Fraternities, Sororities and Honor Societies

Fraternities, Sororities and Honor Societies

Uruguay New Zealand Pharm. Soc. of New Zealand-G.W. Jack· man. registrar. P.O. Box 6329, Wellington. Asociacion de Quimica y Farmacia del Uruguay-J...

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New Zealand Pharm. Soc. of New Zealand-G.W. Jack· man. registrar. P.O. Box 6329, Wellington.

Asociacion de Quimica y Farmacia del Uruguay-J. Aros Potns, secy.·gen., Agra· ciada 1464 Pisco 14, Montevideo.

Nicaragua Asociacion Farmaceutica NicareguenseMasricio Palla is Lacayo, secy., Calle 15 de Septiembre 712 Oeste, Managua, D.N.

Venezuela Colegio de Farmaceuticos del Distrito Federal-Luis E. Hinojosa, secy ., Apartado de Correos 224, Caracas.

Nigeria Pharm. Soc. of Nigeria-A.O. Ransome· Kuti, pres ., P.O. Box 456, Lagos . Northern Ireland

Yugoslavia Union des Societes Pharmaceutique de Yugoslavia-Zoro Blagojevic, secy.·gen., rue Mosa Pijade 12, Belgrade.

Pharm. Soc. of Northern Ireland-W. Gorman, secy., 73 University St., Belfast. Norway Norges Apotekerforening-L. secy., 3 Arbiens Gate, Oslo.


Norsk Farmaceutisk Selskap-Harald Kris· tiansen, secy., Inst. of Pharm., U. of Oslo, Blindern. Pakistan Pakistan Chemists and Druggists Association-Syed Mohammed Idrees, secy., 28 Aziz Chamber, City Court, Karachi. Panama Colegio Nacional de FarmaceuticosValentin Moreno, secy., Apartado 7623, Ave. Balboa , Panama City. Paraguay Colegio Quimico Farmaceutico Paraguayo -Jose A. Bergues, secy., Caja Postal 191, Asuncion. Peru Federacion Nacional de Quimicos Farmaceuticos-Gilberto de la Guarda, secy. , Cas ilia 2568, Lima. Sociedad Quimica del Peru-Juan de Dios Guerara R., secy.·gen., Apartado 891, Lima. Philippines Philippine Pharm . Assn.-Emilio D. Es· pinosa, exec. secy., 223 Isabel Bldg., Isabel St., Sampaloc, Manila . Poland Polskie Towarzystwo, FarmaceutyczneE. Szyszko, gen. secy., 16 Dluga St .. Warsaw. Portugal Sindicato Nacional Dos FarmaceuticosJ.L. Oliveira Peru, pres., 18 Rue de Socie· dade Farmaceutica, Lisbon . Romania Union des Soc. des Scis. MedicalesZotta Victor, secy., 10 str., Progresul, Bucha· rest. Spain Consejo GeneralIde Colegios Oficiales de farmaceuticos-Juan de Comenge y Gerpe, secy., Villanueva 11, Madrid. South Africa Pharm. Soc. of S. Africa-J.H. de]Jager, secy., 80 Jorissen St ., Braamfontein, Johan· nesburg. Sweden Apotekarsocieteten-S. Eklund, exec. dir., 26 Wallingatan, Stockholm. Sveriges Farmaceutforbund-H . Arvidsson, pres., 26 Vallingatan, Stockholm. Switzerland Schweizerischer Apoth e ke rve re i n-J . Bider, J. Metzger, secies ., Sihlstrass e37, 8001, Zurich. Thailand Pharm. Assn. of Thailand-Saladaeng Villa, Bangkok. Tunisia Conseil del'Ordre des"" Pharmaciens de Tunisie-A. Zouiten, pres., 6 Bis Rue d'Athenes, Tunis. Turkey Turkish Pharm. Assn.-Salahattin Tandal, pres., Cagaloglu, Ortaklar Han, Istanbul.


Colleges of Pharmacy

Fraternities, Sororities and Honor Societies Alpha Zeta Omega-Nathan L. Pack, secy., 25605 Grand Concourse, Southfield, Mich. Directorum: Robert Kirschner, Brooklyn 18, N.Y.; Sub-Directorums: Herbert S. Garde, Bala·Cynwyd, Pa.; David P. Rosen· field. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Exchequer: Benjamin Pinsky, Philadelphia, Pa.; Bd. Mem.·at· Large: Harold M. Goldfeder, Washington, D.C.; Ed., The Azoan: Marvin D. Dorskind, 84·35 Lander St., Jamaica, N.Y.; Chaps.: 32. Delta Sigma Theta-Donald La Ruffa, suo preme royal scribe, 139-16 73rd Terr., Flushing, N.Y . Supreme Royal Chancellor: Frank Consoli, Brooklyn, N .Y.; Supreme Royal V. Chancellor: Lou Demonsthenous, Springfield, Mass .; Supreme Royal Treas.: Les Trau· ner, Elmhurst, N.Y.; Chaps.: Active, 18; Alumni, 3. Kappa Epsilon-Carol Ann Richardson, secy., 1901 Elizabeth Drive , Brownwood, Tex. 76801. Pres.: Jean Hersh Barshay, Scottsdale, Ariz.; V.Ps.: Metta Lou Henderson, Battle Creek, Mich.; Loui se Mues Olson, Co· lumbus, Ohio; Beverly Pralguske , Mil· waukee, Wis.; Treas.: Laurene Johnson Rick, Minneapolis, Minn.; Ed.: The Bond of Kappa Epsilon: Joanne B. Branson, 4800 Davenport N .W., Washington, D.C. 20016. Chaps.: Collegiate, 30; Alumnae, 13. Kappa Psi-Gerald C. Henney, exec. secy., 310 S. Euclid Ave ., St. Louis, Mo. Regent: Glen J. Sperandio , Lafayette, Ind.; V. Regents: Walter R. Williams, Storrs, Conn .; Wallace L. Guess, Austin, Tex.; James P. Vacik, Fargo, N.D.; Historian: Leo A. Sciuchetti, Corvallis, Oreg.; Ed., The Mask of Kappa Psi: Nicholas W. Fenney, 62 Broadfield Rd., Hamden 17, Conn. Chaps.: Active, 54 ; Graduate, 22. Lambda Kappa Sigma-Pat Tanac, secy., 18533 Burke Ave . N., Seattle 33, Wash. Pres.: Mary Gilbert, Wethersfield, Conn .; V.P.: Carolina GalaSSI, Belmont, Mass.; Treas.: Ethel Herdlicka, Chicago, III.; Ed., The Blue and Gold Triangle: Donna Michael, 7729 Chapoton St., Utica, Mich. 48087. Chaps.: 39. Phi Delta Chi-Rand P. Hollenback, secy., 3134 N . High St., Columbus, Ohio 43202. Pres.: Dale W. Doerr, Indianapolis, Ind.; V.P.: William J. Sheffield, Austin, Tex., Ed., The Communicator: Conrad A. Blom· quist, Col. of Pharm., U. of III., 833 S. Wood St., Chicago 12, III. Rho Chi-William L. Blockstein, secy.-treas., School of Pharm., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. 53706. Pres.: Edward J. Rowe, Indianapolis, Ind.; V.P.; John G. Adams, Storrs, Conn .; Council Mems.: Gilbert S. Banker, Frank M . Goyan, John W. Schermerhorn, Taito O. SOlne; Report of Rho Chi: William L. Block· stein, School of Pharm., U . of Wis. Madison, Wis. 53706. Rho Pi Phi-Philip Ritzlin, secy., 5532 W . Monroe St., Chicago, III. 60644. Councilor: Howard Schwartz, N. Syracuse, N.Y.; V. Councilors: Bernard B. Brody, Chicago, III.; Ascher B. Kauffman, Phila· delphia , Pa .; DaVid Brown, Buffalo, N.Y.; Robert E. White, Dorchester, Mass.; Exchequer: Joseph Litchen, Toronto, Ont., Can. ; Legal Advisor: Bernard B. Brody, Chicago, III. ; Pres., Rho Pi Phi Foundation: Myer HurWitz, Syracuse, N.Y.; Ed., Rope News: Irwin H. Kauffman, Bala·Cynwyd, Pa. Chaps.: Active,20: Alumni,20.


Alabama Auburn U.-School of Pharm ., Auburn 36830. Dean: Samuel T. Coker. APhA·APA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: J.M. Rash; Pres.: Jimmy E. Ray; Secy.: Glenda McCartha. Howard Col.-Div. of Pharm ., 800 Lakeshore Dr., Birmingham 35209. Dir.: Woodrow R. Byrum . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: John E. Wintter; Pres.: Mike James; Secy.: Byron Randall.

Arizona u.

of Ariz.-Col. of Pharm ., Tucson 85721. Dean: Willis R. Brewer. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Joseph A. Zapotocky; Pres.: Philip H. Cogan; Secy.: Sharon Arentz .

Arkansas u.

of Ark.-School of Pharm ., Med. Center, Little Rock 72201. Dean: Stanley G. Mittel· staedt. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: James E. Dusenberry ; Pres.; Marion Berry; Secy.: Gayle Fowlkes.

California u. of Calif.-School of Pharm ., Med . Center, San Francisco 94122 . Dean: Troy C. Daniels. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Vincent Gardner; Pres.: Kenneth Horo· witz; Secy.: Judith Broock . U. of the Pacific-School of Pharm ., Stock· ton 95204. Dean: Ivan W. Rowland. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Charles W. Roscoe; Pres.: William A. Cody; Secy.: Pamela Bruno. U. of Southern Calif.-School of Pharm., 3518 University Ave ., Los Angeles 90007 . Dean: Alvah G. Hall. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Orville H . Miller; Pres.: Harold Washington; Secy.: Carole Fujita.

Colorado u. of Colo.-School of Pharm ., Boulder 80304. Dean: Harold C. Heim. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Francis C. Hammerness; Pres.: GeorgelR . Wilson; Secy.: Dolores Bononcini.

Connecticut u. of Conn.-School of Pharm., Box U·92, Storrs 06268. Dean: Harold G. Hewitt. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: John G. Adams; Pres.: Frederick Dobson ; Secy.: Karen Johnson .

District of Columbia Howard U.-Col. of Pharm ., Washington 20001. Dean: Chauncey I. Cooper. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Theodore B. Zalucky; Pres.: Terry M . Watts; Secy.: Joan M . Edwards.

Florida Fla. A and M U.-School of Pharm., Tal· lahassee 32307. Acting Dean: Murphy D. Jenkins. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Robert S. Scarbough, Jr.; Pres.: Evans Ward, Jr.; Secy.: Frances Carr. U. of Fla.-Col. of Pharm ., Gainesville 32602. Dean: Perry A. Foote. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Oscar Aranjo; P res.: Marsha A. Hesoun ; Secy.: Mary Lynne:Ketchey.