Abstracts-International Society of Biomechanics XIV Congress 1993
FORCES AND MOMENTS AT THE KNEE DURING STAIRCLIMBING P.A.Costigan, U.P.Wyss, J.Li, T.D.V.Cooke, and S.J.Olney Clinical Mechanics Group, Queen’s University, Kingston On. Canada. Stairclimbing is an appealing functional activity to study since it places more stress on the knee than level walking. Thirty-five young normals were examined using a threedimensional opto-electric motion tracking system and simultaneous force plate data collection. Flexion-extension profiles were similar for all subjects, while the adduction and rotation profiles were quite variable. Global forces were approximately one body weight in the vertical direction (Z), and roughly l/lOth of a body weight in the X and Y. If the global force data are translated and represented fixed to the shank the forward shear (X) force increases by a factor of 4 to just less than l/2 body weight. These large shear forces cannot be ignored. The flexionextension moments (counter-balanced by quadriceps activity) about the knee show a large moment (1.00 Nm/body weight) that tends to flex the knee just after foot contact, with another smaller moment (0.6 Nm/body weight) near the end of stance. The adduction moment showed a similar profile but with a lower peak (0.3 Nm/body weight). The large differences in the global versus the fixed body forces are due to the orientation of the shank in the global coordinate system and represent a different partitioning of the same total force vector. This difference underscores the need to present forces in the fixed body system. These data can be used as baseline data for testing patient function after medical intervention.
BODY CENTRE OF MASS OSCILLATIONS OF YOUNG ADULT FEMALES WHILE WALKING WITH HAND-HELD LOADS Alan CROWE, Piet SCHIERBCK and Wim KEESSEN Gait Analysis L&or&ny, JanusJongbloed ResearchCentre, University of Utrecht, Vondellaan 24> 3521 GG Utrecht, The Netherkk Walking at preferred speed with loads of 15% body weight in either the left hand or the right hand or in each band were comparedwith the anloaded situation. Loading did not al&t preferred walking speed, total stanceor cycle duration to within I-21. Stancedecreasedby about 2.5% with single loading ml 5% with double loading. Cyclic oscillations of centre of mass of body + load were compared with the u&aded situation. With loading the amplitudes of the vertical oscillations slightly incread and those of the fore-aft oscillations slightly decreesed.Lateral oscillation clemad by about 25% with double loading and-by about 15% with single loading. Lateral oscillation was further to the right for a Id hand-held load aod further to the left for a right handheklload.
KINEMATIC STUDY OF THE STRIDE OF A SOUND HORSE TROTTING AT 3 M/S C. Degueurce (1 ), J.-M. Denoix (1) G. Dietrich (2) and D. Geiger 3) Lab. d’Anatomie - JE INRA - Ecole Nationaie Veterinaire - L aisons-Alfort -FRANCE Lab. de Biomecanique - INSEP - Vincennes - FRANCE Lab. de Mdcanique Physique - UniversitC Paris Val de Marne - Creteil - FRANCE Five sound horses were submitted to a kinematic locomotion examination usin white markers sticked to the skin at places like the withers and the extremities o9 bony se ments of the thoracic and elvic limbs. The relative duration of each hase of the strr 3 e were studied showing tha P there is a difference from one hase of &e stride to the other m the.case of a sound horse trotting at 3 m/s as t Re stance phase is hase. Thus variation of duration creates a suspension hase at ~k?t$ei/i!iYZ~~ t%E3# Vhese phases consists of two eriods, a short one and a Pong one. For instance, the deceleration phase is shorter than Phe propulsion phase in the case of the stance phase. The retraction is shorter than the extensron in the case of the swin phase. The trajectories of each point have many characteristics and their genera 9 aspect IS constant.. Some points such as the withers and the top of the tail are partrcularly mterestrmg. Actually, they both move according to a sinusoidal movement with. a frequency twice as much as the stride one. Each one of these points reaches an maxrmum ordinate each time a hoof lands on the floor. Their horrzontal motion is perfect1 correlated with time which shows that it will be possible to calculate the speed o ! the.horse later on. The curves of modifications of ca~rpus and tarsus angles are very specific of the angle concerned.