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to understand and conceptualise the central element of all psychotherapeutic approaches. The place of research in psychotherapy is addressed, with an examination of the purposes, designs and methodological considerations necessary for a more research based approach to evaluation. The second section focuses on cultural issues related to practice and theory. Subjects such as race and gender, which for so long have been peripheral issues in a largely white, male orientated subject, are discussed as powerful influences on theory and practice, which need to be acknowledged and addressed. The third section examines the different clients with whom psychotherapists work, including chapters on working with children, adolescents, couples and groups- I particularly liked the way that several chapters integrated practical examples from case studies with more theoretical discussions. The fourth section describes various settings within which psychotherapy is practised, such as the NHS, Social Services and private practice. The influences of these settings are discussed, as well as some conflicts and ethical issues that may arise. The final and largest section examines somdof the many issues that arise within the day-to-day areas of practice. Some of the issues dealt with are: working with the dying and bereaved (written by Murray Parkes 8c Sills); psychotherapy and learning disability and work with adult survivors of sexual abuse (Bentovim & Trantner). Overall, this is an excellent book, dealing with a wide range of issues. It is not for the uninitiated, and some basic knowledge of psychotherapeutic theory is taken for granted by many of the writers. Having said this, it is well written and deals with many important issues. It is a book that 1 would strongly recommend for nursing libraries, and for those who have an interest in, or practice psychotherapy or counselling. JOHN BSc(Hons)
PG Dip Dip Counselling RMN
SexualHealth: A Nurse’sGuide Carole C Zawid Delmar, Albany NY 1994 257pp ISBN: O-8273-5685-4
As the author of this Real Nursing Series title suggests, sexual health is a part of patient assessment which is easily neglected. Nurses may feel underprepared by their training, a situation the ENB has recently sought to address by the launch of its own guidelines for good practice. The author boasts an impressive pen portrait and there is evidence of wide reading in her text. However, I cannot recommend it.
There are inaccuracies: the enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) text is defined as ‘electrophoresis immune serum assay’. No mention of sexually transmitted or genital infections, apart from HIV, is made. WASP-ish attitudes abound: the goal of caring for somebody with HIV infection is to ‘enable him to be a productive member of society for many years’. The folksy languagejars: ‘(Florence Nightingale’s) theories do work’; and the rhetorical questions irritate: ‘would you elect to be a human subject (for an HIV vaccination)‘? With half the team of Expert Reviewers represented by Zawid’s husband, perhaps a greater objectivity was required prior to publication.
RGN, Genilourinary Medicine Clinic Manager/ HIV Liaison Nurse
Foundations Of psychoIo~ Nicky Hayes Routledge 1994 1117~~ ISBN: o-415-01561-8
(Instructor’s Manual, Nicky Hayes & Paula Topley, 19lpp ISBN: o-415-11436-5) Written as an introductory text for students new to psychology this new text from Nicky Hayes meets this aim in a clear readable manner. The 24 chapters deal with specific psychological concepts in an organised fashion from historical aspects to present day application. The content is well referenced, tables and figures within the text clarify and present material in a succinct manner while boxes highlight particular aspects. Each chapter is completed by a summary. The list of contents, tables and boxes is suff%iently detailed to be helpful and the depth of the index enables the students to find their way around the large volume. The glossary provides a good starting - _ point for the student coping _ - with &familiar psychological terms. The presentation is clear with each page having wide margins in which students can make their own notes and cross references. For nursing students this text has useful references to findings from brain damage and disease as well as a whole chapter on the medical model of abnormal behaviour followed by a chapter on the alternatives to a medical model. This is a volume for any nursing library and many students new to psychology will find that owning their own copy will be good value for money and will provide them with a basic text upon which they can build in more advanced studies.