MICRO-ORGANISMS OF ULCERATIVE ENDOCARDITIS. 42 Medical School.-Dr. Reeves Jackson, Professor of Gyneacology in the College of Physicians and Surgeon...

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Medical School.-Dr. Reeves Jackson, Professor of Gyneacology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago.Dr. Jas. R. Leaming, Professor of Pulmonary Diseases in the A PAPER on the above subject appears in the Lyon Hidicale’ New York Policlinic. of Dec. 18th, 1892. The case upon which the observations were made was that of a* girl aged nineteen. The diagnosis’ THE Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin have announced In order to prowas confirmed on post-mortem examination. that the competition for the Bressa Prize, commenced on cure the organisms one of her fingers was carefully cleansed, January, 1891, will extend to December, 1894. As is already first with soap-and-water, then with ether and finally with known, the prize will be given to the scientific author or corrosive sublimate solution ; a drop of blood was obtained by inventor, whatever may be his nationality, who during the pricking the finger with a sterilised needle and placed in interval included in the four years mentioned shall have made, bouillon. The culture medium was kept at a temperature of in the judgment of the Academy, the most important and 35° C., and rapidly became cloudy. On microscopic examina- useful or published the most valuable work on discovery tion a diplococcus was found rather larger than the staphyloand science, natural history, matheexperimental physical The elements of the diplococcus appeared coccus pyogenes. matics, chemistry, physiology and pathology, geology, occasionally to be single, but they never formed in chainsI history, or geography and statistics. The value of the or in groups. They did not possess a capsule. The organismL prize is fixed at 10,416 francs. The works must be printed, stained well with all the aniline dyes and also by the Gram and the productions of the unsuccessful candidates will be method. It could be cultivated at any temperature between returned to them. 13° and 14° C. The cultures in bouillon very quickly caused a turbidity in, and gave a well marked yellow tinge to, the liquid. THE following gentlemen have during the last month been The culture obtained its maximum of growth in about forty- selected for enrolment as Honorary Associates of the Grand eight hours, but ceased to increase in about seven or eight Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem hours after that time. A copious yellow deposit formed on in England, by the Chapter of the Order, in recognition of standing, but the supernatant liquid remained cloudy. Cul- valuable and gratuitous services in the cause of ambulance tures on agar-agar glycerine grew rapidly, and well marked work, and their selection has received the approval of Her






observed at the end of twenty-four hours at a On the surface of the cultivating medium a very slight white pellicle was noticed with somewhat festooned borders ; this appearance extended into the agar-agar. If a culture was made by running the needle deep into the agar-agar, a white streak was produced in the course of the needle, but it presented nothing which could be called characteristic. On gelatine the diplococcus did not grow so well-the gelatine was not liquefied. Occasionally on the surface a pellicle similar to that produced on agaragar was noticed. In plate cultivations this was shown to consist of minute, opaque, yellowish-white colonies. A rabbit was inoculated with a broth-culture, but no effect was produced. The animal was killed on the tenth day, but no lesions could be detected. were

temperature of 37° C.

the Queen, the sovereign head and patron of the Order : Frederick Gordon Brown, M. R. C. S. (City of London), Samuel Osborn, F. R. C. S. (London) ; Geo. Edward Shuttleworth, M.D. (Lancaster); Thomas Coke Squance, M.D. (Sunderland) ; George Arthur Barr, M.R.C.S. (Newport, Isle of Wight); Professor John Chiene, M.D. (St. Andrews Ambulance Association, Edinburgh).


PROFESSOR NOTHNAGEL of Vienna, the worthy successor of the illustrious Professor Bamberger in the chair of Clinical Medicine, has just intimated to the organising committee of the International Medical Congress that he will contribute a special paper to the agenda of one of the general sittings.

THE Lettsomian lectures will be delivered at the Medical Society of London, Cavendish-square, by John Syer Bristowe, FOREIGN UNIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE. F.R.S., on Jan. 9th and 23rd and Feb. 6th, 1893, at M.D., J/oM.—Professor Celso Pellizzari of Pisa has been 8.30 P.M., on the subject of Syphilitic Affections of the appointed to the chair of Dermatology and Syphilis in suc- Nervous System. cession to Dr. Pietro Pellizzari, deceased. Leipsic. -Dr. Spalteholz, formerly assistant to the late THE General Medical Council has appointed Mr. Rawdon Professor Braune, has been raised to the rank of Extraordinary Macnamara to be visitor of the examinations of the -



Universities and the medical Extra- current year.

Lemberg.-Dr. L. Niemilowicz has been appointed ordinary Professor of Pharmacognosis. Marburg.-Dr. Eugen Korschelt of Berlin has been appointed Professor of Zoology and Director of the Zoological




in Ireland for the


TION.-On Friday next, Jan. 13th, a general meeting of this Institute. Association will be held, at 3.30 P.M., in the rooms of the Pisa.-Dr. G. Guarnieri has been promoted to the Ordinary Medical Society, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square. The Professorship of General Pathology. President, Dr. W. Howship Dickinson, will occupy the chair, Santiago (Ohili). -Don F. Puelma Tupper has been and a paper on the Disinfection and Treatment of Scarlet appointed Professor of Experimental Physiology ; Don Fever by Antiseptic Inunction will be read by Mr. J. Brendon Aureliano Oyarzun, Professor of Morbid Anatomy ; Don L. Curgenven. The meeting will be open to all medical men who take an interest in the subject of the paper and they Espejo Varas, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica; will be invited to join in the subsequent discussion. and Don Francisco Servat, Professor of Organic Chemistry. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. A new medical TouZe2cse.-M. André has been appointed Professor of entitled Annales has just been X6dieoC7tirurgicales monthly Internal Pathology. commenced under the auspices of a Belgian Medical Society, TU’l’in.-Dr. Camillo Negro has beenappointedprivat-docent Le Cercle Medical Borain. It is principally devoted to clinical in Neurology. observations made by the members.-Havana (Cuba) has -


DEATHS OF EMINENT FOREIGN MEDICAL MEN. THE deaths of the following distinguished members of the medical profession abroad have been announced :-



just produced a new monthly—Z Abeja Médiea (the Medical Bee). It is edited by Dr. Gustavo L6pez y Garcia. The specimen number which has been sent to us contains, amongst other articles, an illustrated paper on Deformed Skulls of Carribean Indians in Cuba and St.

Bonalumi, Professor of Military Hygiene in theJHorence Dr. Sotolongo y Lynch.

Domingo, by