Ch.E.W. Steinbarg’. H. ScMsr2. M. Siilar*. W Baisker2. ’ Ir~#iluIeofHdsnwalw~nd F&h Ecolo#K h40gselseedamm314 D&v/i”, ti”nany; = GSf Russarchof Envimnm.,n~sndHea,d,. PoBox Il.%? 085758 Obetwhk9isheim, Germany
inplor phase II reactlo& such asglu&ronldad& 01the hybroquinone. There is a polpwxphism in the human NQOR gene due to the oxinence of d oull.allsls. We rhunt~ obser*ed that ,hs loss 01 haterozwosity at the NOOR locus is associatedwith increasedresistance against mitcrwin C in a human bladdercarcinoma cell line0. NOOR
[email protected] methodsstablished in medkineand biomchnology cbn ako make an important contribution to lapplied) limnolcgicat investigationson phytoplankton. .Someexsmdss!wtbn ataxonomicphwplankton structurewatuanon are pwented. Tbii approach may sews as a suppkman, lo the well establisheduxonomk evalua,ionbv mean 01variousmicroswoe tech&w.. The exam& includepfwo&mkttw, oi autmphicated &d acidilisd water bodies BS*II as slowfvRowing nvws Phytoplrnkters may bs diiremiated as CarotiMlM-rlohones. such a~ Chrysophyceaa Baclllwiopbvcsw. and Dinophvceasor carotinoid.poar ones. such as Euglenaphyeeaeand Chlorophycsae. As a useful biomass paurneter 01 phvtodankton algae wa tested poleinflwrescein isc,hiDcynnalaslainingand discussthaadvantages ofthisapproachascomparedti rasulla obuinedbyCwtter-Counter or by biomasscakulationstrom n&xorcepic anabes. Up 10 now. eslimaling lhe biiial quality01 pelagic wata bodies is still bbnrious and time consumingLwcauseof the micros-x&al examinatiin of plankticcanmunitins urualbpracticed As a possibleim~~vamen,weprassn,s~truetumla~mnomicappoach forassessing the integrity of phytoplanktonindividuabka the basisof physiological pa?~mwtns)aswsllasefthsphytoplanktoncommunitywhbhisbased on annual meansof biomassy~~ctfa. The reliif whichcan be protided by flow E@ometfyis oullined.
iurn, In ths present study we have InvestigatedTCOD ldiffwent polychlorinatedbiphenylr (PCE) and pesticidessuch as plrethroids. DDTanalogs. cwlodienen lor thirabiliilo intsdsra wth intsrcellubr communicabn Using techniques of serape loading dyanransier. micromjxtbn. ~mmwolluoreswnce staining and Western bbt anahois the futMion.expression andphosphory*tbnal ddlarsntmnnexin?linvitro andinvivowarestudii. ThentsubshowagoodcMrelalianbetween the ability to act as a turnour promater and to interferewth gap iunctional communication.All tasted camwunds inhibild tha intercellular ccmmunicationin liverdaiwrd cell’lirce. but at ddlerenttreatmem paiods. suggesting lhat DOT-anah?guasand dioxin-like PCBs modulate the gap junction communication bv d&rent mechanism. A decreasedexpressionti gap junctions in the p!asma membrane. as ob sewd after 1 hour treatment with the tes, substances. did no, necessarilydlfeot the communication and a bnner correlation between the fumtbn and the expressian of gap junction pmteina was 58~ atlsr Westem blot anaiysis. since the phospharylatianldephalphorylation pattern is associated wirh a funclional communkation. Treatmen, in tiko with ,ha arganoehbrins compounds caused a decreased expressiw~of cx 26 and EX 32 in rat livers aher 20 we*ks of ,nomv. tbn ,,ea,mMl,. Thi. reduction0‘ the ccanaxins W& nlost prono”“E& aher PCE t26’.4’pen(schlomti~~n~) and TCOO 12.3.7.atesschbrodi~an~apdinxin),rsa,mant. In summary.the present results