54-year-old white man came to the dental clinic for a routine dental examination. Soft-tissue examination revealed a 10 X 20 mm indurated swelling on the dorsal third of the tongue, just off the midline. This was similar in color and appearance to the surrounding lingual tissue. The patient stated that he initially became aware of the lesion approximately 10 to 12 days following dental treatment by a civilian practitioner and further volunteered that his tongue was lacerated by a dental bur during crown-and-bridge preparation. The area was tender to palpation, but the results of a head and neck examination were unremarkable. An occlusal radiograph revealed a radiopaque, cylindrically shaped object measuring approximately 15 x 2 mm. A radon seed was included in the differential diagnosis but was eliminated because of a noncontributory medical history. With the aid of local anesthesia (2% lidocaine with epinephrine l/ 1OO,OOO), the lesion was incised longitudinally and the foreign body was removed. Further
gross examination confirmed identification of a dental bur. Healing was uneventful. Charles S. J. Samborski, Captain USAF (DC) Joseph A. Mix, Captain USAF (DC) USAF Clinic Aviano APO 09293