completerroles haveonlypatemalchx-mscses, matemalchxomsusas beingampletely In is a neoplasm of the placental tm@mblast. absent. Gestational cboriocarcinom order ta determine the chramsuraloriginof cimriocarcimma follawingam&r~ rrmm1conceptus, polynmphic chmmsxxnaland enqmamrkerswere analyzed in thechoriocarciKmapatientstogetherwiththoseoftherespectivepatientandherhusband. ti thechoriooarcimnitwas preceded byanantecedentat3le, theYchrm3sasewas absent and Whenthechoriccarcirxmafolloweda fullterm tbemrkerswerebxnxygous atall loci. delivery of amalechild, tha tumr sbx@xiaYchrcmscmeandwas hetemsygousatsomeof This indicated that the cbx&carcinQM follminga fullteragesthe observed loci. tationhadbothmternal andpatemalchmmsanes and representedonly a partial allograft. Suneof these geneticaqxmentswere derivedfmnthemother's omchmmscam3 suggesting inability to effectaoxqlete immme response. In contrast, the dmriocarcm folloLngamnpletenulewas found tohaveohlypatemalfchmmsunas amprisingaam@eteallograft. This choriccarcinmapxtendedagoodprognosis, the patients nodbeing amplete cures with up to five yeanof follow up. In smamry, tha resultsof~~constitvtionandHGAstudies~yhaveinportantpredictive ability with regard to the patient's host resistance nechanisms as well as chsmtherapy response.
[email protected]. Center, Durham, NC.; P. J. DiSaia, university W. T. Creasmm, Duke tiversity&dical ofCalifomiaM&ical Center, Irvine, a; R. C. Emsmow, UhiversityofMississi.ppiEsdi~ Center, Jackson, Miss; C. P. !Kmxxi, USCMsdical Cehter, Ios Angeles, CA; J. Blessirq, Rxwell Park &s-orial Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. In 1979 the results of a surgical-pathologic study of spread patterns in Stage I adenocarcimmof ths en&m2triumwerepresentedti thesG0. Thiswas amlti-institutiona endeavortier theaegis of the COG. Stisequenttbsrapy, ifany,was determinedafter analysis of thepmgmstic factors in this disease entity and assigned on an individual basis. Sufficienttimehas nowelapsedtoevaluateths results of this approachto tba managemat of mdamatrial cancer. These results will be presented.
EiNco-m ASSCCIAW WITHmmNE REP‘IHERAPY:A DIS'l3VCI BIOLCGIC ENIcIlY? A. Ferencsy,M.M. Selfand, F. Shyamala, DeparmmtsOfPathologyand Obstetrics andGyneo01ogyandTheLady Davis Institute formdical F&search, 93s Sir Mxtimar B. Davis Jewish General RospitalandMxill University, lubntreal, Canada. Racxmtepidemiologic andmx-pholoyic studies foundmstendamatrial carcinomas inonhomone replace theram UIFU) FIG.2 Stage IA, Gradel, well-diffemtiatedwith near 100% 5-year-survival rates. Cmparative ultrastructural, kinetic and sex-steroid receptor measurementswerecarriedouttoassess~~r~associatedcorpuscarcinorms arebiolcgicallydiffereutfmnthosewitiwut Hm. Analysis of the results offers no significant differences betweenHRIQsscciatedand unassociated en&m&rialcarc~ whenmatchsd for histologic differentiation. It appears that the less aggressive biological behavior of HRl?as.sociated endanetrial carcincmas is a reflection of earlier c1jnica.l detection and possibly, an accelerati home-madiated gmmth promotion of carcim precursor hyperplasticendoaetrim.
CLEhRCELLcARcIExt@xOF~ -IM: ACLINICADPA'~XX~XICACSTDDYOF~~CASES. W. M. Christophersm, P. J. Cmmelly, R. C. Alberhasky, Departnentof Pa&logy, Miversity of Louisville School of Medicine, Health Sciences Center, Louisville, KY. Clear cell r2amimm oftheenckmatrim (CCE) is adistinctive subtypeofmdcsetrial ,2swxinam. Shce itmikes uponly about five percentof ehdcmatrial carcixmas, rela-