Displogs neuJs Graphics/controller card drives various displays
Impectron's auto-initj~liT.ingP C controller card drives both fiatpanel and CRT displays Impectron has announced the availability of Display Master, an auto-inifi~li~ug PC controller card that drives both flat-panel and CRT displays. According to a company spokesman, almost any display can be driven by Display Master and it can run 256 categories of displays from almost 600 manufacturers. Display Master supports electroluminescent, AC plasma, liquid crystal displays, monochrome and colour CRTs including the conventional CGA, doublescanned CGA (DSCGA), MDA and Hercules. Multiple displays can be operated from a single card, or from multiple cards on a PC bus. Built around the Yamaha PCDC V6366, a low-power CMOS graphics chip, Display Master occupies a single slot in any IBM PC/XT/AT and comes with 64 K of RAM. The card offers fifll graphics, alphanumeric and display controller capabilities as well as an integrated power supply. Controlled by internal logic, power is not applied until the controller is initialized, thus preventing any damage to the display. The new board also acts as a graphics card, enabling users to manage both functions on their PC with a single board. Display Master can be auto-initialized to all display technologies currently on the market from one board, eliminating the n e e d to modify hardware or software.
For improved image clarity, Display Master automatically converts CGA software to EGA qualityat 640 x 350or 640 × 400lines enabling the unit to take advantage of displays offered by most manufacturers. The Display Master is also claimed to be capable of producing true 640 × 400, 640 × 480 or 720 x 400 lines resolution using the Yamaha graphics adaptor (YGA) high-resolution mode.
In addition, the Display Master automatically converts colour software to g r e y scale on LCDs and to hatching on EL, plasma and monochrome CRTs. Impectron say that because of its ability to support a number of displays without modification, the Display Master helps reduce design time and costs for use in OEM and VAR applications.
Impectron Ltd, Foundry Lane, Horsham, I4rSussex RFII3 SPX, UE. Tel: (0403) 50111; Telex: 877792. []
Custom LCD s e r v i c e s brought to UK A facility offering fast production of high-quality custom LCDs in any quantity from 1 000, has been set up by Norbain Technology, bringing custom capability to an audience which was previously confined to standard modules. Capabilities of the facility include direct or multiplexed drive, reflective or transflective displays; PIN or elastomeric connectors, viewing angles to suit individual specifications, coloured polarizers and the widest available standard operating temperature range of - 30°C to + 88°C. An unusual feature is that PIN connectors can be cut to any length up to 21 nun. There is also no preferred glass size, which gives great design flexibility. Design-in advice is available
throughout the production cycle, to ensure the most cost-effect/ve solution to any design specification. Norbain Technology has brought this service to the UK following its exclusive agreement with RCL Semiconductor, which operates a purpose-built batch process plant in Hong Kong. Typical production lead times vary from six to eight weeks, although a four-week production cycle is claimed to be possible under certain conditions. Drawings are normall 7 available within one week of firstcontact with a Norbain sales engineer, and prototypes five weeks after drawing approval. IVorbain Technology, Norbain House, Boulton Road, Reading, Berkshire R62 OLT, bE. []
Flat-panel LCD team formed Solarex Corporation and Modular Display Systems, Inc. (MDSI) have signed an exclusive teaming agreement to develop and manufacture active-matrix, liquid-crystal displays for military and commercial applications. The long-term agreement forms a total marketing, engineering, and manufacturing team that will focus entirely on customers requiring high-performance, high-reliability displays. Solarex, through its Thin Film Division in Newtown, PA, will develop and supply active-matrix
liquid-crystal display components designed specifically to cystomer requirements. MDSI, based in Montgomeryville, PA, will provide marketing, module engineering, and module manufacturing technology. The two companies are under contract to a major European customer to supply a complete acSve-matrix liquid crystal display module using technology supplied by themselves. Solarex Cozporaffon, 1338 Piccard Drive, PO Box 6008, Rockv~_l]e,]VLD20860, USA. Tel: (301) 948 0202; Telex: 643~. [] 199