Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells Suresh Maniarasu, Vishesh Manjunath, Ganapathy Veerappan and Easwaramoorthi Ramasamy International Advanced Research Centre for Powder, Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, Telangana, India

11.1 INTRODUCTION Terawatt renewable energy challenges could be economically realized when the photovoltaic solar cells are fabricated using high-throughput low-cost manufacturing processes. Light-harvesting layer, considered as the basis of any given photovoltaic technology, plays a critical role in determining the appropriate production method [1]. For example, conventional wafer-based silicon solar cells require energy-intensive vacuum method and therefore usually prepared in a batch process. Second generation thin-film solar cells utilize direct band gap micron thick absorber (CdTe, CIGS) layer for efficient solar to electric energy conversion. The use of thin absorber layer facilitates the adoption of high-throughput device fabrication on a range of substrates. For example, Chirila et al. fabricated CIGS solar cell on flexible polymer film and shown 20.4% power conversion efficiency (PCE) [2]. However, the need of high-vacuum and expensive precursor materials limited the commercial viability of thinfilm solar cells. Third-generation solar cells including organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) provided a promising window for low-temperature and non-vacuum processability. Flexible OPV and DSSC modules with moderate PCEs were already fabricated in several research laboratories, and their modern applications were successfully demonstrated [3,4]. Despite continuous efforts on dye and semiconductor polymer development, PCE of third-generation solar cell technologies had stagnated around 12% and need to be improved for competing with existing technologies. Organometal halide perovskites recently received notable attention from photovoltaic community due to their high light absorption coefficient, fast carrier transport, and low-temperature solution processability [5]. A state-of-the-art perovskite solar cell (PSC) fabricated with a Perovskite Photovoltaics DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-812915-9.00011-3

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Perovskite Photovoltaics

configuration of fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass/comp-TiO2/ meso-TiO2/MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/Au exhibits about 22.7% PCE under one sun conditions. The high PCEs of organometal trihalide perovskitebased solar cells are attributed to ambipolar charge carrier transport and long range electronhole diffusion lengths. Organometal trihalide perovskite absorbers are initially synthesized by wet chemical methods. Freshly synthesized methylammonium iodide (MAI) and PbI2 salts are mixed in a common solvent such as γ-butyrolactone or dimethylformamide and then deposited over the substrate followed by the heat treatment to evaporate the solvent. As the nucleation and crystal growth of MAPbI3 takes place in the bulk of solution, it is difficult to obtain a uniform and pinhole-free perovskite absorber film in this approach. To solve this issue, a two-step sequential deposition method was being developed, in which first the PbI2 film was deposited on a desired substrate and then exposed to MAI solution. In this method, perovskite crystals are formed by interdiffusion of precursor elements in PbI2 matrix whose kinetics control the perovskite crystallization and film morphology. Being one-step or two-step solution methods, polycrystalline perovskite film with excellent requisite properties over large area substrate could be fabricated below 100˚C [6], which makes this wonder material ideal choice for next-generation low-cost high-performance flexible solar cells. Flexible PSCs were fabricated on either polymer or thin metallic substrates, and very recently ultrathin glasses also entered into the fray. Fig. 11.1 shows the schematic cross-sectional diagram of typical flexible PSCs. Organometal halide perovskite absorber film with suitable charge extraction layers in sandwich configuration is fabricated on a flexible substrate. The notable difference between the flexible and glass

Figure 11.1 Schematic cross-sectional diagram of flexible PSC. Various active layers with required typical processing temperatures also provided for clarity.

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


substratebased PCS is the selection and deposition methods of electron acceptor/hole barrier layers. Compact and mesoporous TiO2 layers, employed as hole barrier and electron extracting layer in glass substrate based high-efficiency PSCs, require high-temperature ( .400˚C) annealing treatment. However, flexible substrates are incompatible with such hightemperature treatment and hence a range of new materials (ZnO, Zn2SnO4, PCBM) and alternative methods (photonic curing, chemical sintering, UV irradiation) were developed. As hole extraction layers of conventional PSCs are fabricated using small-molecule organic polymers or inorganic p-type semiconductors at room temperature, the same materials and methods can be adopted for flexible PSCs. Finally, a metal cathode is deposited by thermal evaporation to complete the device fabrication process. In this chapter, we review in detail the progress made from the material development, thin-film deposition, device architecture, and longterm stability pertinent to flexible perovskite solar cells. Section 11.2 provides a comprehensive overview of various device architectures adopted for the fabrication of high-efficiency and stable flexible PSCs. Highthroughput production methods of flexible PSCs are elaborated in Section 11.3. Section 11.4 emphasizes on stability issues and reliability aspects of flexible PSCs, while Section 11.5 will present a roadmap for potential modern applications of flexible PSCs.

11.2 DEVICE ARCHITECTURE PSCs benefit from the decade long research expertise built on DSSCs. Organometal halide perovskites indeed made their debut in traditional liquid electrolyte DSSCs by replacing a ruthenium sensitizer [7]. Despite having 3.8% initial PCE, devices suffered from poor stability due to the dissolution of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) in redox electrolyte. Park et al. adopted a solid-state DSSC approach to address the dissolution of MAPbI3 in which corrosive iodine/tri-iodide redox couple electrolyte is replaced with a small-molecule organic polymer 2,20 ,7,70 tetrakis-(N,N-di-4-methoxyphenylamino)-9,90 -spirobifluorene (abbreviated as spiro-OMeTAD) [8]. The evolution of PSC device architecture was originated from the typical solid-state DSSC, where the compact TiO2 and mesoporous TiO2 layers were employed as hole blocking and electron accepting layers, respectively. However, mesoporous TiO2 needs higher annealing temperature, which makes the device fabrication expensive as well as increasing the processing time. It has been reported that


Perovskite Photovoltaics

organometal trihalide perovskite has long charge carrier diffusion length and ambipolar property, indicating that perovskite itself can transport the electrons and holes to the respective electrodes. All of these results indicated that the efficient PSCs could be prepared without mesoporous TiO2 layer and planar PSC was developed. The simple planar PSC can be further divided into regular n-i-p and inverted p-i-n structure based on the order of carrier selective contacts. The inverted p-i-n structure provides a number of processing advantages over regular n-i-p configuration and stands as a front runner for flexible PSC technology. This section provides a comprehensive overview on three major device architectures (Fig. 11.2) adopted for the realization of high-efficiency PSCs with more emphasize on their relevance to flexible PV technology.

11.2.1 Mesoporous Flexible PSCs In general, PSCs with mesoporous TiO2 or Al2O3 scaffold on compact TiO2 layercoated FTO glass substrate have shown higher PCE and operational stability. Such scaffolds are typically prepared by solution approach followed by high-temperature treatment to remove the binders and improve the interconnectivity between the particles. In PSC, the development of thin hole blocking compact layer is indispensable, which reduces the carrier recombination at the interface between transparent conducting oxide (TCO) and perovskite layer. So far, the compact layer was deposited by spray pyrolysis, sputtering, electrodeposition, and spin coating of nanoparticle (NP) dispersion. However, the same approach is not applicable to flexible polymer substrate due to the temperature sensitivity. To overcome with the high-temperature annealing, Brown et al. proposed a UV irradiation technique for developing mesoporous TiO2

Figure 11.2 Evolution of PSC architecture: (A) mesoporous, (B) planar (n-i-p), and (C) inverted planar (p-i-n) configuration.

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


scaffold on plastic substrates [9]. Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique was introduced to make an effective compact layer with lower pinhole density on temperature sensitive indium tin oxide (ITO) coated plastic substrates. Very low reverse current density of 0.004 mA  cm22 at 21 V applied bias in the dark indicates efficient hole blocking at ALD compact TiO2/perovskite interface. The mesoporous TiO2 scaffold was deposited on aforementioned substrate by spin coating or screen printing method and subjected to an UV irradiation for 1 hour. Absorber layer was fabricated by spin coating CH3NH3PbI3-xClx precursor in a nitrogen atmosphere and annealing at 95˚C. Fig. 11.2 shows the typical schematic of mesoporous flexible PSC with required processing temperature for various active layers. Laboratory-scale flexible PSC with an active area of 0.12 cm2 and spin-coated mesoporous TiO2 scaffold showed 8.4% PCE, whereas similar devices with screen printed scaffold showed 4.4%. The UV irradiation effectively removed the organic binders and also promoted interparticle bonding without much affecting the underneath plastic substrate. These successful laboratory-scale devices were scaled up over the large area module that consists of four series connected cells on a 5.6 3 5.6 cm PET/ITO substrate. A maximum PCE of 3.1% with excellent mechanical stability was demonstrated in 7.92 cm2 active area flexible PSC module (Fig. 11.3). There are some limitations associated with the use of plastic substrates for flexible PSC applications. For example, crack formation in TCO coating during bending cycles drastically reduces the device performance.

Figure 11.3 Schematic of mesoporous flexible PSC with ALD compact-TiO2 and UVirradiated mesoporous TiO2 scaffold layer.


Perovskite Photovoltaics

Thin metal substrates could provide an alternative solution to aforementioned issues due to their high inherent conductivity and mechanical stability. As most of the metal foils are opaque to light, they cannot enter into the active layer through front side illumination device, and back contact metal cathode needs to be surface engineered for carrier collection as well as light transmittance. Moreover, metal foilbased flexible PSCs could tolerate high-temperature sintering required for mesoporous scaffold layer, and one can expect similar photovoltaic performance and operational stability to those of conventional glassbased PSCs. Lee et al. fabricated a mesoporous flexible PSC on Ti foil substrate, in which all of the active layers were processed at similar experimental conditions to those of glass-based PSCs [10]. Here notable difference is sunlight entered into the device thorough back contact Ag metal cathode, as shown in Fig. 11.4A. The Ag cathode with various thicknesses (8, 12, 18, and 20 nm) was deposited on top of the hole transporting layer (HTL) by thermal evaporation technique. The transmittance of Ag ultrathin metal film (UTMF) deposited on spiro-OMeTAD was measured to estimate the amount of light penetrated the cathode and reach the perovskite absorber film. The bare glass substrate coated with spiro-OMeTAD did not show any notable decrease in visible light transmittance. On the other hand, the transmission has come down to 20%25% at the wavelength range of 450750 nm for thin layer of Ag-coated sample (Fig. 11.4B). The device with different thickness range of UTMF was prepared to find the statistics of the device performance with respect to the thickness. As per the transmittance data, the device prepared with thick Ag film (20 nm) limits the penetration of photon into the active area results in less value of

Figure 11.4 (A) Schematic diagram for light harvesting to the perovskite layer from top illumination. (B) Transmittance of the UTMF/spiro-MeOTAD with UTMF top illumination. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [10].

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


JSC(6.1 mA  cm22). On the other hand, the device fabricated with thin Ag film (8 nm) also showed low JSC and PCE, which might be due to nonuniform and discontinuous film and high-series resistance. Among these studies, the highest PCE of 3.85% was achieved for 12-nm Ag cathode; still there is a room for high PCE through judicial surface engineering of metal cathode. Wong et al. introduced another interesting variant of metal foilflexible PSC. By using facile electrochemical anodization, vertically aligned TiO2 nanotube (TNT) arrays with desired features were directly grown on Ti foil [11]. Grown amorphous TNT arrays are converted into anatase phase by thermal annealing at 450˚C and employed as scaffold for perovskite absorber deposition. Novel transfer printing approach was adopted to fabricate highly transparent CNT film on Ti foil/TNT/CH3NH3PbI3/ spiro-OMeTAD stack, as depicted in Fig. 11.5. The CNT film used here has dual advantage: High transmittance to incoming solar irradiation and its porous nature facilitates the infiltration of spiro-OMeTAD HTM into CNT networks. It has been found that TiCl4 treatment improves the voids between the compact layers thereby greatly reduces charge carrier recombination at substrate/perovskite interface. Surface roughness of Ti foil also found to have notable influence on the photovoltaic performance of the device through flat perovskite layer and reducing the unfavorable shunting paths. Currentvoltage characteristics and incident photon to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) of flexible PSCs fabricated with different thickness Ti foil substrate are shown in Fig. 11.6. Flexible PSC fabricated using thin and ultra-smooth Ti foil showed 8.3% PCE under standard test

Figure 11.5 Schematic of solid-state PSCs based on Ti foil/TiO2 nanotubes and carbon nanotubes. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [11].

Perovskite Photovoltaics


condition. These devices retain more than 90% of the initial performance after completing 100 bending cycles, exhibiting their suitability for modern portable power applications. Transparent conductive adhesive (TCA)coated PET substrate embedded with Ni mesh has a potential for semitransparent cathode application in metal foilbased flexible PSCs [12]. This counter electrode avoids the use of expensive noble metals and hence metal ion induced performance degradation. A schematic diagram of flexible PSC with laminated cathode is shown in Fig. 11.7. In this device architecture, they newly introduced PEDOT:PSS layer on top of spiro-OMeTAD plays a crucial role by providing a conductive pathway to collect the charges from HTL and transport them to the conductive sites within the TCA network. Ni meshembedded PET substrate also acts as a barrier for




50 IPCE (%)

(B) 70

Current density (mA cm–2)

(A) 14

8 6 4 2 0 0.0

40 30

125 μm Ti 125 μm Ti-TiCI4 treated


25 μm Ti 25 μm Ti-TiCI4 treated




25 μm Ti 25 μm Ti-TiCI4 treated

0 0.6








Wavelength (nm)

Voltage (V)

Figure 11.6 (A) Photocurrentvoltage characteristics of TNT and CNT-based flexible PSCs prepared on different Ti foil thickness and with/without TiCl4 treatment; (B) IPCE of 25-μm-thick Ti-based PSCs with/without TiCl4 treatment. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [11].


(B) PET with embedded Ni mesh

50 nm

Transparent, conductive adhesive

200 nm


~29,000 nm PEDOT:PSS Perovskite capping layer

300 nm AI2O3& infiltrated perovskite

350 nm


50 nm Titanium foil

Figure 11.7 (A) A schematic representation of a metal-mounted PSC and (B) Photograph of flexible PSC fabricated on Ti foil and laminated with TCA cathode. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [12].

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


atmospheric moisture and enhancing the device life time. High transmittance of ex situ fabricated TCA ensured minimum loss in JSC compared with front side illuminated devices, and a remarkable PCE of 10.3% was achieved. Performance of these devices dropped 7% of its initial value after 200 bend cycles, demonstrating their better stability and flexibility.

11.2.2 Planar Flexible PSCs The previous section emphasized the challenges associated with lowtemperature processing of mesoporous scaffold layer on temperature sensitive flexible substrates. Planar device architecture has been evolved as a low-temperature processable alternative to conventional PSC design. In this configuration, perovskite absorber material is sandwiched between the compact electron and hole extraction layer. Simple configuration, ease of fabrication, and enhanced versatility made this architecture more attractive for fabricating high-performance flexible PSCs. Poor crystallinity associated with low-temperature processing of inorganic (TiO2) compact electron transporting layer seems a major bottleneck for realizing high efficiency in planar flexible PSCs. In this context, binary metal oxides with high intrinsic carrier mobility (ZnO, SnO2) or ternary metal oxides (Zn2SnO4, BaSnO3) with tunable carrier mobility emerged as a natural

Figure 11.8 Band energy diagram of various inorganic electron transporting materials.


Perovskite Photovoltaics

choice for electron transport layer (ETL) application. Fig. 11.8 shows the band energy diagram for various inorganic ETL materials. Apart from this, organic materials such as 6,6-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), C60 and solid-state ionic liquids also explored as low-temperature processable ETL for hysteresis-free and stable planar flexible PSCs. Synthesis and solution deposition of highly crystalline and uniform electron transporting material over large area plastic substrate is a major issue. Mali and Hong introduced RF magnetron sputtered TiO2 thin film as an annealing-free ETL for planar flexible PSCs [13]. Defect-free and amorphous TiO2 ETL with various thicknesses (30100 nm) was sputter deposited at room temperature on PET/ITO substrate. MAPb(I1-xBrx)3 and PTAA were employed as an absorber and hole transporting material, respectively. Flexible PSC prepared with 30-nm thickness TiO2 ETL showed less fill factor (FF) and attributed to partial isolation of PTAA from underneath ITO substrate. The FF was notably increased once the ETL thickness approaches 50 nm because of perfect isolation between PTAA and ITO substrate. Further increasing ETL thickness drastically reduces the JSC value from to 20 to 17 mA  cm22, mostly caused by hindered electron transport in thick amorphous TiO2 layer. By carefully optimizing between partial and large isolation conditions (Fig. 11.9), a champion PCE of 15.88% achieved, which is almost similar to that of control device prepared on a glass substrate. Zinc oxide (ZnO) received considerable interest for low-temperature processable ETL because of its high electron mobility (100200 cm2  V21  s21 vs 0.14 cm2  V21  s21 of TiO2) and long diffusion coefficient. Liu and Kelly fabricated thin and compact ETL on ITO/PET substrate using spin coating a colloidal solution of ZnO NPs [14]. Surface smoothness of ETL layer and thickness was systematically controlled by multistep deposition approach. The effect of ZnO ETL thickness (070 nm) on the photovoltaic performance of resulting device was evaluated in detail. The device prepared without any ZnO layer showed less VOC and FF because of charge carrier recombination between the perovskite and ITO layer. At the optimized ETL thickness of 25 nm, flexible device showed PCE of 10.2% with FF of 0.74, an open-circuit voltage of 1.03 V and short-circuit current density of 13.4 mA  cm22. This work made a substantial step towards roomtemperature volume reduction of flexible PSCs. Motivated by these impressive results, high electron mobility SnO2 is also explored as ETL for high-efficiency PSCs [15].

3.93 eV*

3.93 eV* 4.2 eV

4.2 eV

5.2 eV


Partial isolation


5.2 eV 30 nm TiO2

3.93 eV*

4.2 eV 5.2 eV

50 nm TiO2

100 nm TiO2




Perfect isolation


Large isolation *Eg = 1.57 + 0.39 + 0.33x + 0.33x2 (eV)

Figure 11.9 Energy band diagrams of ITO, Bl-TiO2 and MAPb (I1- xBrx)3 perovskite absorbing layer. The band gap of the mixed halide perovskite MAPb (I1-xBrx)3 has been calculated using equation Eg(x) 5 1.57 1 0.39x 10.33x2, where Eg is the band gap of the perovskite in eV and x is the amount of Br relative to the amount of I. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [13].


Perovskite Photovoltaics

Higher PCEs obtained for ZnO and SnO2 ETL planar flexible PSCs naturally extended the interest towards ternary metal oxides. Ternary metal oxides, apart from high intrinsic carrier mobility, provide flexible approach to custom-tailor the electrical and microstructural properties through composition engineering. Yang et al. for the first time introduced Zn2SnO4(ZSO) as an ETL in flexible PSC [16]. ZSO had previously been used in DSSC and OPVs as photo electrode because it has a conduction band edge at similar level to that of TiO2 and ZnO. Moreover, it has high chemical stability with respect to acid/base solution and polar organic solvents. Generally, the synthesis of highly crystalline metal oxide NPs needs high temperature and high pressure. But formation of ZSO does not require high temperature and pressure, which made them highly suitable to use on plastic substrates. The prepared ZSO NPs was deposited on top of ITO/PEN substrate by spin coating method and then followed with an active layer by two-step spin coating deposition process. The typical device cross-sectional SEM image was shown in Fig. 11.10A, and energy level diagram of Zn2SnO4 ETL PSC is provided in Fig. 11.10B. The flexible PSC was characterized under AM 1.5G 100 mW  cm22, and it showed an impressive PCE of 15.3%. The presence of deep trap states in binary and ternary metal oxidebased ETL materials and severe hysteresis problem always affect the operational stability of flexible PSCs. Recently it has been discovered that organic ETLs including fullerene derivatives provide hysteresis-free planar PSCs. Choi and coworkers introduced C60 as an ETL, these C60 helps to reduce the density of trap states and passivate the grain boundaries of the absorbing layer [17]. In this study, the C60 was deposited on flexible substrates by vacuum-based thermal evaporation method. The effect of device performance on various thickness of C60 was studied. The

Figure 11.10 (A) Cross-section SEM image and (B) energy-level diagram of the Zn2SnO4 ETL flexible PSCs. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [16].

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


deposited C60 layer with thickness of less than 35 nm showed a number of pin holes which attributes to the charge carrier recombination. At the optimized thickness of 35 nm, they achieved a device efficiency of 19.1% on rigid substrate and 16.0% of efficiency without any hysteresis problem. To demonstrate the device stability against mechanical force bending, they performed the bending test up to 1000 bending cycles with different radius of curvature. At radii of 10 nm the devices did not show any decrement from its initial efficiency up to 1000 cycles. On the other hand, device bended at radii of 5 nm provided 95% of its initial efficiency after 100 cycles, and PCE got decreased 20% from its initial PCE after 1000 bending cycles, which exhibits that the device with C60 has good stability against with the mechanical bending (Fig. 11.11).

11.2.3 Inverted Planar Flexible PSCs Inverted planar PSC architecture is adopted from OPV configuration; and therefore, most of the carrier selective contacts were already explored for their carrier selectivity in organic solar cells. Initial studies on the photoluminescence quenching of perovskite emission highlighted the suitability of various organic carrier selective contacts for PSC fabrication. In inverted planar architecture, organic p-type semiconductors (i.e., PEDOT:PSS, PTAA) HTM is directly coated on top of the substrate followed by perovskite deposition. Electron selective contact (PCBM, C60) is prepared on top of the perovskite absorber layer and device fabrication is completed by cathode deposition. Inverted planar architecture is relatively easy to incorporate on flexible substrate because most of the organic layers are prepared in low temperature. However, organic materials are susceptible to ambient (oxygen, moisture, UV irradiation, and temperature) and therefore operational stability of inverted planar flexible PSC also a point of concern [18]. The first inverted planar architecture with p-i-n configuration for flexible PSC was developed by Jeng et al., in which PEDOT:PSS and fullerene derivate were employed as hole and electron-selective contacts respectively [19]. By introducing PCBM/TiOx bilayer ETL and systematically optimizing the various interfaces, PCE of inverted planar flexible PSC was improved to 6%. Surface roughness of underneath TCO substrate influences the perovskite formation and surface coverage, thereby affecting light absorption and device performance. Fig. 11.12 shows the representative SEM image of the inverted device and corresponding

Figure 11.11 (A) The structure of a flexible MAPbI3 PSC on a PEN/ITO substrate. (B) Cross-sectional FESEM image of a flexible MAPbI3 PSC. (C) The relative energy level diagram of the MAPbI3 PSC adopting C60 as an ETL with or without the BCP layer. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [17].

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


Figure 11.12 (A) Cross-sectional SEM image of inverted planar PSC and (B) energy-level diagram of the corresponding device. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [19].

energy level diagram. It is worthwhile to mention here that a similar device prepared on ITO glass substrate also exhibited essentially similar device parameters, highlighting the suitability of inverted architecture for flexible devices [20]. The PCE of inverted planar PSC could be further improved by reducing the charge trap states in perovskite and eliminating the photocurrent hysteresis. In this perspective, Carmona et al. used flexible PET coated with a thin layer of silver sandwiched between aluminum doped ZnO (AZO) as substrate for realizing robust and moderately efficient inverted planar flexible PSCs [21]. Poly-TPD and PCBM were introduced as an effective electron and hole blocking layer, respectively (Fig. 11.13). A maximum PCE of 7% with VOC: 1.04 V, JSC: 14.3 mA  cm22 and FF of 0.47 were achieved under one sun condition. Similar device made on glass substrate showed a PCE of 12%, primarily because of high FF and slight improvement in the photocurrent. The decrement of FF in flexible device might be due to the higher thickness of hole and electron transporting layer, so it needs to be optimized to get an improved PCE. These devices were very stable even after 50 bending cycles. The most of the inverted type flexible device uses PEDOT:PSS as a HTL because it can be processed at a very low temperature. However, unfortunately, the device based on this PEDOT:PSS is not stable in long term due to its high acidity and hygroscopic nature. To overcome with this problem, some of the inorganic p-type semiconductor materials such as CuI and NiOx are explored as a HTL in inverted planar flexible PSCs. Usually NiOx films were deposited by pulsed laser deposition followed by high-temperature annealing. However, the same approach cannot be extended to flexible substrate. Yin et al. adopted a novel approach where presynthesized crystalline NiOx NPs were used to make thin HTM layer


(B) *


N n



Substrate pTPD






100 nm




Figure 11.13 (A) Schematic layout of inverted planar flexible PSC and chemical structure of materials used as the electron and hole blocking layer. (B) SEM cross-section of the perovskite device on the PET foil. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [21].

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


on flexible substrate at room temperature [22]. The NiOx was deposited on to the ITO-coated PEN substrate by spin coating method, and interestingly there is no much difference in the visible light transmittance of bare and NiOx layercoated ITO-PEN substrate. An impressive PCE of 13.43% was observed with VOC: 1.04 V, JSC: 18.74 mA  cm22 and FF of 0.69, whereas the similar device prepared on rigid substrate showed 16.47% efficiency. Cuprous iodide is one of the potential material for HTL application in inverted planar PSCs because of its high hole mobility and simple fabrication. Nejand et al. for the first time prepared an inverted planar flexible PSC using 10-μm thick copper foil because of its favorable work function [23]. Cuprous iodide thin film with thickness of 200 nm was grown on Cu foil in zinc blend structure. The complete schematic of the device and work function of various layer are shown in Fig. 11.14. According to the band diagram, the generated electron can be easily moved to the ZnO layer because of its high electron affinity at the interface of ZnO layer and perovskite. The Ag nanowire network was deposited by spray coating method shows high uniformity, good connectivity with the ZnO layer, and good transparency for passing the light from top side. The complete device measured under one sun illumination showed an efficiency of 12.8 %. Based on the knowledge gained in a laboratory-scale device, large area device with an active area of 0.8 cm2 was fabricated, and a power output of 7.07 mW was demonstrated. These inorganic ETL- and HTL-based flexible PSC showed good durability over a period of 60 days.

Figure 11.14 (A) Schematic of the device architecture (B) and energy level diagram of Cu/CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO/Ag stack. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [23].


Perovskite Photovoltaics

11.3 MANUFACTURING OF FLEXIBLE PSCS Crystalline silicon solar cells that currently dominate the photovoltaic market with .90% employ energy-intensive manufacturing process. Although cost of the raw materials decreased drastically in recent years, price of the renewable electricity produced by first generation solar cell is more expensive than traditional grid power. PSCs, as extensively discussed in previous sections and chapters, provide multiple advantages including low-temperature fabrication, less material consumption, flexible, and light weight. Certified power conversion efficiencies of above 20% made PSCs commercially competitive with c-Si solar cells. The recent costperformance analysis carried out on rigid perovskite modules with moderate efficiencycheap material or high efficiencyexpensive material combination concludes that even a moderate module efficiency of 12% and life time of 15 years could lead to the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) generated from PSC technology in the range of 3.54.9 US cents/kWh [24]. It is worth to mention here that LCOE for grid power is 7.0411.90 US cents/kWh and for c-Si solar cell is 9.7819.33 US cents/kWh. It has been pointed out that raw materials, module design, and manufacturing process play critical role in arriving LCOE estimation. Flexible PSCs provide multiple manufacturing advantages over their glassbased counterpart. This section describes the potential scale-up approaches suitable for high-throughput manufacturing flexible PSC modules.

11.3.1 Batch Processing The batch process involves deposition of active layers at one go on a large number of substrates and perform postdeposition treatments (if any) such as temperature annealing, UV treatment, and laser scribing. Fig. 11.15 schematically depicts various stages involved in the fabrication of monolithically integrated perovskite solar modules [25]. Note that the module configuration and processing steps are more or less similar between the glass and flexible substrate and does not significantly affect the process flow. Transparent conductive substrate and metal cathodes can be prepared on a temperature-sensitive substrate by sputtering process. Electronselective ZnO contact and hole-selective NiO contacts may be screen printed on a semi-processed device in a desired sequence and will be subjected to low-temperature annealing for evaporating the solvent and also to induce the interparticle connectivity. Single-step deposition of perovskite ink made up of PbI2 and MAI dissolved in dimethyl formamide

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


Figure 11.15 Schematic diagram showing the various steps involved in the batch production of PSCs. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [25].

solvent is preferred for screen printing a MAPbI3 absorber layer over a large area substrate. Laser or mechanical scribing will be utilized at an appropriate place to create stripe pattern cells and interconnect the adjacent stripe cells in a series-monolithic configuration.

11.3.2 Roll-to-Roll Processing Roll-to-roll (R2R) is a continuous manufacturing process meant for the deposition of various thin and thick films on rollable substrates over a long-length scale. The R2R process provides immense cost-reduction vis-a`-vis traditional batch processing of various electronic devices. Most of the high-throughput coating (slot-die, meniscus) and printing (gravure, rotary screen printing) technologies can be adopted for the roll-to-roll fabrication of solar cells. First attempt of roll-to-roll fabrication of large area solar cells was performed on OPVs and impressive PCE in the range of 5%7% was achieved [26]. Solution processing and low-temperature compatibility naturally extended the potential of roll-to-roll to PSC manufacturing. Fig. 11.16 shows the typical roll-to-roll process for the fabrication of PSC on rollable substrate. Hwang et al. introduced the gas quenching on slot die-coated perovskite absorber layer and improved the PCE of roll-to-roll processed PSC to 12% [27]. Very recently, Solliance developed an inline roll-to-roll coating, drying, and annealing process below 120˚C for both the ETL and perovskite absorber at a linear speed of 5 m/ minute on a 30-cm wide ITO/PET foil. The entire process was performed under ambient conditions and maximum PCE of 12.6% demonstrated.


Perovskite Photovoltaics

Figure 11.16 Roll-to-roll fabrication of PSCs on plastic substrate [28].

11.4 STABILITY OF FLEXIBLE PSCS Long-term stability of flexible PSC needs to be addressed for the successful commercialization of this technology. In addition to the routine factors such as thermal stability, photo-induced perovskite degradation, and metal ion migration, flexible PSCs may suffer from additional factors caused by the flexible nature of the substrate. The flexible PSC devices are made up of conductive layercoated PET or PEN substrates which are very sensitive to ambient environmental factors. First, high oxygen and moisture permeability of polymer substrates in comparison with conventional glass substrate can cause unprecedented performance degradation. Second, these plastic substrates are more sensitive to UV light and temperature; both of them largely affect the photovoltaic performance of flexible PSCs even in mild indoor or outdoor environment. Third, as all of the active layers are sequentially deposited on flexible polymer substrate, any stress caused by flexibility of underneath substrate can damage the TCO coatings and also weaken the various interfaces, thereby induce the photovoltaic performance degradation and eventually cell failure. Fourth, lack of mechanical rigidity possesses additional challenges for hermitic sealing and installation of the device. Still, the PCE and stability of flexible PSCs lag behind with the conventional device on rigid substrate. Because, these flexible PET substrates have low conductivity and poor mechanical robustness. Moreover, these TCO electrodes are having high sheet resistance of 30B50 ohms/square,

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


which increases the series resistance of the complete device. To overcome this issue, Li et al. [29] made a Ag mesh by nano-imprinting technique over the flexible PET substrate to improve the flexibility and robustness, transmission, and also these substrate showed less sheet resistance B3 ohms/square, which suggest its future applications in flexible solar cell (Fig. 11.17). The resultant substrate with total thickness of 57 μm shows a high transmission of 82%86% in the visible region without any light diffraction and scattering. A 150-nm thick PH1000 was coated on top of the PET/Ag-mesh substrate by spin coating method to collect the charge carriers along both the lateral and vertical direction. An inverted, planar flexible PET/Ag-mesh/PH1000/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PCBM/ Al device showed a highest efficiency of 14.2% with 0.80 FF. The shortcircuit current density of these devices was shown very less compared with rigid substrates because of its less transmission in the visible region. In addition, ultrathin Ag-mesh substrate has given a high specific power of 1.96 kW/kg, which helps to use this solar device in unmanned aerial vehicles.

Figure 11.17 Schematic illustration of the FEAM substrate and hybrid electrode. (A) An image of the large-area FEAM substrate. (B) The structure of the FEAM substrate with detail parameters. (C) The diagram for the hybrid electrode (PET/Ag-mesh/ PH1000). (D) Transmission spectra of bare PET, PET/Ag-mesh, PET/Ag-mesh/PH1000based substrates. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [29].


Perovskite Photovoltaics

The device prepared with PET/Ag-mesh/PH1000 substrates shown 95.4% of its initial efficiency even after 5000 cycles of bending test (Fig. 11.18). On the other hand, the efficiency of the conventional device made on ITO substrate decreased 30% of its initial efficiency after 1000 bending cycles which demonstrates that PET/Ag-mesh/PH1000 could be a promising candidate for making a large-scale flexible PSC with high thermal stability. Because the most commonly used PEDOT:PSS corrodes the TCO substrates and perovskite layer because of its acidic nature (pH B1). So, an alternative material with high crystalline and air stability needs to be found as an HTL to fabricate a large area flexible PSC. Park et al. [30] used Li doped P3HT nanofibrils (LN-P3HT) as HTL with improved air stability than the PEDOT:PSS and Spiro-OMeTAD. Fig. 11.19 shows the schematic and energy level diagram of the device architecture used in this work. Here, the ITO substrate was modified with poly(ethylenimine)ethoxylated to increase the work function of ITO from 24.6 to

Figure 11.18 Bending and stability test of flexible PSCs. (A) PCEs of flexible PSCs based on both PET/Ag-mesh/PH1000 and PET/ITO electrodes as a function of bending cycles at a radius of 5 mm. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [29].

Figure 11.19 (A) Schematic of the PSC structure. (B) Energy diagram of the device showing the flow of electrons and holes. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [30].

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


24.0 eV, which increase the transfer of electrons from the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital to the ITO substrate. In addition, there was an upward shift in the highest occupied molecular orbital, i.e., 25.08 eV and 25.05 eV for Li doped pristine P3HT and LN-P3HT, respectively. The prepared devices were measured, and it showed an efficiency of 13.41% and 15.18% for LP-P3HT- and LN-P3HT-based HTL devices, respectively. The improvement of efficiency for LN-P3HT-based HTL device might be due to its high conductivity and lesser grain boundary which improves the charge carrier transportation, and also these devices showed less hysteresis than the LP-P3HT-based HTL device The LN-P3HT-based HTL device prepared with an active area of 1 cm2 showed an initial efficiency of 13.12% with high mechanical stability (Fig. 11.20). These devices were shown only the little decrement of efficiency even after 500 bending cycles for a bending radius of up to 10 mm. Due to the plastic deformation of the substrate, the device performance was drastically decreased after 100 bending cycles for bending (A)

(B) 25

Active area = 1 cm

Current density (mA/cm2)


20 15

Backward (13.12%) Forward (12.97%)

10 5 0 0.0






Voltage (V) (D) 4 Number of devices

(C) 14

PCE (%)

12 r = 15 mm r = 10 mm r = 6 mm

10 8

3 2 1 0

6 0





Bending cycles







PCE (%)

Figure 11.20 (A) Photograph of the flexible PSC, with an active area of 1 cm2, based on LN-P3HT. (B) JV curves of the flexible PSCs measured during a backwardforward scan, for 200 Ms of scan-delay time. (C) Bending test: flexible PSCs were subjected to 500 bending cycles at r 5 15 mm, 10 mm, and 6 mm. (D) Histogram of PCEs for 20 devices. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [30].

Perovskite Photovoltaics


radius at 6 mm (Fig. 11.21). Generally, the amorphous region and grain boundaries of P3HT allow the oxygen to the inner layer, which degrades the thiophenes. In case of LN-P3HT-based device, the tight packing and long length of nanofibrils acts as barrier for oxygen molecules, which limits the degradation of perovskite. These devices were stored under ambient conditions showed high air stability and photo stability for 30 days with 87% of its initial efficiency. Flexible PSC made on conventional PET or PEN substrates are not stable with higher temperature processing unlike polyimide (PI) substrates. Because, the glass transition temperature is very high for PI substrate while compared to PET (Tg B78˚C) or PEN (Tg B123˚C), but these PI substrate is light brownish color so that cannot be used as transparent electrode for flexible PSCs. Kim et al. used 60-μm thick colorless PI (CPI) substrate as an transparent electrode for flexible PSC application [31]. These ITO/CPI substrates can be annealed up to 300˚C because of its high glass transition temperature. Moreover, these substrates can be exposed to light or plasma during sputtering due to its better thermal stability, and also ITO/CPI substrate showed better electrical properties than the ITO film on PET or PEN substrate. The optical measurement of CPI-based substrate showed an average transmittance of 81% between 400 and 800 nm wavelength range (Fig. 11.22), which is higher while compared with ITO film on PET substrate (Table 11.1).

(A) 15

(B) 15 12 PCE (%)

PCE (%)

12 9 6



Ambient condition Relative humidity = 30%

0 0



15 20 Time (d)




6 3

One sun, 40°C Relative humidity = 30%

0 0


12 18 Time (h)


Figure 11.21 Air- and photo-stability test of the flexible devices (A) PCEs of the flexible LP-P3HT and LN-P3HT devices (active area 5 1 cm2) obtained under ambient conditions and a relative humidity of 30% for 30 days. (B) PCEs of the flexible LP-P3HT and LNP3HT devices obtained at one sun, 40°C and a relative humidity of 30% for 12 hours. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [30].

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


Figure 11.22 Optical transmittance of as-deposited ITO/PET, as-deposited ITO/CPI, and annealed ITO/CPI. The inset showed the transparency and color of rapidly annealed ITO/CPI (300°C) and ITO/PET (200°C). Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [31].

Fig. 11.23 shows the transmission spectra of MAPbI3 coated on ITO/ PET and ITO/CPI substrate. Among these two, the MAPbI3 coated on ITO/CPI substrate showed more transmission of light over 800-nm wavelength range due to the absence of absorption by conventional perovskite. The external quantum efficiency results showed that ITO/ CPI-based device cuts off the light below 400 nm due to UV—cut-off functionality of the film. Both of the devices showed same transmittance in the whole region of up to 400- to 800-nm wavelength, but the device with ITO/CPI showed 5% improvement in the light absorption than the PET substrate due to its reduced reflection. The ITO/CPI-based device achieved the highest efficiency of 15.5% with better FF than the PETbased solar cell (14.8%) due to its lower sheet resistance. Finally, the device performance was analyzed after bending cycle test to demonstrate the mechanical stability of both the devices. Among from the two devices, the CPI substratebased device was showed better stability than the ITO/PET substrate (Fig. 11.24).

11.5 MODERN APPLICATIONS OF FLEXIBLE PSCS Rapid progress made in PCE and stability of PSCs increased its commercial viability for various modern applications. The notable intrinsic features such as band gap tunability and ultrathin absorber layers pave the

Table 11.1 Representative device performance of mesoporous, planar, and inverted planar flexible PSCs Substrate Device architecture VOC (V) Jsc (mA/ cm2)


PCE (%)




ITO/compact-TiO2/scaffold-TiO2/Perovskite/ Spiro-OMeTAD/Au ITO/compact-ZnO/scaffold-ZnO/Perovskite/ Spiro-OMeTAD/Au Compact-TiO2/scaffold-TiO2/Perovskite/SpiroOMeTAD/Ag (thin film) Compact-TiO2/scaffold-TiO2/Perovskite/SpiroOMeTAD/Ag & ITO Compact-TiO2/scaffold-Al2O3 /Perovskite/SpiroOMeTAD/PEDOT:PSS /PET-Ni


























IZO/TiOX/Perovskite/Spiro-OMeTAD/Ag ITO/C60/Perovskite/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au ITO/ALD-TiO2/Perovskite/Spiro-MeOTAD/Ag ITO/ionic liquid/Perovskite/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au ITO /ZnO/Perovskite/Spiro-MeOTAD/Au

0.99 1.01 0.95 1.07 0.98

17.6 23.6 21.4 22.72 19.3

0.70 0.64 0.60 0.66 0.69

12.3 15.5 12.2 16.0 13.1

[33] [17] [34] [35] [36]

PEDOT:PSS/Perovskite /PCBM/Cr2O3 & Cr/ Au/polyurethane






FTO/PEDOT:PSS/Perovskite/PC60BM/TiOX/Al AZO/Ag 1 AZO/PEDOT:PSS/Poly TPD/ Perovskite/PCBM/Au ITO/PEDOT:PSS/Perovskite/PCBM/Bis-C60/Ag ITO/PEDOT:PSS/Perovskite/PCBM/Al CuI/Perovskite/ZnO/Ag

0.88 1.04

14.4 14.38

0.51 0.47

6.4 7.0

[20] [21]

0.86 0.86 0.95

14.6 16.5 22.5

0.75 0.64 0.59

9.43 9.20 12.8

[38] [39] [23]


PET PEN PEN PET PDMS /Willow glass PET Inverted Planar


Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells





80 EQE (%)

Transmittance (%)




20 0 300






60 40 20 0 300




Wavelength (nm)


12.78 ± 1.55 %



3 2 1




10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Average efficiency (%)

0 –5 0.0





Voltage (V)







Forward Reverse Dark


20 5

15 10 5

3 2 1 0


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Average efficiency (%)

0 –5 0.0


11.96 ± 1.54 %

4 Counts


25 Current density (mA/cm2)

Forward Reverse Dark

20 15


Wavelength (nm)



Current density (mA/cm2)





0.6 0.8 Voltage (V)




Figure 11.23 (A) Transmittance spectra of ITO/CPI, ITO/PET (polyethylene terephthalate), MAPbI3/ZnO/ITO/CPI, and MAPbI3/ZnO/ITO/PET samples. (BD) Photovoltaic properties of flexible MAPbI3 PSCs: (B) EQE (external quantum efficiency) spectra and (C and D) J-V (current densityvoltage) curves of flexible MAPbI3 PSCs comprised (C) Au/PTAA/ MAPbI3/ZnO/ITO/CPI substrate and (D) Au/PTAA/MAPbI3/ZnO/ITO/PET. Insets: Efficiency deviations of 24 samples. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [31].

way for the fabrication of multicolor and see-through solar cells for building integrated photovoltaic and vehicle integrated photovoltaic applications. Low-temperature processability and ultrathin absorber layer could help to realize lightweight flexible solar cells for portable electronic applications. Indeed some of startup companies dry to build smart products for unconventional applications where established Si wafer-based PV technology cannot be adopted. Fig. 11.25 shows some of the modern applications of flexible PSCs expected in the near future.

11.6 SUMMARY In this chapter, we have discussed in detail the progress made towards flexible PSCs. Selection, processing, and optimization of materials play an important role in fabrication of high-performance flexible PSCs. Engineered low-temperature deposition techniques such as sputtering and

Perovskite Photovoltaics


(A) Normalized efficiency (η/η0)



1.0 0.9 0.8

12 mm

10 mm



8 mm

6 mm

4 mm

2 mm




0.7 0.6 Flat

8 Curvature radius (mm) (C)

1.0 0.8 0.6

CPI 0.4 12 mm 8 mm 4 mm

0.2 0.0 0


40 60 Bending cycle



Normalized efficiency (η/η0)

Normalized efficiency (η/η0)


1.0 0.8 0.6

PET 0.4 12 mm 8 mm 4 mm

0.2 0.0 0


40 60 Bending cycle



Figure 11.24 (A) Normalized PCE of flexible Au/PTAA/MAPbI3/ZnO/ITO/CPI and Au/ PTAA/MAPbI3/ZnO/ITO/PET devices versus bending radius (R); (Band C) normalized PCE versus bending cycle number of flexible MAPbI3 devices on (B) CPI substrate and (C) PET substrate. Reproduced with a permission from Ref. [31].

Figure 11.25 Potential modern applications of flexible PSCs.

Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells


ALD required to deposit transport layers have been discussed. Various types of flexible substrates used to fabricate PSCs and their influence on overall performance of the devices are compared. High-throughput industrialization techniques namely batch processing and roll-to-roll processing to fabricate commercial modules are highlighted. Finally, potential applications of these flexible PSCs and their deployment in niche markets are discussed. To realize the application of these flexible PSCs, the problem related to their long-term stability and low throughput has to be solved.

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