Foster wheeler for oak ridge cleanup

Foster wheeler for oak ridge cleanup

Pump Industry Analyst new Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. The D/DBP rule is designed to significantly lower trihalomethanes by-product...

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Pump Industry Analyst

new Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. The D/DBP rule is designed to significantly lower trihalomethanes by-products of chlorine disinfection in water. "Alternative treatment methods are available. The bottom line is money. In some cases, in order for utilities to meet these new federal standards, water rates will go up," said Holme.

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DUKE ENERGY UPGRADES POWER PLANTS Duke Energy Power Services is to invest approximately US$700 million to modernise its power plant sites in Moss Landing and Morro Bay, California. "Since we purchased the plants from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) last July, we have been looking at innovative ways to prepare our sites so they continue to help meet California's electricity needs into the 21st century," said Bill Hall, vice president of Duke Energy Power Services' California operations. Duke is in the early stages of designing plans to modernise the Morro Bay and Moss Landing sites. The focus is on demolishing and removing some of the large 1950s and 1960s vintage equipment that is no longer used or efficient in today's marketplace, replacing them with new, state-ofthe-art units that are smaller and very environmentally friendly. The new units are approximately 40 per cent more efficient than traditional power plants, due in large part to their compact, combinedcycle design. About two-thirds of their electricity is generated by two turbines, fueled by air mixed with natural gas.


January 1999

ABB WINS IVORY COAST THERMAL POWER ORDER ABB, the international engineering and technology group, is building a turnkey, 288 MW gas-fired power plant and a 225 kilovolt transmission system in Ivory Coast. The orders, valued at US$150 million, were placed by Cinergy SA, the largest independent power producer in West Africa. Cinergy is a joint venture between ABB, Industrial Promotion Services and Electricite de France Intematiortal. The project is being developed on a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) basis, with a 24-year power purchase agreement. ABB led the development of the project and acted as a financial advisor. The power plant's first unit is expected to come into commercial operation in 1999 with plant completion planned for January 2000. The Azito plant will be the largest thermal power plant in West Africa.

FOSTER WHEELER FOR OAK RIDGE CLEANUP Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation has been selected by Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC, the environmental management and integration contractor for the US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations, to perform the Phase I preliminary design for the proposed Environmental Management Waste Management Facility in Tennessee. The facility will contain most of the low-level and mixed radioactive wastes generated by the Oak Ridge Reservation environmental

cleanup programme. The preliminary design will include configurations for a low-end capacity of 400 000 cubic yards occupying 64 acres to a high-end capacity of 1.3 million cubic yards covering 98 acres. Under this two-phase procurement, only Phase I awardees are eligible to bid on the subsequent Phase II. This is a single award for the detailed design, construction and operation of a disposal facility. The Phase II work is estimated to be a 10-year project. The proposed facility would include a perimeter dike, an underlying geologic buffer and multi-layer liner system, double leachate collection and transfer systems, access roads, stormwater retention basins, and monitoring systems. A multi-layer, multi-component cap will be constructed as part of the facility closure. Waste disposal would begin in 2001.

NWMA ADOPTS ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLES Saying that "mining and environmental protection truly are compatible," the Northwest Mining Association (NWMA) has adopted a sweeping Statement of Environmental Principles. "We believe the Statement reflects the actual practice and philosophy of the mining industry, affirming environmental protection as an essential element of mining," said Jami Femette, chairman of the NWMA Environmental Principles Committee. NWMA hopes that the Statement, which was unanimously approved by the NWMA Board of Trustees, will help to convey to the public, the industry's commitment to the extraction of minerals with a minimal long-term

impact on the environment. The Principles emphasise the need for conservation in the use of energy in extracting minerals and the need to minimise waste. The Statement calls for environmental impacts to be identified and then minimised or mitigated whenever possible, from the inception of a project to its closure.

HOECHST AND RH~NE-POULENC CREATE AVENTIS Hoechst AG and Rh6nePoulenc SA are to merge their life sciences activities into a new company, called Aventis. Equally owned by Hoechst and Rh6ne-Poulenc, Aventis will comprise the pharmaceutical and agricultural businesses of both groups. The company will be incorporated in France, with global headquarters in Strasbourg. The agreement starts the first phase of a two-step plan, which will eventually lead to a full merger of Hoechst and Rh6ne-Poulenc, after the divestment of their remaining non-life sciences assets. With sales of US$20 billion and 95 000 employees, Aventis will be a global leader in life sciences holding top positions in both pharmaceuticals and agriculture. The new group's combined R&D budget will be almost US$3 billion. Combining the life sciences assets of both companies is expected to provide additional operational efficiency with synergies of more than US$1.2 billion over the next three years. Around 60 per cent of the estimated savings would be in pharmaceuticals and around 40 per cent in agriculture and other areas.