and others. Pp. 349, with 122 illustrations. 1978.) Price k26.
(Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers Inc.,
This 1978 edition of the Year Book series contains brief summaries of 256 papers, published mainly between mid-1976 and mid-1977. Papers have been selected from 56 journals, almost all written in English and rhe majority published in America. One-third of the papers reviewed are from “Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery”. Although the publishers claim that “Year Books” cover the best of international literature, there does appear to be some national bias, accepting that so much good work does originate in the USA. Assuming that this book is read by a practising plastic surgeon who reads at least the main plastic surgery journals in English, it could be argued that these could be less fully covered. However, even for the assiduous journal reader, the book provides a refresher course and for those “too busy” it gives an introduction fo the literature (hopefully without replacing it). It would, though, be helpful fo both if more papers from non-English and non-plastic surgical journals were revlewed. In general, the papers are reviewed well and the brief editorial comments are often pertinent. As usually happens in a book produced in a hurry, there are a number of spelling and grammatical mistakes, some confusing (e.g. oesophagoscopy for oesphagostomy on p. 57 and glove for globe on p. 114). More irritating (and wasteful of space) is the tendency of the reviewers first to summarise the paper and then to summarise the summary. The “Year Book” of the future may well contain one-word summaries. This is a useful book and should be in all plastic surgery libraries. It is up to the individual to decide if his needs and his purse justify his spending A;26 to have it on his own shelves. B. C. SOMMERL.AD
PLASTIESET RECONSTRUCTIONS ORBITO-PALPEBRALES.By DENYS MONTANDONand GASTONF. MAILLARD. Pp. 172 with 420 illustrations (Editions Medecine et Hygiene, Geneve, 1979). Price 75 Swiss Francs. A welcome addition to the French plastic surgery literature, this large format hard-cover book presents, in a clear concise fashion, rhe various aspects of orbital surgery. The abundance of photographs and the excellent illustrations allow effortless reading. Because the authors have aimed at such a wide readership ranging from medical students to plastic surgeons as well as ophthalmologists, ear nose and throat and neurosurgeons, they seem to have experienced difficulty in deciding how much detail to include in individual chapters. They have succeeded in the chapters dealing with wound healing, basic surgical techniques and reconstruction of the eyelids. The latter subject is discussed in depth, and includes an impressive collection of reconstructive techniques. Other chapters have been touched so lightly as to whet the readers’ appetite and yet leave him unenlightened, and probably glancing towards his bookshelf in search of a more detailed work. These chapters include those dealing with ptosis, entropion and major congenital deformities, the latter concentrated in 6 pages mostly covered with diagrams and photographs. The authors have, however, compensated by including a comprehensive bibliography at the end of each chapter. Dr Montandon and Dr Maillard, both on the teaching staff of the University of Lausanne, are fo be congratulated on a worthwhile contribution towards the understanding of a complex subject by the French-speaking medical student and plastic surgery trainee. Considering the present value of the Swiss franc, the price of the book is relatively modest. M. N. SAAD
FORTSCHRITTEDER KIEFER- UND GESICHTS-CHIRURGIE, Band XXIII. Wiederherstellung von Form und Funktion bei Gesichtsdefekten. Produced by KARL SCHUCHARDT and WILFRIED SCHILLI and edited by NORBERT SCHWENZER. Pp. 143+2g6 illustrations. (Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1978.) Price DM.188. This issue of the Fortschritte is made up of papers given at the 27th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie which are confined to the reconstructive surgery in shape and function of facial defects. Most of the defects discussed have been created by the ablation of malignancies It is one of the best editions of this although there are a few papers which deal with traumatic losses. annual volume which has been produced and it has been extremely well edited. The articles have been kept short and no less than 50 are contained within the 143 pages. The illustrations also have been reduced to a minimum but are still adequate to describe the techniques involved. It is therefore not a textbook for the beginner but it gives an excellent survey of facial reconstructive surgery for those who are already At one time it was customary in the Fortschritte to have well versed in this branch of plastic surgery. summaries at the end of each article in several languages, but this has been discontinued and the book is most valuable to those with a working knowledge of German, although much can be gleaned from the illustrations themselves. T. GIBSON 150