NOTICES arms, Balli.sti.cs. and Forensic
Techniques). Therefore, this text is not really complete without that companion book. The textbook largely reflects the experience and opinions of the authors. Discussion of the basic principles and practices of forensic pathology reflects thleir methods and theories, and controversial topics are often presented from only one point of view. The text is, unfortunately, thinly referenced and some of the references are outdated. The illustrations are generally appropriate and supplement the text, but suffer slightly from the quality of the paper used in the book. The few color photographs displayed collectively in the center of the text at-e duplicates of black and white prints in the text and do not contribute significantly to the book. In summary, this book is basic and very readable. Although it is not comprehensive, it serves as an excellent beginning handbook for the pathology resident or the pathologist involved in occasional medicolegal cases.-Ross ZUMWALT, MD, Ofice of the Medic& Inw,+?igator. Uniuersi~y of NPU!Mexico. Alb~uqwrque, NM.
also be of interest to cardiovascular surgeons and cardiologists, inasmuch as it contains good descriptions of general cardiova:jcufar pathologic conditions.-CoLrN M. BLOOR, MD, DtpzrtmPnt of Patholo,tt. UCSD School ?f Medicine, La [alla. CA. Forensic
Maio. El!;evier $46.95.
Dominick J. DiMaio, Vincent J. M. DiScience, New York, NY, 1989, 503 pages,
The authors have combined their considerable forensic experience in writing a basic forensic pathology ,textbook oriented toward pathologists with no formal trammg in forensic pathology, medical students, homicide detectives, medicolegal investigators, attorneys, and others interested in forensir pathology. The book 1s written in a clear style ant1 covers most basic topics in the field, with the major exception of injuries due to firearms. Apparently, this is because one of’ the authors (V.J.M.D.) has recently published an excellent monograph on firearm injuries with the \ame publisher (Gumhot Wortnd~s: Prnctica,! A$wrt.c CJ~ Fire-
Biomedical Ethics Review-1989. James h4. Humber, Robert F. Almeder. Clifton, NJ, Humana, 1990, 169 pages, $39.50. Mechanisms of Disease. A Textbook of Comparative General Pathology (ed 2). David 0. Slauson. Barry 1. (:ooper. Baltimore. MD, William 8c Wilkins, 1990. 541 pages, $49.!)5. Progress in Surgical Pathology, vol 11. Cecilia M. FenoglioPreiser. Marianne Wolff, Frank0 Rilke. New Ir’ork. NY. Field & Wood. 1990. 250 pages. $85. Infectious Disease and Therapy Series, vol 2, Nucleic Acid and Monoclonal Antibody Probes: Application in Diagnostic Microbiology. Bala Swaminathan, (ivan Prakach. New York, NY, Dekker. 1989. 752 pages. $150. Head and Neck Pathology. Leaon Barnes. Rohrrt L. Peel. New York, NY. Igaktl-Shoin, 1990. $68.75. Endocrinology of Thermal Trauma: Pathophysiologic Mechanisms and Clinical Interpretation. Rajko Dolecek. Agostino Molteni. Loredana Brizio-Molteni, Daniel Traber. Malvern. PA, Lea & Febiget-, 1990, 469 pages. $78.50. Atlas and Test of Aspiration Biopsy Cytology. Kennet!~ C. Suen. York. PA, Williams & Wilkins. 1990. 273 pages. $79.50. Surgical Pathology of the Breast. K. Rogers, A. I. Coup. Stoneham, MA. Butterworth, 1990. 140 pages. S70.00.
Surgical Pathology of Non-Neoplastic Lung Disease (ed 2). AnnaLuise A. Katzenstein, Frederic B. Askin. Philadelphia. PA, Saunders, 1990. 621 pages, $50. Therapeutic Approaches to Inflammatory Diseases. Alan 1. Lewis, Niall S. Doherty, Neil R. Ackerman. New I’ork, NY. Elsevier Science. 1989. 4 16 pages. $85. Cytology of the Uterine Cervix. L. Szalay. Vienna, Austria. Wilhelm Maudrich. 1989% 308 pages. $98. Pathology of Organ Transplantation. George E. Sale. Stoneham.
&4A. Butt#erworth. 1990, 327 pages, $69.95. Problematic Pigmented Lesions: Case Method Approach. Martin G. Mihm, Paul H. (;ooge. Malvern, PA. Lea 8c Febiger. 1990.543 pages, $X!J..iO. Pathology of AIDS and Other Manifestations V;jay V. joshi. New York. N\I’. Igaku-Shoin. $79.50.
of HIV Infection. 1990. 384 pages.
Meeting: 16th Annual Education Conference ican Association of Pathologists’ Assistants
Oral Pathology
October 8-12, 1990 Providence, RI: American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants For further information, contact Doris Schuler-Maloney, MS, Mercy Hospital Medical Center, Department of Pathology, 6th and University. Des Moines, IA 50514: (.515) 247-4478.
October l-ii, 1990 Bethesda. MD: Holiday Inn of Bethesda For furthu xzformntion, contact C. A. Tuchis, American Registry of Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington. DC: 2O%KXOOO: (202) 576-2980. Symposium: Specific plasms by !
of the Amer-
October 6-7, 1990 Philadelphia. PA: Division of Dermatopathology, .Jefferson Medical College, with A. Bernard Ackerman, MD For fkrther information, contact Richard A. Jacoby, MD, Division of Dermatopathology, Jefferson Medical College, PO Box 899, Philadelphia, PA 19105; (215) 955-5604.
October 9-12, 1990 Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Forfurther information, contact C. A. Tuchis, American Registry of Pathology, Armed Forces lnstitute of‘ Pathology, Washington, DC 203063-6000: (202) 5762980.