It is the sad duty of the Editor to inform our readers that Dr. Fraser S. Grant, the author of two papers in the present issue, died on November 18, 1984 at the comparatively early age of 58 years. The duty is doubly sad since Fraser Grant’s death, besides being a loss to the geophysical profession in general, is a loss to Geoexploration in particular. Fraser Grant was a member of our editorial board since 1975 and could always be relied upon for advice and review of papers. He was a geophysicist of wide interests and made many original contributions to our subject. The present two papers (pp. 303-362) are a most direct proof of his originality and it is tragic that Fraser is no longer amongst us to take part in the scientific discussion that this contribution is sure to arouse. In the correspondence that took place between Geoexploration and him in connection with these papers, he wrote, “I think that the subject matter needs some shaping . . ., in a journal it can more easily be attacked and debated”. Would that all geophysicists have this open attitude to criticism.