Forthcoming articles

Forthcoming articles

Forthcoming articles Acebrdn, J.A. and Bonilla, L.L., Asymptotic description of transients and synchronized states of globally coupled oscillators Bas...

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Forthcoming articles Acebrdn, J.A. and Bonilla, L.L., Asymptotic description of transients and synchronized states of globally coupled oscillators Bastolla, U. and Parisi, G., The modular structure of Kauffman networks Bastolla, U. and Parisi, G., Relevant elements, magnetization and dynamical properties in Kauffman networks: a numerical study Bazhenov, M., Huerta, R., Rabinovich, M.I. and Sejnowski, T., Cooperative behaviour of a chain of synaptically-coupled chaotic neurons Belokolos, E.D., Enolskii, V.Z. and Korostil, A.M., Two-phase nonlinear waves in the long Josephson junction Bona, J.L. and Chen, M., A Boussinesq system for two-way propagation of nonlinear dispersive waves Bonetto, F., Gallavotti, G. and Garrido, P.L., Chaotic principle: an experimental test Bonilla, L.L., Vicente, C.J.P. and Spigler, R., Time-periodic phases in populations of nonlinearly coupled oscillators with bimodal frequency distributions Bressloff, P.C. and De Souza, B., Neural pattern formation in networks with dendritic structure Carr, T.W., Schwartz, l.B., On measures of disorder in globally coupled oscillators Chawanya, T. and Morita, S., On the bifurcation structure of the mean-filed fluctuation in the globally coupled tent map systems Chore K.H., Kanters, J.K., Cohen, R.J. and Holstein-Rathlou, N.-H., Detection of chaotic determinism in time series from randomly forced maps Chow, H.-H. and Reggia, J.A., Problem solving during artificial selection of self-replicating loops Collet, J.F. and Poupaud, F., Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to the diffusive fragmentation-coagulation system Epureanu, B.1. and Dowell, E.H., On the optimally of the Ott Grebogi Yorke control scheme Fath, G., Propagation failure of traveling waves in a discrete bistable medium Fujimura, K. and Nagata, M., Degenerate 1 : 2 steady state mode interaction - MHD flow in a vertical slot Fujisaka, H., Ouchi, K., Hata, H., Masaoka, B. and Miyazaki, S., On-off intermittency in oscillatory media Galaktionov, V.A. and Posashkov S.A., New explicit solutions of quasilinear heat equations with general first-order sign-invariants Garcke, H., Nestler, B. and Stoth, B., On anisotropic order parameter models for multi-phase systems and their sharp interface limits Garza-Hume, C.E., Liquid crystals and the monotonicity formula Golubitsky, M., Stewart, I., Buono, P.-L. and Collins, J.J., A modular network for legged locomotion Grimshaw, R., He, J. and Malomed, B.A., Nonlinear analysis of instability produced by linear mode coupling Hastings, M.B. and Levitov, L.S., gaplacian growth as one-dimensional turbulence Hua, B.L. and Klein, P., An exact criterion for the stirring properties of nearly two-dimensional turbulence Jorba, A. and Villanueva, J., Numerical computation of normal forms around some periodic orbits of the restricted three body problem Jordan, R., Yoshida, Z. and Ito, N., Statistical mechanics of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics in a multiply connected domain Kapitula, T., Stability criterion for bright solitary waves of the perturbed cubic-quintic Schr6dinger equation Kenkre, V.M., Jorgensen, M.F. and Christiansen, P.L., Exponential nonlinearity and saturation in quantum nonlinear dimers Kessler, D.A. and Kupferman, R., Spirals in excitable media: I I. Meandering transition in the diffusive free-boundary limit Kistler, W.M., Seitz, R and van Hemmen, J.L., Modelling collective excitations in cortical tissue Kittel, A., Parisi, J. and Pyragas, K., Generalized synchronization of chaos in electronic circuit experiments Krtiger, T. and Troubetzkoy, S., Complexity, randomness, discretization: some remarks on a program of J. Ford Kudrolli, A. and Gollub, J.P., Patterns and spatiotemporal chaos in parametrically forced surface waves: a systematic survey at large aspect ratio Kugiumtzis, D., Lingjaerde, O.C. and Christophersen, N., Regularized local linear prediction of chaotic time series Lai, Y.-C. and Lerner, D., Effective scaling regime for computing the correlation dimension from chaotic time series Lebceuf, P., Normal and anomalous diffusion in a deterministic area-preserving map Levi, M., A new ramdomness-generating mechanism in forced relaxation oscillations Matthews, P.C., Hexagonal patterns in finite domains Mensour, B. and Longtin, A., Power spectra and dynamical invariants for delay-differential and difference equations Naert, A., Castaing, B., Chabaud, B., Hdbral, B. and Peinke, J., Conditional statistics of velocity fluctuations in turbulence Nakata. S., Miyata, T., Ojima, N. and Yoshikawa, K., Self-synchronization in coupled salt-water oscillators Noest, A.J., Takumi, K. and de Boer, R., Pattern formation B-cell immune networks: domains and dots in shape-space Pelinovsky, D.E., Kivshar, Y.S. and Afanasjev, V.V., Internal modes of envelope solitons Pilgram, B. and Kaplan, D.T., A comparison of estimators ['or I/f noise Popp, S., Stiller, O., Kuznetsov, E. and Kramer, L., The cubic complex Ginzburg Landau equation for a backward bifurcation Ramani, A., Takahashi, D., Grammaticos, B. and Ohta, Y., The ultimate discretisation of the painlev6 equations Reimann. St., Oscillation and pattern formation in a system of self-regulating cells Renversez, G., Synchronization in two neurons: results for a two-component dynamical model with time-delayed inhibition Rossberg, A.G. and Kramer, L., Pattern formation from defect chaos a theory of Chevrons Schamel, H. and Hassan, I.O., Two wave collapses and a strange soliton in current carrying plasmas Schenker, J.H. and Swift, J.W., Observing the symmetry of attractors Seidel, H and Herzel, H., Bifurcations in a nonlinear model of the baroreceptor-cardiac reflex Shapovalov, A.V. and Evdokimov, E.V., Hamiltonian dynamics of Darwin systems 373


Forthcoming articles

Shudo, A. and Ikeda, K.S., Chaotic tunneling: A remarkable manifestation of complex classical dynamics in non-integrable quantum phenomena Sipper, M., Co-evolving non-uniform cellular automata to perform computations Smoller, J.A. and Wasserman, A.G., Limiting masses of solutions of Einstein Yang/Mills equations Stagliano, Jr., J.J., Wersinger, J.-M. and Slaminka, E.E., Doubling bifurcations of destroyed T ~tori Stam, C.J,, Pijn, J.P.M. and Pritchard, W.S., Reliable detection of non-linearity in experimental time series with strong periodic components Stauffer, A. and Sipper, M., On the relationship between cellular automata and L-systems: The self-replication case Taylor, J.E., Cahn, J.W. and Yunger, J., Diffuse interfaces with sharp corners and facets: phase field models with strongly anisotropic surfaces Tiaden, J., Nestler, B., Diepers, H.J. and Steinbach, I., The multiphase-field model with an integrated concept for modelling solute diffusion Tobias, S., Proctor, M.R.E. and Knobloch, E., Convective and absolute instabilities of fluid flows in finite geometry Treschev, D., Width of stochastic layers in near-integrable two-dimensional symplectic maps Vainchtein, A., Healey, T., Rosakis, P. and Truskinovsky, L., The role of the spinodal region in one-dimensional martensitic phase transitions Venkataramani, S.C., Antonsen Jr., T.M. and Ott, E., Anomalous diffusion in bounded temporally irregular flows Vinson, M., Interactions of spiral waves in inhomogeneous excitable media Wheeler, D.W. and Schieve, W.C., Stability and chaos in an inertial two-neuron system Wilson, R.E., Numerically derived scalings for the complex Ginzbur~Landau equation Yao, Q. and Tong, H., A bootstrap detection for operational determinism Zhang, W. and Vifials, J., Numerical study of pattern formation in weakly damped parametric surface waves These articles are scheduled to appear in volumes 112 115