Flue gas purification with granulation of captured dust

Flue gas purification with granulation of captured dust

15 95/03034 The economic costs of global warmlng damage: A survey Global Environmental Change, Dec. 1994, 4, (4), Fankhauser, S. 301-309. The paper...

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The economic costs of global warmlng damage: A

survey Global Environmental Change, Dec. 1994, 4, (4), Fankhauser, S. 301-309. The paper provides an overview on literature dealing with an. economic assessment of expected global warming damage. While a relattvely large body of literature exists on other economic aspects of global warming, m particular the costs of carbon abatement, the question of greenhouse damage valuation has gained little attention so far. The first part of the paper surveys the results of existing analyses on the costs of global warming. The second part discusses the main shortcomings of these studies and the main problems faced by researchers in this area.

Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)

Evaluation of coal mining Impacts on water quality of a neotroplcal stream


Verb. - Int. Ver. Theor. Angew. Limnol., 1994, 25, (3), Rincon, J. 1847-1852. Discusses how the hydrological regime influence the behaviour of physical and chemical variables. High flow decreased the ion concentration. In the discriminant analysis and principal component analysis, some sample points were identified as low flow and as high flow periods, where the chemical species were concerned or diluted respectively. It is also reflected in the high annual variability of physicochemical parameters at each sampling site.

Evaluatlon of envlronmental auallflcatlon options and costs for electrical e ulpment for a II&se renewal jierlod for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear $ ower Plant 95103044

Effect of air pollution on resldent’s health In


Lanzhou Clty Tian, Q. and Zhou, L. Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue, 1994,14, (3), 200-205. (In Chinese) Reports on’ a study of the effects of air pollution on public health in Lanxhou urban area, China, using comprehensive multi-factorial analysis.

TR-104063, Final Report RP3343-I, $2500.00, EPRI, Distribution 207 Coggins Dr., PO Box 23205, Pleasant Hill, cA.94523.


Evaluatlon of the addltlon of calcium-based sorbents on the heat balance of, and desulfurlzatlon In, coal-fired boilers Fu, W. and Cai, N. Mei Huagong, 1994, (2), 50-55. (In Chinese)


Effects of acid raln on forest processes 95103036 Godbold, D. L. and Huterman, A. (editors), John Wiley & Sons, New York USA, $125.00, 1994, 419 pp. A biological study of the effects of air-borne pollutants on forest ecosystems. Electrochemical pollshlng of hydrogen sulfide from coal synthesls gas


Alexander, S. R. and Winnick, J. J. Appl. Eiectrochem., 1994, 24, (ll), 1092-1101. Describes an advanced process which has been developed for the separation of H,S from coal gasification product streams through an electrochemical membrane. The technology was developed for use m coal gasification facilities providing fuel for co eneration of coal-fired electric power facilities and molten carbonate fue f cell electric power facilities.








construction Linch, K. D. and Cocalis, J. C. Appl. Occup. Environ. Hyg., 1994, 9, (8), 539-542. Actions taken to prevent silicosis in surface coal mining and construction is discussed and actions which would help prevent future cases of silicosis are suggested. Topics discussed include: cost of dust controls, sampling as a risk indicator, respirators, medical screening and surveillance, and training.

Emlsslons and their control from Industrial Installatlons using solld fuels


British Coal Corp., Cheltenham, Glos., GL52 4R.?, UK, Comm. Eur. Communities Report EUR.14894, 1994, 260 pp. SO, abatement technologies applicable to stoker-fired coal plants in the 20100 MWt2 range which could meet UK emissions legislation in the most cost-effective manner is identified. Two methods, both using a dry limestone sorbent, were selected for investigation: on-grate sorbent addition and in-furnace sorbent injection.

95103040 Khan, A. M.

Energy, efficiency and environment


Envlronmental impacts of air traffic

World Energy Council J., Jan. 1995, 93-97.

Price, T. and Probert, D. Apphed Energy, 1995, 50, (2), 133-162. Environmental degradation caused by emissions from aircraft is likely to increase in severity with the growth of flying. Until recently, such emissions were considered to be insignificant, but durin the last five years, this view has been reversed. The complexity of the e # ects of pollution in the atmosphere has now been realised, at least qualitatively. The known wnsequences of some of the main emissions are discussed along with current environmental legislation and pertinent UK Government policy with regard to aviation. Reu?mmendationb are given for some future UK transportation-by-aircraft policy objectives that would safeguard the future of our, as yet, relatively pollution-free skies.

Environmental Protectlon Act agreement 95103042 Queensland Government Mining J., Jan. 1995, 96, p. 31. Reports that the Australian Department of Minerals and Energy and the Department of Environment and Heritage have, under a memorandum of understanding, reached agreement in relation to administration of the new Environmental Protection Act.

Describes modified formulas for gas composition and heat balance of coalfired boilers derived from chemical equations of desulphurixation with limestone. The differences between high-S coal and medium-S coal in calculations with modified and unmodified models is discussed. The modification can be used as reference in heat balance calculations and operation of desulphurization during coal combustion.

An experlmental study of deflagratlon to detona95103046 tlon transition supported by dust layers Li, Y. C. et al., Combustion & Flame, Feb. 1995, 100, (3), 505-515. The roles which dust layers play in severe dust explosiods.were investigated in 70-m-long and 30-cm-diameter horizontal flame acceleration tube with one end closed and the other end open to the atmosphere. A variety of dusts such as corn dust, cornstarch, Mira Gel starch, wheat dust, and wood flour were layered on the bottom half of the flame acceleration tube. Flame and detonation propagation parameters were closely monitored at different locations along the flame acceleration tube. The study demonstrated that the moisture content of the dust, the exposed area of the dust layers to the convective flow, and the physical characteristics of the dust are the factors that most determine the severity of layered dust explosions, indicating that prelayered dust combustion is dominated by the dust/air mixing process.


Flue gas puriflcatlon wlth granulatlon of captured

dust Rvbin. A. A. Prom. Enera.. 1994. f4). (In Russian) Describes a filtration system for the‘rdmbval of fly’ash from flue gases, which includes mixing the captured ash with a binder, ranulation of the mixture, and drying the moist granules with hot air in a a uidixed bed. The granulated ash can be reused in the manufacture of concrete.


Fragmentatlon of calcium-based sorbents under high heating rate, short residence time condltlons

Hu, N. and Scaroni, A. W. Fuel, Mar. 1995, 74, (3), 374-382. A laser heating technique was developed to study the fragmentation behaviour of calcium-based sorbents under high heating rate, short residence time conditions. Eight geologically dissimtlar, commercially available calcium-based sorbents were tested in the reactor using particle sixes in the range 37-105 micron. The fragmentation behaviour was a function of sorbem type, particle size and particle temperature over the ran e of 60016OO’C. with the sorbent type being the dominant oarameter. b olostones were more susceptible to breakage&n limestones: The mechanism proposed for the fragmentation of the dolostones involves the rapid decomposition of the magnesium carbonate, which builds within the particles a sufficiently high pressure of CO, to overcome the inherent mechanical strength.

95103049 Gabel: Cleanlng up at Argonne Nuclear News, Feb. 1995, 38, (2), 48-49. An interview with Andrew Gabel, Environmental Restoration Program Manager of the Environmental Management program, US Department of Energy, Argonne Area Office at Argonne, Ill.


Gearlng up to new UK offshore guidance

Offshore Engineer, Mar. 1995, p. 41. Discusses how further opportunities for offshore operators to meet goal setting objectives while reducing both risks and wsts are being signalled by the imminent introduction of a draft document of the UK’s prevention of Fire and Explosion and Emergency Response regulations.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts May 1996 217