Forearm tremor during isometric elbow flexion

Forearm tremor during isometric elbow flexion


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Abstracts---InternationalSocietyof Biomechanics XIII Congress1991

EFFECTSOF COMBINED TRAINING PROGRAMS ON FORCE-VELGCITY RELATION AND POWER OUTPUT IN HUMAN MUSCLE Hideki Tohji, Kensaku Suei, and Masahiro Kaneko* Himeji Institute of Technology, Hyogo, Japan,and *Osaka College of PhysicalEducation, Osaka,Japan The effects of different training programson the force-velocityrelation and the maximum power output by the elbow flexor muscles. Six of the subjects(G30) trained with ten repetitions at 3O%Po(PO;maximum strength), another six (G30+0) with five repetitions each at 3O%Poand O%Po,and the remaining six subjects (G30+100) with rive repetitions at 3O%Poand five at lOO%Po.They ttaiued three times a week for eleven weeks. Force and velocity were measuredbefore and after the training period. Maximum power increasedsignificantly in all groups, but the most in G30+100. Maximum velocity improved most in G30+0, and maximum strength most in G30+100. Subjectswho included maximal force in training (G30+100) improved the most in maximum strength. Likewise, those who included no load in the training (G30+0) performed best in maximum velocity. Interestingly, however, the training in G30+100 enhancedmaximal power production more than did the more specifictraining in G30. Isometric training at maximum strength thus appearsto be a more effective form of supplementarytraining to increasepower production than doesfree-swing training at maximum velocity.

TREMORIN ELBOWFLEXIONWITHREFERENCE TO SOMEANTHROPOMETRIC AND MUSCLESTRUCTURE VARlABLES JukkaT. viitasalo’,SirpaMikkonen’,MattiSalonen’,OssiAura*,Jan Gajewsk?’and AdrzejWii” ‘) ResearchInstitutefor OlympicSports,SF-49799Jyvtlskyla,Finland l*) Instituteof Sport,Warsaw,Poland The effectsof body anthropometricand musclestructurecharacteristkson tremorduringe&rowflexionwere studiedamong 13 subjects.Theysat on a dynamometerchairuppsrbody and arm in vertkal positionand lowerarm in horizontalpositionand carrieda freelyhangingload (55 N, 19.9+ 3.3 % from the maximalisometricsbength)which was connectedvia a straingauge transducerand an iron cuff to the wristof a fullysupinatedarm.An accekmmeter was attachedto the cuff to measureverticaltremor.Peakpower,peak powerfrequencyand mean powerfmquenq weredeterminedfrom the tremorfrequencyspectrum.M. vastuslateraliswas bkpsied in orderto determinethe musclefiber distribution.Arm masswascalculatedby usingthe immersiontechniqueand skinfotdthicknesseswere measuredto determinatebody fat percentage. In a correlationanalysiifat percentage,arm massand relativemusclefibre area showedstatistkallysign&ant (pc.05)correlationswith the tremorfrequencycharacteristks;subjectswith higherfat pe ,qreatermmass and greateramount of fast twitchmusclecellshad hither trsmorfrequencycharaUerktksthan those wfth a lowerfat percentage,smallerarm massand slowermusclestructure.In partialcorrelationanalysesthe arm masswas found to bs the most importantdeterminantof the tremorcharacteristics.

FOREARMTREMORDURINGISOMETRICELBOWFLEXION JukkaT. V&alo’, SirpaMikkonen’,Matti Salonen’,OssiAura’, Jan Gajewski”and Andnej Wf ‘) ResearchInstftutefor OlympicSports,SF-40799JyvBskykI, Finland +*)Instituteof Sport,Warsaw,Poland Tremorof thirteensubjectsduringelbowflexionwere studiedin rigidisometric(againsta chafnfixedto the floor), in “dynamic”isometric(a freelyhangingload)and in springfoedfngs(stgfness229 r(vmm)at a co&ant contra&n levelof 50 % of maximalisometricstrength.The subjectssat on a dynamometerchair upperbody and arm in vertical positionand lowerarm in horizontalposftfon.In all the kading condii the raeistancewas connectedvia a strain gaugetransducerand an iron cuff to the wristof a fullysup&&d arm. An accekmmeterwee attachedto the cuff meesurfngtremorin the verticaldirection,Peakpower(PMAX)and peakpowerfrequency@ifAX)as wellas the meanpowerfrequency(MPF)weredeterminedfrom the tremorfmquencyspectrum. ThefteqwMcyvaluesforthespringloadingnrere~~ysignban$~thanthosefortherigidandthe dynamklo&ngs.Theamptitudebfthetremorinthe condi#ions.Thehigh~~fl?und fmquenctesas well asthefr‘atmoet duringthesetwo loadkgs. The low amplitudecharacteristkssuggestthat the subjeck reactedto the sprfnglo&g veryin&iduaUy.