f o r i / / r i r r r d /ram pcigc’
This is an excellent hook, especial11 f o i tht, student nuise ot the pediatric I I U I W ~ i s h i n : a revie%. It has heeri !+titten in such a iticiniret as to explain the anatomical antl palholopic cll ahnormalities of infancy antl c hildlrootl i i i i d theii sui gical COI rection. The nurse’s attention is diiected to t h r hCisic featuies of surgical childhood conchtioris which she would be most likely to encounter. Great stress has been placed on pre- arid postoperative care because that is wheie the nurse’s 1esponsibility lies.
HOW TO HOLD A BETTER MEETING, b y Fratili Strrll, Coinerstone L h r a r y , N e w Yo, X , 1958 irpiintrd 1968, PaperbncX $1.00. 144 IJUgeS.
The purpose of this hook is to help those who conduct meetings to make them as productive and useful as possible. Chapters are c k o t e d to hon to prepare for a meetins, hoM to open and close, how to create the right climate so as to encourage participation. the 1 arious kinds of meetings, and what to do during and after a meeting.
The care administered by the nutse is vital to the ultimate success of any surgical operation and she should. therefoie, understand the “why” of a particulai procedure. In addition to this basic knowledge, oliseriatioris required by nursing personnel are alw considered.
Chicago, Illinois
Portlanc1,Or egon
FITNDAMENTALS OF NEUROLOGY. b r Ernest Gardner, M.D., W.B. Saunderb CO., Ph ilndelphia, 1968, 367 pages. Price $7.50. This book, now in it’s fifth edition, is an excellent reference, well-written and illustrated with pictures and excellent drawings. Material within the scope of all levels of nursing personnel is presented. A basic know ledge of the central and peripheral nervous systenls with their anatomical physiological, and chemical make-up, their functions and malfunctions, is presented. Although this is not light reading, it is not extremely difficult reading either, and a review of the anatomy of the area being described is also presented. At the end of each chapter is a summary including the names of certain physicians arid a short history of their contribution to new rology. One physician mentioned is Hans Berger (1824-1889), a neurologist in Jena who was the first man to record the electrical activity of the human brain. Another physician,
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