1429 like myself even when combined with massage and movements. I speak with all submission to Dr. R. Fortescue Fox and Dr. J. Campbell McClure. To t...

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like myself even when combined with massage and movements. I speak with all submission to Dr. R. Fortescue Fox and Dr. J. Campbell McClure. To take a very localised injury, such as a sprain of ankle or wrist, hot douching (or cold) is a very old and well-recognised form of treatment. Also


Saliva trickled from the



aspect of both

mouth, ? swallowing and distressing, while, in addition, the dorsal feet now presented a rash similar to that

Vesicles in process of seen on the hands. formation were now observable between the cleft of the toes and around the toe-nails. August 15th : Rash on the hands beginning to fade. Vesicles ruptured leaving small ulcers on mucous membrane, shallow, with dark red base, the contents of which, clear in the earlier stage, now became turbid.


day do I see joints, rheumatic or traumatic, sprayed by the Aix or Vichy method and manipulated concurrently or subsequently, which of course the The patient made an uninterrupted recovery, and heat makes easy. I think I am not assuming too resumed his professional duties in about nine much in stating there must be all sorts of douches weeks from the beginning of medical treatment, and methods of applying " eau courante in London which consisted of chlorate of potash gargles, with from the pump and kitchen tap upwards, and some ice to relieve throat, calamine lotion externally to of them are probably in use unless the Zeppelins relieve the great itching, with restricted diet in the have mishandled the water mains. acute stages, chiefly milk, chicken jelly, beef-tea, One is therefore rather at a loss for a reason for with fish and flesh later when deglutition perthe official utterance of the honorary secretaries of mitted. Smears from the throat and contents of the Balneological branch of the Royal Society of vesicles gave negative results. Medicine. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, I am, Sir, yours faithfully, T. D. LUKE, M.D. Peebles, Dec. 7th, 1915. C. M. O’BRIEN, M.D., L.R.C.P., every



and Lecturer on Dermatology at, City Hospital for Diseases of the Skin and Cancer, Dublin ; Honorary Member of the Dermatological Society, France.

Physician to,


SiR,—In THE LANCET of Nov. 27th reference it made to a case of foot-and-mouth disease in man ir the Johns Hopkins Hospital B1Ûletin of October As you truly say, cases of this nature do not ofter come up for consideration, and it may interest youi readers if I recall a case which occurred from direct inoculation and exhibited by me1 at a meeting of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland on Jan. 31st, 1913, and included in its Transactions (vol. xxxi., p. 31). The case to which I refer had in addition to its great rarity the novelty of becoming historic by reason of its having formed the basis of a rather heated debate in Parliament.

Dublin, Dec. 5th, 1915.




By the death of Dr. Heron, which took place in London on Dec. 10th, an active and varied medical career has been brought to a close. Born in Glasgow on April 9th, 1845, he received his early education On July 9th, 1912, G. J. B., Veterinary Inspector, at Ross’s School, Ottawa, Canada, and at the Glasgow Irish Agricultural Department, M.R.C.V.S., while examinHe entered Glasgow University in 1862 Academy. ing a beast for suspected foot-and-mouth disease on an infected farm in Co. Dublin, got bitten by a sheep on the as a medical student, and obtained the degrees of index finger of the left hand. Having applied an antiseptic M.B., C.M. in 1867, M.D. in 1869, and D.P.H. in 1877. dressing kept in position by a finger-stall he continued his After filling the posts of house physician and house daily examinations, not anticipating any serious results. surgeon at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Heron Three weeks later the wound became septic, to which decided to complete his medical education by he himself applied the scalpel with antiseptic precaution. and he spent nearly three years abroad, studying On August llth, one month after his having been in Berlin and Paris. In Berlin he came under the consulted me for and of the he redness backs bitten, swelling of both hands and fingers, accompanied by great itching of influence of Koch, with whom he formed a life-long the parts. He also complained of feeling out of sorts for a friendship, and whose doctrines regarding tuberfew days before, but it was the peculiar sensation of pins culosis he embraced in their entirety. Indeed, for and needles in the feet, associated with increasing difficulty some years he was practically the only advocate of in walking, which led to his invoking my aid even now. those doctrines in this country. August 12th : On examination I found the fingers and dorsal After his return from abroad, Heron became, in aspect of both hands swollen and covered over with a dull 1872, assistant medical officer at Glamorgan County reddish, raised rash, which stopped short abruptly an inch and soon after was engaged for a time in above the wrists. On close examination vesicles were obser- Asylum, Finding, however, this work vable here and there over the region of rash, especially in general practice. to his tastes, and desiring a wider the clefts between the fingers and immediately above and uncongenial around the finger-nails. On removing the dressings of the field for his activities, he came to London in the injured finger the edges of the wound gaped, but no pus late "seventies" and devoted himself to the practice exuded even on pressure. The lymphatic glands were not of medicine. He became a Member of the College perceptibly involved. The throat and fauces were congested of Physicians in 1880, and was elected a Fellow in and some vesicles were present; a few vesicles were also 1887. Previous to this, in 1878, he had obtained a observable on the inside of the lips and gums and side of on the staff of the City of London Hospital place the tongue, rendering mastication, deglutition, and talking for Diseases of the and at this institution, painful. Saliva was increased and the voice less distinct with which he wasChest, for 37 years, he connected than normal. The temperature registered in the mouth was and the various studied with ability 100° exceeded this entire illness. great energy just F., and never during the The kidney secretion was high coloured, acid, specific gravity problems connected with the treatment of tuber1020, and sugar and albumin were absent. Heart, lungs, and culosis. other organs appeared quite normal. Knee-jerks normal, In the autumn of 1890 Koch published to the ankle clonus present. August 13th : All the foregoing world his discovery of tuberculin as a remedy symptoms were more pronounced. Vesicles more fully for tuberculosis, and the columns of the press formed and about the size of peas on lips, tongue, and became full of the " cure" which had at last 1 THE been found. Dr. Heron and Sir Watson Cheyne LANCET, Feb. 22nd, 1913, p. 536. "