint image obtained from the dataset FVC 2002 and FVC 2004. Then, the orientation field and phase are estimated from the minutia marked imaged, following the former, ridge structures are obtained, and enhancement is done on the ridge structure to get the reconstructed image. This reconstructed image is used for the identification and verification purpose. The obtained reconstructed image is obtained by using the reconstruction using the higher order polynomial for the continuous phase. Also, the spurious minutiae obtained in the background are detected and reduced; which was a disadvantage in [25,28]. The matching of the reconstructed fingerprints is done against the original fingerprint used for the reconstruction getting the recognition rate as 98.05% for FVC 2002 dataset and 97.72% on FVC 2004 dataset respectively. Also, the fingerprint (reconstructed) is matched against the different impressions of the same fingerprint and the recognition is 49.25% for FVC 2002 and 50.02% on dataset FVC2004 respectively. The low value of the recognition rate for the different impressions of the same finger due to the factors like partial fingerprint obtained, low visibility etc. The block diagram given in Fig. 3 describes different stages involved in the reconstruction of a fingerprint. It is divided into two stages, the first stage describes the stages involved in minutiae marking in Fig. 3(a) the steps include enhancement of fingerprint

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Fig. 3. (a): Steps invoved in minutiae marking. (b): Steps invoved in Figerprint reconstruction.

followed by binarization, thinning and minutiae marking. When the minutiae marked image is obtained orientation field and phase are estimated to generate the ridge structure and ridge map which are further used to reconstruct the image. Fig. 3(b) represents the stages of fingerprint image reconstruction. The minutiae marked image is used for obtaining the orientation field, phase and ridge structure which are enhanced and added to get the reconstructed image. So, improving the fingerprint quality has proved an effective method to get the better results. In this paper the study has been carried out for the general fingerprint representation given in Section 3, fingerprint enhancement in Section 4, reconstruction of fingerprint in Section 5. The proposed method is discussed in Section 6 followed by result and conclusion in Sections 7 and 8 respectively. 3. Fingerprint representation Fingerprints are the distinctive structures due to the presence of ridges and the minutiae points. These irregularities in a fingerprint form the base of similarity measure of a fingerprint. The fingerprint identification system uses the databases which matches the enquiry against the large database consisting of millions of fingerprints. The detection of similarity is


R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

based on the ridge pattern formed in the fingerprint. The minutiae point in a fingerprint is used to carry out the narrow search in the database. As proposed [7] a fingerprint I(x, y) can be represented in the form of frequency and amplitude modulated signal represented as given in Eq. (1).

I (x, y ) = a(x, y ) + b(x, y ) cos(ψ (x, y )) + n(x, y )


where four components can be found namely the amplitude b (x, y), intensity offset a(x, y), noise n(x, y) and phase cos ψ (x, y)). For the formation of ridges and minutiae only the phase components ψ (x, y) is considered and the rest of the three components are just for the fingerprint to appear more realistic when reconstruction is considered. Therefore, a perfect fingerprint model can only be composed of two-dimensional FM signal as given in Eq. (2).

I (x, y ) = cos(ψ (x, y ))


The instantaneous frequency is nothing, but the gradient of the phase and its direction is considered normal to the local ridge frequency. Its magnitude is equal to the magnitude of the local ridge frequency. According to [8] phase can be decomposed in two units namely the continuous phase and the spiral phase as described in Eq. (3).

ψ (x, y ) = ψc (x, y ) + ψs (x, y )


So, the phase can also be termed as the composite phase having spiral phase ψ s (x, y) and continuous phase ψ c (x, y) as given in above equation. The continuous phase does not contain any rotational component and its integral is zero around any closed path. The spiral path is composed of the ‘n’ spirals which are having xn and yn as coordinates. The polarity of the spiral phase is given by pn ∈ {1, −1}. A minutia is formed when a spiral is added to a continuous phase. Due to the decrease of the ridge frequency from left to right a minutia is formed in the direction of 0°. Similarly, when a spiral is added of negative polarity the minutiae in the direction of 180° is formed. The presence of the spiral phase is merely responsible for the presence of the ending or bifurcation in a fingerprint. 4. Fingerprint enhancement A fingerprint is resulted due to the friction caused on the outer skin of thumb or fingers which leads to the formation of impression called ridges. While the general in-depth is not to be considered in this paper but in the biometric circle it is assumed that no two people can have same fingerprint even the twins birthed at the same time are believed to have two different fingerprint impressions. An outcome to this assumption leads to the fact that the information contained within a single fingerprint is quite enough for the identification purpose. Fingerprint is a combination of the all the three level details mentioned in section I, the image quality is considered as an important factor in the performance index of the minutiae extraction and matching algorithms. A good quality fingerprint is considered to have a good contrast between the valleys and the ridges whereas on the contrary a bad quality fingerprint is generally corrupted with the noise which can be in the form of cuts, smudges, creases, bruises or different skin conditions (oily or dry). Sometimes there can be human factors like the unhelpful attitude of the subjects or unclean scanning devices or the age or work factor (manual workers and elderly people) leading to the low fingerprint quality. Fig. 4 describes different fingerprint images with different qualities of possible fingerprint images. The main objective of the enhancement of the fingerprint is to increase the contrast between the ridges and valleys in the fingerprint. Due to the non-stationary nature of the fingerprint image, general purpose enhancement techniques are not readily used. Gray scale or binary image is preferred for the image enhancement. A binary image is defined by only two values of the pixel. In this the fingerprint image is assigned the value one if they are ridges and the subsequent valleys are valued as zero. However, there is a disadvantage of losing the information during the extraction of the ridges by the ridge extraction algorithm in a gray scale image. The true ridges are often lost making the performance of the algorithm low. Similarly, the enhancement of the binary images also has the intrinsic disadvantages. Orientation estimation is one of the main steps in the fingerprint enhancement. It is described by the local direction of the ridge and valley structure.

Fig. 4. Different fingerprint qualities (a) good quality (b) fingerprint with too much of dry skin (c) fingerprint with noise component.

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Table 1 Present gradient based methods. Method


Kass and wilkin [18] Hong et al. [11] Jain and Hong. L [16] Bazen and Gerez [9] Wieclaw [13] Mei et al. [22]

1987 1998 1999 2002 2011 2012

Since global feature are important when the identification is considered, orientation in a fingerprint image can precise the information content in a fingerprint image. Also, values of the phase of the orientation image are an important aspect for all the processes in an automatic fingerprint identification system. Orientation field thus is widely used and acknowledged in the singular point detection [9,12], classification [15–17] and fingerprint enhancement [10,11,13,14]. There are various methods for orientation field estimation namely filter-bank based methods [15,16] gradient based methods [9,10] and model-based methods [19–21]. The filter- bank based method is more noise resistant than gradient based methods, but the accuracy is less than the former. Also, they have a limitation of number of filters to be used and computationally expensive. The gradient based approach is thus is a common approach, used to estimate the orientation in a fingerprint image introduced by kass and wilkin in 1987 [18]. The advantage of using this method is that the values thus obtained are continuous but there were some smudges and creases which the indicators of the presence of noise were. The methods proposed by the authors emphasize the use selection of the value of the block along with the necessity of normalization. Normalization is important when large -scale noise is concerned. The authors presented the basic approach for the orientation estimation where the whole analysis was done on the selection of scale of block, computation of the gradient in the x direction and y direction and the marking of the region of maximum noise. The existing gradient based methods are given in Table 1. The most important advantage of this algorithm is the fact that the obtained values are continuous. The flowchart of the fingerprint enhancement is given in Fig. 5. The steps include normalization, orientation image estimation, frequency image estimation, region mask generation and filtering. The steps involved in fingerprint enhancement are described below: 4.1. Normalization Normalization of a fingerprint image is done to a pre-specified mean and variance to standardize the intensity values in an image. The grey levels are adjusted so that it lies in the desired range of values. Let I(i, j) be the grey level at pixel (i, j) and the normalized grey level is represented by N(i, j). The normalized image is defined by Eq. (4)

⎧  2 ⎪ Vo (I (i, j ) − M ) ⎪ ⎪ i f I (i, j ) > M, ⎨MO + V N (i, j ) =  ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩MO − Vo (I (i, j ) − M ) otherwise V

Fig. 5. Flow diagram of fingerprint enhancement.



R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

Fig. 6. Orientation estimation.

Here, M and V are the approximated values of mean and variance of I(i, j) and MO and VO are the desired values of mean and variance respectively. Normalization is used to standardize the dynamic levels of variation in grey-level values which changing the existing ridge structure. 4.2. Orientation estimation Orientation field is the local orientation of the ridges contained in a fingerprint. This is a fundamental step in the enhancement process. The least mean square developed by (LMS) estimation method is used to compute the orientation image. The Fig. 6 represents orientation estimation. The algorithm is as follows. Step 1. Divide the image in the block of size WXW in the normalized fingerprint image. Step 2. The gradients are computed at each pixel ∂ x (i, j) and ∂ y (i, j) at each pixel (i, j). These are gradient magnitudes of x and y respectively. Operator can be chosen based on complexity. For simple operations, we can use Sobel operator or for some complex operations we can use Marr- Hildreth operator. Horizontal Sobel operator is used to compute ∂ x (i, j) while vertical Sobel operator is used to compute ∂ y (i, j) Step 3. The local orientation is estimated by using the following Eqs. (5)–(7)

Vx (i, j ) =

i+ w2


j+ 2 

2∂x (u, v )∂y (i, j ),


∂x (u, v )2 − ∂y (i, j )2 ,


u=i− w2 v= j− w2

Vy (i, j ) =

i+ w2


j+ 2 

u=i− w2 v= j− w2

1 V (i, j ) θ (i, j ) = tan−1 x 2 Vy (i, j )


where θ (i, j) is the least square estimate of the local ridge orientation of the block centered at pixel (i, j). It represents the direction which is dominant in the Fourier spectrum of the WXW window. Step 4. Modification of the incorrect local ridge orientation. The block size taken is twice the distance between the fingerprint ridges. For the correction of the field the image is converted into the continuous vector field which can be explained as:

φx (i, j ) = cos(2θ (i, j )), and


φy (i, j ) = sin(2θ (i, j ))


where ∂ x and ∂ y are the x and y components of the vector field. After the computation of vector field, the smoothening is done with the help of Gaussian filter.

φx (i, j ) =

wφ /2

wφ /2

W (u, v )φx (i − uw, j − vw )


W (u, v )φy (i − uw, j − vw )


u=−wφ /2 v=−wφ /2

φy (i, j ) =

wφ /2

wφ /2

u=−wφ /2 v=−wφ /2

where W represents a 2- dimensional gaussian low pass filter having unit integral and wφ X wφ is the size of the filter.

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Step 5: The final smoothening operation is done at the block level which is of default size 8 × 8. The local ridge orientation is computed at (i, j) using the formula given below:

1 tan 2

O(i, j ) =

φy (i, j ) φx (i, j )


This algorithm gives a smooth orientation field. 4.3. Ridge frequency estimation Local ridge frequency is used for the construction of the Gabor filter. The local frequency of the ridges is represented by the frequency image. The first step for frequency estimation involves the division of the image into the blocks of size W × W. Next, the grey level values of all the pixels located inside the block are projected along a direction orthogonal to the local ridge orientation. The region where the presence of minutiae and singular points is less, the grey levels along with the ridges and the furrow are modeled into the sinusoidal shaped waveform along with the direction to the local ridge orientation. Let G be the normalized image and O be the orientation of an image, the algorithm of the frequency calculation is as follows. Step 1: The image is divided into block of size W × W Step 2: For each of the block which is centered at pixel(i, j), a window is computed of size lxw which is defined in the ridge coordinate system. Step 3: For each block centered at pixel (i, j), the x signature is computed, of the ridges and furrows within the window. If there no singular point or the minutiae present, then the x signature takes the form of discrete sinusoidal wave shape having same frequency as ridges and furrows. Therefore, the frequency ridges can be estimated from x signature. Step 4: Let T(i, j)represents the average number of pixels in the two consecutive peaks. Having frequency (i, j) which is computed as 1/T(i, j). If there are no consecutive peaks detected, then the frequency value assigned is s to differentiate from different valid frequencies. s Can be any random value which does not lies in the valid frequency range. For the unrecoverable region where the minutiae points don’t appear or singular points are missing and a well-defined sinusoidal shaped wave form doesn’t appear, the frequency values of these blocks are interpolated from the frequency corresponding to the neighboring block. Interpolation is done using the following formula. For each block centered at (i, j) interpolation is done using the Eq. (13). If there exist at least one block of frequency with value s, then  and  are interchanged.

 (i, j ) =

⎧ i, j ), ⎪ ⎨(

wφ /2

u=−wφ /2

⎪ ⎩ w φ / 2

u=−wφ /2


w φ / 2


w φ / 2


i f (i, j ) = s

Wg (u, v )μ((i − uw, j − vw )) /2

Wg (u, v )δ ((i − uw, j − vw ) + 1 ) /2



0, i f x ≤ 0 x, otherwise


0, i f x ≤ 0 1, otherwise


μ (x ) = δ (x ) =

Wg a discrete Gaussian kernel and w is the size of kernel. The low pass filter is used to remove the outliers in the image. The outliers are due to the change in the inter-ridge distance in the image. Also, the assessment of the recoverable and unrecoverable region is done based on the shape of the wave formed by the ridges and furrows. 4.4. Gabor filtering Ridge orientation and ridge frequency are used to construct an even symmetric Gabor filter. A two-dimensional Gabor filter contains a sinusoidal plane wave which has an orientation and frequency adjusted by a Gaussian envelope. The advantage of using Gabor filters is there orientation and frequency selective properties. These properties help to get the maximize response in a fingerprint image. Also, Gabor filter preserves the ridge structure for reducing noise. The even symmetric Gabor filter is a real part of Gabor function which is given by a cosine modulated Gaussian wave as shown in figure The even symmetric Gabor filter has a general form as given in Eq. (16)

1 G(x, y; θ , f ) = exp − 2





cos(2π f xθ )



R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

where θ is the orientation of the Gabor filter, f is the frequency of sinusoidal plane wave and σ x and σ y are the space constants of the gaussian envelope along x and y axes respectively. For Gabor filter to be applied the frequency, orientation is calculated first which can be calculated using ridge frequency calculation and orientation estimation respectively as given in above steps. The Gabor filter is applied to the fingerprint image by spatially convolving the image with filter. The application of the Gabor filter G to get the enhanced image is done as given in Eq. (17) wx


2 2  

E (i, j ) =

G(u, v; O(i, j ), F (i, j ))N (i − u, j − v ),


−yx u= −wx 2 v= 2

where F and O represents the ridge frequency image and orientation image respectively, N is the normalized fingerprint image and wx and wy are the width and height of the Gabor filter mask. 5. Fingerprint reconstruction Reconstruction of the fingerprint by various methods has been discussed in this section along with the comparison of result with the proposed method. An explanation is given in Table 2. Since minutiae template has become in a compact representation of a fingerprint, it has been assumed that it is not possible to reconstruct the original fingerprint from a minutiae template. The template, by definition, is a compact description of the biometric sample; it is not expected to reveal significant information about the original data. Therefore, templategeneration algorithms are typically assumed to be one-way algorithms. Recently, however, this belief has been challenged by some researchers [11,14,27] who were successful in reconstructing a fingerprint image from the given minutiae template. The Analysis of fingerprint reconstruction from minutiae template is very important to determine if it is possible to fool an expert human placing a reconstructed fingerprint image in crime scenes and to perform masquerade attacks against an automatic fingerprint recognition system (for instance, injecting a reconstructed image in a communication channel or making a fake finger). Fingerprint reconstruction can be beneficial in application like smart cards (where memory is critical) since the orientation map required for matching need not be stored explicitly but can be generated from the template. The minutiae information alone may be used for classifying fingerprints. Fingerprint reconstruction may also be used for improving the interoperability among minutiae encoders and matchers from different vendors, which was identified as a problem in [5]. The author proposed an algorithm to ensure that the performance of an automatic fingerprint identification/verification system will be robust with respect to the quality of input fingerprint images, it is essential to incorporate a fingerprint enhancement algorithm in the minutiae extraction module. We present a fast fingerprint enhancement algorithm, which can adaptively improve the clarity of ridge and valley structures of input fingerprint images based on the estimated local ridge orientation and frequency. We have evaluated the performance of the image enhancement algorithm using the goodness index of the extracted minutiae and the accuracy of an online fingerprint verification system. Experimental results show Table 2 Comparison of fingerprint algorithms given in literature. Algorithm

Method for reconstruction (orientation and ridge)

Performance evaluation

Hill [27]

Zero-pole method, partial skeleton reconstruction


Cappelli et al. [3]

Modified zero pole method, streamlines and gabor filtering Nearest minutiae in eight sectors, AM-FM model

Type-I attack 81.49% on FVC2002 identification

Feng and Jain [29]

Ross et al. [28] Abdullah Bajahzar, Hichem Guedri [32] Proposed

a b c d

Minutiae triplets, streamlines and line integral convolution Fractal interpolation

Nearest minutiae in eight sectors, continuous phase generation, AM-FM model for correction

Type 1 attack: TARa 94.13% at 0%of FARb =0.1% on FVC2002 DBA_1 Type-II attack TARa =45.89% at FAR=0.1% on FVC2002 DBI_A Type I attack 23% MSE- 0.13–0.338 Relative error- 8.068–20.382% Type 1 attack-N/A Type I attack: TARa = 97.95% on FVC2002 and 94..09% on FVC2004 Type 2 attack: TAR =49.25% and 50.02% on FVC 2002 and FVC2004

Type I attack is referred to the matching of reconstructed image to the same dataset from it is extracted. Type II attack is referred to the matching against a different impression. TAR is the true accept rate. FAR is the false accept rate.

Comments Reconstruction of partial skeleton of the fingerprint Presence of the spurious minutiae in the reconstructed image. Spurious minutiae and blocking effect

Generation of the partial fingerprint Reduction rate in fingerprint curves. Reduced spurious minutiae.

R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218


that incorporating the enhancement algorithm improves both the goodness index and the verification accuracy. They modeled ridges and valleys as a sinusoidal-shaped wave along the direction normal to the local ridge direction and extracted the amplitude, frequency, and variance of the sinusoid. Based on these parameters, they classify blocks as recoverable and unrecoverable. In [6] the orientation field was reconstructed from the singular points (core and delta) using the zero-pole model. However, the orientation field in fingerprints cannot simply be accounted for by singular points only. The author proposed ridge pattern reconstruction only generates a partial skeleton of the fingerprint, which is obtained by drawing a sequence of splints passing through the minutiae. The authors in [7] proposed to estimate the orientation field by selecting wellstructured triangles from the minutia set and computing the orientation values within each triangle by interpolation. This method fails to estimate the orientations where minutiae are not enough. The work suggested in [8] proposes a novel approach to reconstruct fingerprint images from the standard templates and investigates to what extent the reconstructed images are like the original ones (that is, those the templates were extracted from). The efficacy of the reconstruction technique has been assessed by estimating the success chances of a masquerade attack against nine different fingerprint recognition algorithms. The experimental results show that the reconstructed images are very realistic and that, although it is unlikely that they can fool a human expert, there is a high chance to deceive state-of-the-art commercial fingerprint recognition systems. Similar works have been proposed in [9–12]. In [12] the paper proposes a Gaussian weighted method for fingerprint orientation field reconstruction from the minutia template only. In the method, prior information about ridge flow characteristics is considered to more accurately model the ridge orientation. Experimental results show that the method can obtain an accurate orientation field in terms of the accuracy of the orientation field-based fingerprint classification and the performance of the orientation descriptor-based fingerprint matching. Feng et al. proposed a dictionary of orientation patches to estimate the orientation field in the manually marked ROI. An essential component of this lights-out capability is to develop a fully automatic latent feature extraction module. This is highly desirable when the throughput of the latent matching systems is considered. It had advantage of the increased capability between the features extracted in talent and that of extracted from the reference points by an AFIS. The algorithm developed in [12] worked for plain and rolled fingerprints and the authors lead to the proposal of the use of dictionary learning for the orientation estimation of the fingerprints however there was a limitation that the ridge structure information was ignored and only the patches of the orientation were taken for the reconstruction purpose making it not very successful for the segmentation and frequency estimation. In [23] the author has concluded that the latent fingerprint matching is playing a crucial role in the identification of the criminals and suspects. The author has compared the performance of the rolled and plain fingerprints to the latent fingerprints. Owning to the complex background and the presence of the noise the results were slightly lower than that of the former. The poor ridge structure, overlapping in the structures and low quality were the reasons for the low-quality fingerprints. It was concluded that for the improved consistency and the reduced mark-up cost a fully automatic and highly accurate latent matching algorithms are required. Also, one of the major problems in a fingerprint-based system is retaining fingerprint images. The authors in [32] proposed a method to minimize the fingerprint images size and retain the reference points. The method is divided into three parts, the first part is about digital image preprocessing that allows eliminating the noise, improving the image, converting it into a binary image, detecting the skeleton and locating the reference point. The second part uses Douglas-Peucker method for the detection of critical points and the fingerprint reconstruction is finally done in the last part using fractal interpolation curves. However, the result is not satisfactory when the number of iterations is small. 6. Proposed method The aim of the fingerprint reconstruction is to is to recreate a gray scale fingerprint image from the given set of minutiae points which can be defined as M = {mk = (xk , yk , αk }nk=1 where (xi , yi ) indicates the location of the kth minutiae point and α i which ranges from (−π < α < +π ) and indicated the direction of the minutiae. In this method we propose a method which is based on the mechanism of dictionary-based fingerprint reconstruction as per our prior knowledge 1) orientation field reconstruction and 2) continuous phase reconstruction are being used. Orientation field reconstruction regenerates the orientation field of the fingerprint image and the continuous phase dictionary is used for the ridge pattern structure regeneration. This algorithm works well where the ridges are broken and gives a better confidence measure for the enhancement and segmentation results. The proposed algorithm works on the Gabor-like-filter [24]. The block diagram is given in Fig. 7. The block diagram consists of six phases of fingerprint reconstruction namely a) original image b) minutia extracted image c) minutiae cloud d) orientation image e) phase image f) reconstructed image. 6.1. Orientation field reconstruction The orientation field can be reconstructed as per our prior knowledge from the methods proposed in [3,25]. The fingerprint image is divided into the non-overlapping blocks.8 × 8 pixels, the image being size of 512 × 512 and each block is estimated with an orientation value O (z). There may be some block where the information is redundant, so a set of orientation patches are collected of size (6 × 6) with each block of 8 × 8 pixels. A threshold is set, and the average quality of the block is calculated (here T = 3.60). The nearest minutiae are used to predict the local ride orientation of each eight sectors. The minutiae direction α k is doubled to make it equal to αk + π . The sine and cosine components are summed as given in


R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

Fig. 7. Block diagram for the fingerprint reconstruction.

Fig. 8. Reliability map indicating the singular points of orientation field.

Eqs. (18) and (19) respectively.



cos(2αk )wk


sin(2αk )wk




k  k=1

wk is the weighing function. The distance between the block center and the Kth minutiae is used to mark the orientation direction. In case of the singular points (core, delta), they have maximum curvature and can be located by measuring the strength of the peak using the following Eq. (20)

min _intertia(x, y ) =

((Gyy + Gxx ) − (φx Gxx − Gyy ) − (φy Gxy )) 2


The reliability is calculated using the Eq. (21). Fig. 8 shows the reliability map using the orientation points. Fig. 9.

rel iabil ity(x, y ) = 1 −

min _intertia(x, y ) max _intertia(x, y )


R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218


Fig. 9. Primary and secondary singular points.

max _intertia(x, y ) = Gyy + Gxx − min _intertia(x, y )


Orientation field reliability contains the singular points, minutiae points and the rest of the information of the original fingerprint image. The presence of noise corrupted ridge structures and low gray value contrast can be adjusted using a low pass filter. To perform the low pass filtering the orientation is needed to be converted into the continuous vector field which can be written as given in Eqs. (23) and (24).

φx = cos(2θ (x, y ))


φy = sin(2θ (x, y ))


where φ x and φ y are the x and y components of the vector field respectively and the low pass filter can be applied as given in Eqs. (25) and (26)

φx (i, j ) =

wφ /2

wφ /2

W (u, v )φx (i − uw, j − vw )


W (u, v )φy (i − uw, j − vw )


u=−wφ /2 v=−wφ /2

φy (i, j ) =

wφ /2

wφ /2

u=−wφ /2 v=−wφ /2

where W is a two-dimensional low pass filter. 6.2. Continous phase reconstruction The gradient of the continues phase can be calculated at block level as given in Eq. (27)

Gc (m, n ) = G(m, n ) − Gs (m, n )


Gc (m, n) is the gradient of the composite phase and Gs (m, n) is the gradient of the spiral phase. The gradient of the spiral phase can be normally computed but there occurs a problem in the calculation of the G(m, n) as it is normal to the local ridge orientation and cannot be computed as O(m, n ) + π /2 as there is a discontinuity in the pase gradient at range [0,π ), Also the frequency and the ridge orientation is not well defined in the nearby region of the minutiae. So, the orientation unwrapping and phase unwrapping is done at the range [0,π )and [0,2π ) respectively. The wrapping is done from the topmost level until all the foreground blocks are unwrapped. Unwrapping is done in accordance to the adjacent block which can be defined as (m + 1, n). Singularities are detected as described in section A. However the discontinuity due to singularity is sometimes unavoidable. For the frequency and ridge area Gc (m, n) is computed in accordance to [26] where blocks contain no minutiae. The continuous phase can be formed at each foreground block (m, n) of 8 × 8 pixels. It is calculated using the Eq. (28) and the range of x and y is given by Eq. (29)

ψc (x, y ) = Gcx (m, n )x + Gcy (m, n )y + P (m, n ),


8(m − 1 ) ≤ x < 8m, 8(n − 1 ) ≤ y < 8n,


where Gcx (m, n) and Gcy (m, n) signify the components of Gc (m, n) and the phase offset is determined at block (m, n) by P(m, n). The phase offset is initially assumed to be zero and the block is iterated to check that the block is connected to all the four neighbors are reconstructed. If the reconstruction is not done, then the phase offset is calculated and is put in the queue. The steps are performed all the blocks are reconstructed concluding that the continuous phase is reconstructed giving the ridge pattern and a secondary image of the reconstructed blocks. P(m, n) Use the mean value of the phase offsets. The phase quantities are changed into the complex quantities which are then averaged and are converted back to phase.


R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

After obtaining the continuous phase it is added to the spiral phase, and a reconstructed image is obtained for different impressions of the same fingerprint for the matching purpose. However, there are some spurious minutiae introduced. The location of the spurious minutiae is the region of the singularity. Since the ridge frequency is assumed constant, the spurious minutiae are there which are removed using the AM-FM model. Also, by using a higher order polynomial (third order polynomials) can be used to model the continuous phase in each region with discontinuity in the ridge in the border regions. 7. Experimental results The algorithm for fingerprint minutiae extraction is carried out on the FVC2002 and FVC2004 database from the fingerprint verification competition (2002) and (2004). The feature extraction is done on the image taken from the database and then it is matched with the template created. The original database contains subsets DB_1, DB_2, DB_3, DB_4 containing at least 12 samples from a single person of the total 150 fingers making the total of 1600 fingerprint images in each of the subset. The images are in tiff format. The resolution of each sample fingerprint image is 500 dpi and optical sensor is used for the subset DB_1 and DB_2 while thermal senor is being used for the generation of DB_3 subset of the fingerprint database. The proposed fingerprint reconstruction algorithm is assessed on the databases FVC2002 and FVC2004 provided by the biometric systems. The databases selected of FVC2002 uses the optical sensor (TouchviewII by Idenix) for DB_1 dataset while optical sensor (FX20 0 0 by biometrika) is used for DB_2. The database FVC2004 has used the optical sensor (V300 by crossmatch) for dataset DB_1 and (U.are.U40 0 0 by digital persona) for dataset FVC2004. The total number of fingerprints used as the dataset is 400 images each of 100 images from a single dataset. The fingerprint image is reconstructed using the ridge frequency and the direction θ (x, y). The fingerprint image is reconstruction by first extracting the minutiae points, then ridge frequency and the minutiae directions are calculated for the reconstruction of the fingerprint image. The reconstructed images are then compared to the original subset and the subset created by the different impression of the same finger images. The performance index is then calculated for both identification and the verification. Some sample fingerprints are shown in the Figs. 10 and 11 below. 7.1. Minutiae points generation The block diagram (Fig. 3) of the fingerprint reconstruction contains the stages of getting an input from the database and then image enhancement is done with the help of fast Fourier transform. The conventional method of image enhancement with histogram equalization and fast Fourier transform encounters the problem of having so many discontinuities in between the ridges, so a new method was implemented with uses a mean filter in the enhancement procedure. Next step is the conversion of the grayscale image to the binary image after comparing the intensity values with the threshold. Next is the conversion of the ridges to a pixel width called which is termed as thinning. Proceeding further we are marking the minutiae which are nothing but the ridge endings and bifurcations. The similarity index is computed with the threshold

Fig. 10. Sample database of FVC-2002 (DB_1 and DB_2).

Fig. 11. Sample database of FVC-2004 (DB_1 and DB_2).

R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218


Fig. 12. Different stages of the fingerprint recognition.

Fig. 13. (a) Corrupted image (b) orientation image (c) segmented image (d) minutiae cloud (e) frequency component (f) fingerprint image after filtering (g) Enhanced Fingerprint image.

set is 0.56 There are eight fingerprint images of eight different fingerprints taken in different angles. The matched accuracy obtained is 96%. Fig. 12 shows the different stages of the minutiae extraction. 7.2. Fingerprint enhancement A fast fingerprint enhancement algorithm which can adaptively improve the clarity of ridge and valley structures based on the local ridge orientation and ridge frequency estimated from the inputted image is introduced. The performance of the algorithm was evaluated using the goodness index of the extracted minutiae and the performance of an online fingerprint verification system which incorporates our fingerprint enhancement algorithm in its minutiae extraction module. For poor fingerprint images especially ones which large noise component, this method was found to be better than the traditional Fast Fourier based method. Fig. 13(a) is the corrupted image taken from the database DB1 (FVC-2004), then the orientation image, segmented image, minutiae cloud, frequency component is shown from the Fig. 13(a) to (e) respectively. The image is then filtered by using a mean filter and the result is shown in Fig. 13(f). The final step in the enhancement is the enhanced fingerprint image which is renormalized so that the ridge segments will have zero mean and unit standard deviation. The Fig. 13(g) is the final enhanced image. 7.3. Reconstruction of the fingerprint image The next section is the reconstruction of the fingerprint image. The minutiae image as obtained from the section A is taken and the orientation image is reconstructed. The gradient of the continuous phase is reconstructed. The spiral phase of the image is taken. The continuous orientation phase and the spiral phase are then added to form a reconstructed image. The final image is filtered using the mean filter to get the reconstructed image. Some of the stages of the reconstruction are shown in Fig. 14. The different stages are a) Minutiae calculated image (b) minutiae cloud (density) (c) orientation image (d) spiral phase (e) reconstructed image. And Fig. 15(a) shows the original images from the database and the reconstructed image is shown in Fig. 15(b). Some examples of the reconstructed images are shown in Fig. 15(a) and (b)


R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218

Fig. 14. (a) Minutiae calculated image (b) minutiae cloud (density) (c) orientation image (d) spiral phase (e) reconstructed image.

Fig. 15. (a) Original fingerprint images (b) reconstructed fingerprint images from the proposed algorithm.

7.4. Classification The fingerprint verification is done on FVC2002 and FVC2004 databases. The datasets considered are DB_1 and DB_2 of both the databases. In type I attack the reconstructed fingerprint is matched with the original fingerprint from which it is extracted while each reconstructed fingerprint image is matched with the other eight impressions of the same finger for the type II attack. There are 400 type I attacks in total for both FVC 2002 and FVC 2004. In type I attack the True acceptance rate is 97.95% and 94.09% on FVC2002 and FVC2004 database respectively. While in type II attack the matched accuracy is 49.25% and 50.02% on database FVC2002 and FVC2004 respectively. Moreover, the spurious minutiae are reduced. Classification stage, the FNN and the RBFNN is used to evaluate the accuracy and performance in detection of an individual’s fingerprint. The algorithm for the training of the neural network is trainlm; logsig transfer function is used for the hidden layer which contains 10 neurons while output layer uses purelin transfer function which has one neuron as shown in the Fig. 16 of the selected architecture of neural network. Mean square error (MSE) denotes the mean square error difference between the targets and the outputs. Better performance is obtained with lower value of MSE. When compared to the measured, the performance graph of the neural network is shown in Figure which signifies that the accuracy is satisfactory. Over fitting occurs when the model is comprehensively complex like as compared to the number of observations there are many parameters. There are 3 plots of regression representing training, validation and testing. The perfect result-output is equal to target. If the value of R is near to zero, and then there is no linear relationship between the targets but incase R is equal to one then there is an exact correlation between the target and the outputs. The training data of our result directs a good fit. When the

R. Gupta, M. Khari and D. Gupta et al. / Information Sciences 530 (2020) 201–218


Fig. 16. Selected Neural Network Architecture.

Fig. 17. Recognition rate for type 1 attack.

value of R is grander than 0.9, our succeeding stage would be to inspect whether there is a condition of extrapolation then the training set should be included in the dataset or the extrapolation then the superfluous data should be collected to be included in the test set. The accuracy achieved with FVC 2002 is acceptable with an R value of 0.97954 which is very close to the ideal value of unity. The recognition rate for type 1 attack is given in Fig. 17. 7.5. Time complexity and computational requirements The algorithm is tested on a system with 4 GB RAM and Intel (R) core (TM) i3-4005U CPU @1.70 GHZ. The reconstruction of the fingerprint image for the database FVC 2002 takes 1.30 s per image and for the FVC 2004 it is 4.02 s per image. The time complexity can be further improved once the system is optimized. 8. Conclusion and future work Fingerprint reconstruction is used to obtain the fingerprint image from the minutiae template. Fingerprint image reconstruction is basically done for the following three reasons namely (a) to secure the minutiae template (b) to improve the fingerprint synthesis (c) for the improvement of the interoperability of fingerprint template generated by different algorithm and sensors. Even though there is advancement in the technology in the recent years, even though there is a level of discrepancy between the reconstructed image and the original fingerprint image in terms of the performance basis. In this report, an improved methodology is discussed which can be used to obtain the fingerprint reconstructed image. The prior knowledge regarding the ridge structure is used in the algorithm for the improvement of the ridge structure. The two kinds of dictionaries are used in this paper which is known as orientation based and continuous phase-based dictionaries. These dictionaries are used to obtain the orientation field from the obtained minutiae set. The continuous phase-based dictionary is used for the reconstruction of the ridge pattern. The reconstructed fingerprint mage as shown in Fig. 15(a) and (b), are close to the original fingerprint image. Future work will investigate to make the reconstructed fingerprints more realistic. The suggested method for orientation field reconstruction only considers the local orientation pattern. The role of global orientation prior knowledge as well as singular points may further improve the ridge orientation reconstruction. The ridge


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frequency field used in this paper can be either fixed priori or reconstructed from the ridge frequency around minutiae. Future studies will investigate frequency field reconstruction directly from the minutiae position and management. Declaration of Competing Interest None. CRediT authorship contribution statement Rashmi Gupta: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing - original draft. Manju Khari: Methodology, Data curation, Formal analysis. Deepti Gupta: Software, Investigation, Writing - original draft. Rubén González Crespo: Formal analysis, Supervision, Writing - review & editing. References [1] D.R. Ashbaugh, Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis: an Introduction to Basic and Advanced Ridgeology, CRC press, 1999. [2] B. Sherlock, D. Monro, A model for interpreting fingerprint topology, Pattern Recognit. 26 (7) (1993) 1047–1055. [3] R. Cappelli, D. Maio, A. Lumini, D. Maltoni, Fingerprint image reconstruction from standard templates, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. 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