545. disinfectant ccmpound has been introduced into the United States Pharmacopoeia, under the name liquor cresolis compositus, consisting of crude cr...

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545. disinfectant ccmpound has been introduced into the United States Pharmacopoeia, under the name liquor cresolis compositus, consisting of crude cresol dissolved in an equal weight of soap solution. The crude cresol is a variable mixture of ortho-, meta-, and para-cresols, which may be separated by taking advantage of their different boiling-points. Dr. C. N. McBryde, bacteriologist to the United States Department of Agriculture, has determined the germicidal value of this preparation for various microorganisms, including bacillus pyocyaneus, bacillus coli communis, bacillus typhosus, and bacillus tuberculosis and staphylococcus pyogenes aureus.1 He has found that the liquor cresolis compositus is one and a half times as active a germicide as carbolic acid, even when prepared from a cresol of low boiling-point and free from meta- and para-cresols. The germicidal efficiency of the preparation increases with the boiling-point of the cresol it contains, and solutions made from meta-cresol and para-cresol are both much stronger germicides than a solution made from a low boiling cresol, which approximates to ortho-cresol. The bulletin contains details of the experiments which were conducted for the determination of the carbolic acid equivalent. In the case of a solution prepared from a low boiling cresol a 1 in 175 dilution was superior to a 1 in 125 solution of carbolic acid in its action on bacillus coli communis. In a comparison of the action of preparations of the three cresols on the same organism it was found that in dilutions of 1 in 250 orthocresol was not fatal in 15 minutes, para-cresol was fatal in 122 minutes, while meta-cresol proved fatal in seven and a half minutes. It follows that a meta-cresol is superior to para-cresol, and that both are superior to ortho-cresol. The introduction of an official preparation of the higher cresols, the germicidal value for which has once for all been determined, would be a valuable addition to medicine and surgery. Crude cresol is less poisonous than carbolic acid, it is cheaper, and, as has been shown, it has a higher germicidal value. Its solution in soap is miscible with water, turpentine, glycerine, alcohol, and fats, and is effective in dilutions of from 1 to 2 per cent. It may be prescribed in the form of a gargle, spray, douche, lotion, liniment, or ointment.

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4. Institutions for dealing with defective children must be main.. tained or supported by the State. 5 An annual medical examination of children entering the primary school should be held to test their mental capacity. 6. The cost of maintenance of a child in an institution is to be. charged to the canton and the parish. The parents are to be called upon to contribute in a fitting manner. 7. The Federal Council should be asked to amend the Education Acts. so as to allow institutions founded by private societies to qualify for grants from the subventions given by the Federation to the primary schools, provided that these institutions accept inspection and prove to be satisfactorily conducted. 8. The cantonal Governments are likewise to be asked to support private endeavour in future legislation.

In Germany, at Mannheim, the third Congress for combating venereal disease was mainly concerned in discussing thequestion of teaching the laws of sex to school children. It was agreed that this proceeding was desirable, but opinions differed as to whether it was better done at home or at school. The majority were in favour of approaching the matter through simple lessons in biology. Another of pediatrics will be discussed at. branch important the annual meeting of the German Society of School Hygiene, which will be held at Darmstadt; this is the care of the teeth in children. Dr. Jessen of Strassburg has drawn up a schedule of information on the matter for the consideration of school authorities. It will be remembered that the same topic produced a useful debate at the recent meeting of the British Medical Association at Exeter. It is encouraging to know that there is a universal move-ment to study the vital problems connected with hygiene in the upbringing of children. THE


THE Boston Medical and Surgical Journal of July 18th, contains an important paper on the Mistaken Diagnosis of Typhoid Perforation, by Dr. C. L. Scudder. Instances of mistaken diagnosis fall naturally into three groups: (1) those in which no lesion is discoverable ; (2) those in which thelesion found does not involve the peritoneum ; and (3) those in which the lesion found involves the peritoneum. Among the examples of the second group recorded are cases of pneumonia, gastritis, entero-colitis, Zenker’s degeneration of the abdominal muscles (beginning with bagmorrhage into the muscles), and distended bladder. The symptoms of FOREIGN CONFERENCES ON EDUCATION AND perforation-sudden abdominal pain, tenderness, rigidity, HYGIENE. distension, vomiting, and rapid pulse-are also symptoms of THE recent successful conference in London on the hygiene peritonitis, and therefore certain cases of peritonitis due to of school children was the expression of an awakening of other causes than perforation have been mistaken for theinternational interest in the important issues which were latter. Prominent among these are cases of cholecystitis and cases in under discussion. Conferences dealing with some branch of perforation of the gall-bladder. Keen has collected 34 mistaken for which of the was typhoid perforation gall-bladder the subject have recently been held in both Switzerland and of the intestine. In these cases seven operations perforation sixth annual of In Switzerland the conference Germany. were performed, of which five were complete, with one death. persons interested in the treatment of imbecile children was All of the cases in which no operation was performed were held this year at Solothurn. The president, in his opening Killiani has reported a case in which there were two fatal. address, reviewed the progress of the past decade. The of the intestine and a perforation of the gallperforations number of Swiss institutions for treating imbecile children bladder in the fourth week of typhoid fever. In a case of had risen in this period from 13 to 29, and the number of Meckel’s diverticulum during typhoid fever children treatedfrom 411 to 1172. In 1906 the canton of strangulation of an operation was performed under the diagnosis of perforaLucerne opened a public institution for the care of defective tion of the intestine. Another cause of mistake is rupture children, and this, the first case of direct public assistance, of infected mesenteric glands in typhoid fever. In such was heartily welcomed. The number of special classescases the typhoid bacillus has been found in pure culture i.e., primary classes for defective children-had risen from in the peritoneal cavity. Thrombosis of the femoral and 20 to 67 and their pupils now number 1415 instead of 567 ten iliac veins is also a source of error. Peritonitis may occur years ago. The following motions were carried :in typhoid fever without perforation or other di3coverable 1. Defective children—i.e., imbecile, dumb, blind, deaf, epileptic, In some of these cases, no doubt, an impending* lesion. and crippled children—should be taught in separate schools or classes in their own interest as well as that of the school and society. existed. Other causes of peritonitis in typhoid perforation 2. Experience shows that the majority of these children are sent too are softened splenic infarcts, abscess of the bladder fever if ever to the school. late, special 3. To meet the defects of the Education Acts, the care of these wall, and abscess of the liver. Occasionally cases of children must be the subject of legislation, and in particular their attendance at some school must be made compulsory during the usual appendicitis have been operated upon under the diaperiods. gnosis of typhoid perforation. Dr. Scudder reports the following case. A woman, aged 38 years, was admitted into. 1 Bulletin No. 100, Bureau of Animal Industry, United States hospital on May 20th. Four weeks before she was taken, Department of Agriculture.