71 (1995) 2107-2108
of Mesophase by Hydrogen Bond Directed Self-Assembly Between Barbituric Acid and Melamine Derivatives
W.-S.Yanga, S.-G.Chen”, X.-D.Chaia>b*, Y.-W.Cno”, R.Lu”, W-P.Chai”, Y.-S.Jiang”, T.-J.Li a and J.-M.Lehnb* “Department of Chcmistr):, Jilin Ilnivcrsity,
130023, P.R. China
bCllinlir: dcs Intc~-actions Molkulail-es, Colltigc dc France, 11 Place Mar&in Bcrthelot, 75005 Paris, France Abstract The 1:l nmoplwx
was fomlcd though molcculnr sclIlasscmbly dlrcckd hh, h\,drogcn bonding between light active barbituric acid derivative, j-[4-dodccylos~bcl~/!,lidcnz]-2,4, h,-( I I I, 31I)-p!,rilnidillctriolll: (13) and mclaminc derivative, 4-amino-2, &didodecylamino1, 3, 5-triazine (Mj. It was found through te,npcraturc-dcpclldcllt lI< spectra that thcrc are three kinds of hydrogen bonds with different strength in this mcsophasc. M’hcn dispcrscd in chloroform, this mcsophasc sho\\~s a double helical structure. 1. INTRODUCTION
It has been realized by Ircccnt rcsearchcs that supratttolccular species with desired architectural and functional fcaturcs can be obtained by molecular self-nsscmbl~ through manipulatinp the type and orientation of noncovalcnt intcractious hctwecn the molecular coml~o~i~~its[ I, 21. Among the bonds and interactions applicable to molecular sclI-assembling, hvdrogcn bonds Itavc received much attention due to their strong directional nature: [3, 41. Many acll-delincd shapes or pattcms have been construckd by hydrogen bond dircctcd self-assembly bct\vccn complcmentary molecular components, the formation of variable molecular ribbons composed of ac)~laminopyridil~e and acid 151; extended sheet structures of urcylcncdicarbosylic a&s [6]; and molecular strands ]7] or q’clic aggrcgatcs 18, 91 or ordci-cd bilayer membranes [IO] made up of alternating mclaminc and barbiturate derivative components. hi this work i: pair of coml~lcmcntar! componciits, light active j-[4-dodcc~los!,bc,l~~,lidclic]-2, -1, 6.-i I I I. 31I)-p!‘lrlinidinetrione (B) and 4-amino-2, h-dlclotlcc~lalllino- I, 3, 5-triazinc (M) were designed and synthesized. It has been kno\\~ that supran~olecular species can bc fonncd hct\\,ccn barbituric acid and melamine dcrivativcs through triple hydrogen bonds 171. Thus the present molecular components, 13 and M, are cspcctcd to construct supcnnolecular spccics 13.M U’itli nonlinear, electron transfer or liquid crystal propcrtics. 2. EXPERIMENTAL Melting points \\‘crt: measured \\itll a Microscopic Melting Point Meter. Infrared spectra \\‘erc recorded on a Nlcolct 51)X FT-IR Spcctromctcr. I‘EM csperimcnts \\crc pert’onr~od \vith a
0379-6779/95/$09.500 1995 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved SSDl
li?OI, KM-1200C Electron Microscope. stained by uranyl acetate.
The samples were H
7 ,e\
N-R H’ R= C12H25
Synthcscs of the two complementary molecules B and M used in this work were reported in reference [ 111. Both of them ai-c quite soluble in chloroform. The melting points B and M are 80-8 I “C and 226-227°C respectively.The resulting mesophase \\‘a~ obtained as yellow precipitates (B,M) when B were mixed \\,~th one crluivalcnt of M in chloroform. The melting point of this mcsol~l~asc is 167-172°C. Elemental analysis shows that the ratio of 13and M in the resulting mesophase is 1:l. 3. RESULTS
‘l’hc tcmpcrature-dependent IR spectra (KBr) of B.M are given in Fig. 1. The spectrum at 25 ‘C in Fig. l(a) shows that the N-II stretching bands of B,M are at 3402 cm-l, 3351 cm-l and 3 3 IO cm-‘. Before B and M were mixed, the N-H stretching band of 13 is at 3198 cm-l belonging to associated form. lR spcct~-urn of M contains N-H stretching bands at 3360 cm-l and 326X cn~-’ \\hich are also due to its self-association. The N-H srrctching bands of B.M are different from those observed both for 13and M. The lR changes suggest that triple complementary
Figure 2. Ilcctron
of an aqueous dispersion
of B.M.
3366.7 3233.3
Yang et al. / Synthetic Metals 71 (1995) 2107-2108
heating. In [act it has been reported
band around
and was related Therefore,
for barbituric
with intermolecular
acid the C=O
1670 cm -l only appeared
in solid state
bonding B.M
is formed
through hydrogen bond directed molecular self-assembly. Fi
is about
directed molecular ordcrcd
and the diameters
500 nm and its length means
that the pattern
and \\,cll-defined
in the mesophase
of double
is in the scale of of hydrogen bond must be in a
on this
point are being carried out.
-._ 1800.0 1566.7 _I-_--
(a) 3100 cn~-1-3500 cm-t
assembling spectrum conclusion.
in accordance in region
(c’d >
Figure 1. Tem1)cratrlrc-dependent
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1X00 cm-t
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also supports
bands at 3737 cm-
and 1670 cm-’ for B, but they are at 1715 cm-’ and 1672 cmwl for B.M. The N-H stretching
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while the temperature
3310 cm-l decrcascs
peaks and their strength
rise. The strength
of band at
more rapidly than that at 3351 cm-*. The
N-H stretching
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gradually and disappears
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at higher temperature
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