Frontal reactivity and sensation seeking an ERP study in skydivers

Frontal reactivity and sensation seeking an ERP study in skydivers

Prog. Nwo-PsycJxophcmnacwL & BioL Psychic&. 1999, Vol. 23, pp. 447463 1999 Ekvier Science Inc. Copyright 0 Printed in the USA. AU rights reserve...

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(Final form, March 1999)

Abstract Pierson Annick, Jacques Le Houezec, Amaud Fossaert, StP;phanie Dubal and Roland Jouvent: Frontal Reactivity and Sensation Seeking: An ERP Study in Skydivers. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 1999,2& pp. 447463.81999 ElsevierScienazInc. 1.

2. 3.


In the line of Zuckerman’s studies on sensation seeking and optimal level of arousal, the authors hypothesized that high sensation seeking might be used to compensate for anhedonia due to basal arousal deficit. A population of interest was found with parachutists practicing skydiving, generally described aa very high sensation seekers. After clinical assessment of emotional and affective components, amplitudes of the frontal P3 of the ERP were used as indices of arousal. Skydivers presented more negative symptoms (anhedonia and blunted-affect) than controls. This was observed in isolation from any depressive episode, which would suggest the presence of emotional deficit as a trait. As expected, skydivers presented more sensation seeking than controls. These two results taken together could indicate that sensation seeking is an adaptive reaction to anhedonia. ERP results showed that l?ontal P3 amplitudes were larger in skydivers than in controls, whereas in a previous study we showed the opposite in depressed patients with a similar emotional deficit. This could indicate that the frontal P3 amplitude does not reflect the emotional deficit per se. We suggest that it rather reflects the capacity to use some behaviors which improve automatic attentional processes in order to obtain arousing stimulation that could counterbalance the emotional deficit. Depressions with emotional deficit might be due to the lack of such a capacity.

Kev_words: emotional deficit, ERP, frontal reactivity, negative symptoms, orienting reflex, personality, sensation seeking. Abbreviations: Abram+Taylor blunted-affect scale (AT), Cchelle d’humeur depressive - depressive mood scale (EHD), 6chelle de ralentissement dkpressif - depressive retardation scale (ERD), event related potentials (E&P), Hamilton rating scale for depression (I-IRSD), Montgomery and Asberg depressive rating scale (MADRS), orienting reflex (OR), reaction time (RT), t&personality questionnaire (TPQ).

A. Pierson et



Introduction Sensation

seeking was described

novel and complex sensations the sake of experience”. physiological perspective,

by Zuckerman

and experiences


basis for the sensation

(1979) as a “trait defined by the need for varied,

and the willingness

et al (1972) asserted

to take physical and social risks for

that the optimal

seeking trait. Such an approach

is in keeping with a biological

being based upon Berlyne’s (1950) and Hebb’s (1955) concept

arousal and upon Eysenck

and Eysenck’s

later theory

hypothesis was that certain personality traits (extraversion chronic under-arousal

which makes these individuals

level of arousal is the


of an optimal level of

this same notion.


for the case in question) may be explained by

seek sources of stimulation

so as to increase their

arousal to an hedonic point (Eysenck and Eysenck 1978). Following between

along the same lines, our group conducted


and emotional

research, the authors concluded sensations

and to compensate

that high sensation

i.e. blunted-affect

the relationships

and anhedonia.

seeking can be considered

From this

as intended to provide

for anhedonia due to a basal arousal deficit (Carton et al 1992a). It was

also shown that frontal P3 amplitudes retardation


several studies investigating

and blunted-affect,

were abnormally

and a correlation

low in depressed

patients with psychomotor

was observed between frontal amplitude and negative

symptoms (Pierson et al 1991; Partiot et al 1993). The present study was designed to investigate

indices of frontal dysfunction

in subjects presenting


sensation seeking trait. The task selected was designed to analyze cortical indices of arousal related to certain cognitive processes by manipulating 1) the probability

of occurrence

two experimental

of the stimulus,







processes, 2) the classification

of the stimulus as being a target or a non-target for a motor response, that mainly

required selective attentional (and therefore controlled) processes. The task consisted

in differentiating

two types of stimulus presented

in different



either frequent or rare stimuli being the target for the motor response (oddball task). Working on the assumption that sensation seeking is an adaptive behavior intended to compensate basal anhedonia

or blunted-affect,

made. A population

of interest

a clinical emotional

and affective

for such a study appeared


of the subjects

to be people practicing


generally described as very high sensation seekers. Several studies have reported relationships sensation

seeking and the practice of sport (Hymbaugh

higher relationship


and Garrett

1974; Zuckerman

in men (Straub 1982). The present study examined

sexes practicing skydiving as a sport.

for was

sports, between

1979), with a


of both

Frontal reactivity and sensation seeking


Inclusion Criteria Skydivers were recruited from a French center for sportive parachuting;

they had been jumping and

skydiving regularly for at least two years. Controls were recruited by advertising in public buildings and were matched for age, sex and social-cultural


All subjects were volunteers

and were paid

(4OUS$) for taking part in the study. To be included they had to give a written consent. Each group consisted of twenty-two

subjects (16M, 6F).

Exclusion Criteria Interviews



psychiatric or neurological Psvchooatholonical

by a psychiatrist

to ensure

subjects: Montgomery

and Asberg Depressive

by Lemperiere

Echelle de Ralentissement Abrams-Taylor

17 item version (HRSD, Hamilton 1984) Tyrer Anxiety

et al 1989) and Widlbcher



Scale (Tyrer et al 1984; French



1983). Emotional disturbances

et al 1996). The EHD scale, consisting

structure based on five factors: anhedonia, hyper-emotionality, sadness, hyper-attentiveness.

Subjects also completed





emotional hyper-or hypo-expressiveness,

provides a more accurate overall

deficit. Two other clinical constructs

the following


and Chapman

Seeking Scale (SSS-form


Jouvent et al 1988; Carton



assess lack of control.

et al 1976, Chapman


were assessed with the

of 20 items, has a coherent

and the conjugate use of these two clinical constructs

of blunted-affect/emotional


Scale (ERD -

Two factors focus on emotional deficits: anhedonia and emotional hypo-

emotional hyper-expressiveness)


and Asberg 1979),

Scale for Blunted AITect (AT, Abrams and Taylor 1978; French version by Ammar et al

et al 1992b; Bungener


a psychiatrist

1967), Covi Brief Anxiety

1983) and the Depressive Mood Scale (EHD - Echelle d’Humeur Depressive,



scales were used to rate the

Rating Scale (MADRS, Montgomery

et al 1981; Covi and Lipman


as well as emotional disturbances,

interview with each subject. The following

Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression,




a semi-structured

Scale (Lipman


conditions or any visual problems that could interfere with the task.

To evaluate depressive and anxious symptomatology conducted

that no subjects


et al 1964; French




Chapman’s Physical Anhedonia

1978; French



V, including four dimensions:

Disinhibition validated


by Carton

(TPQ, Cloninger

Scale (PAS,

by Loas


Thrill and Adventure

and Boredom


et aI 1992b),

and the Cloninger

1987; French version validated


by Lepine

A. Pierson et aI.


1994) indexing three independent


the dimension

of interest in this study being Novelty

Seeking (NS) ERP Procedure After clinical assessment, recording.

the subject was placed in a dimly-lit,

The subject was seated comfortably,


150 cm from the computer

chamber for ERP

screen where visual stimuli

were presented for the oddball task. The subject was asked to stare at a fixation point (0.5 cm x 0.5 cm white square) and to press a response

button as fast as possible after the target stimulus (3cm x 3cm

yellow square), but to ignore the non-target stimulus (red square). Two task conditions

were used with varying probability

non-target or 80% target/20% non-target).

of the target occurrence (20% target/llO%

Under each experimental

condition, the subject was presented

with stimuli until 30 responses had been obtained for the rare stimulus. The Inter-Stimulus-Interval varied at random between counterbalanced

1 set and 1.5 sec. The order of presentation

across subjects in each group. Test sessions

conducted before commencing

the ERP recording.


of the two task conditions


lasted 30 minutes. Training trials were

Subjects were asked to relax and to blink as little as

possible during the test. EEG was recorded international

from 9 electrodes

(Fpz, Fz, Cz, Pz, Oz, T3, T4, C3, C4) according

lo-20 system (Jasper 1958) with respect to a linked-earlobe

were embedded in a cap (Electrocap,

eye in order to reject trials contaminated and maintained

The EEG electrodes

Dallas, USA). The earth electrode was attached to the right cheek.

Two electrodes for bipolar recording of vertical ocular movements

was controlled


to the

by electro-oculogram

as being less than 2 kilo-ohms.

were placed above and under the left

(EOG 2 f 50 uV). Electrode


Signals were low-pass filtered at 25 Hz

and high-pass filtered at 0.16 Hz by analogue filters in the amplifiers.

Data were digitized on-line at a

sampling rate of 250 Hz using the InstEP system (Ottawa, Canada). The sampling period was 1024 msec (200 msec pre-stimulus

to 824 msec post-stimulus).

Assessment After elimination

of trials with excessive

eye movements,

according to task condition (target or non-target)

ERP were averaged

and response (correct, omission,

of the small number of errors observed in the task, only ERP corresponding analyzed;



Times (RT) were obtained

for each subject

false alarm). Because

to correct responses were

from the average procedure.


recordings were then low-pass filtered (off-line procedure of the InstEP system) using a digital filter set at 12 Hz (-3 dB/octave). system using time-windows

Computer-assisted determined

scoring of ERP components

from grand-average

was realized

(overall subjects)

with InstEP

ERP. Peak amplitudes

were measured for the N2 and P3 components. N2 was measured at Fz between 200 msec and 350 msec

Frontal reactivity and sensation



P3 was measured at Fz and at Pz between 280 msec and 500 msec. Peak amplitudes with respect to the 200 msec pre-stimulus measuring peak-to-peak



The frontal N2-P3

of these components


were calculated was assessed

as well as their separate values


The P3b was

measured at the parietal site (Pz) The FzTz P3 amplitude ratio and RT were also analyzed. All scorings were performed


examined independently

by computer.

In case of aberrant measures,

individual recordings


by two judges to reach consensus

Statistical Analvsis Comparisons



and clinical parameters

for each group were tested using the

Mann and Whitney U-test. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare RT and amplitudes of the ERP components correction



in the two groups. Significance



of Bravais-Pearson)



levels were adjusted using the Greenhouse-Geisser

was then used

for 2 x 2 planned



for the degrees of freedom when variances were unequal. Correlations

were calculated

between the different


affect, sensation seeking, novelty seeking). The level of significance

of interest (anhedonia,



was set at p < 05

Results One control subject was excluded therefore


of 22 skydivers

according to demographic

because of noisy EEG recordings and the control group of 21 subjects.

parameters (age, sex, social-professional

significant statistical differences


Pairing of the two groups


was satisfactory

and no

were found. The mean age was 24.8 for both groups (Table 1)

Table Demographic

Age Cultural level* * the cultural level

The high risk-taking



in the Two


of Subjects

Skydivers Controls Mann-Whitney 16 Men 15 Men 6 Women 6 Women (n=22) (n=21) m SD SD m U P 220.5 0.80 24.77 3.85 24.76 3.31 190.0 0.31 5.63 1.18 6.00 1.10 was scored from 1 = illiterate to 6 = long higher education

Clinical Results

The medical history, specifically A history of minor depressive

psychiatric disorders and addictions, were similar in the two groups.

episodes was mentioned

by 4 skydivers and 3 controls. Drugs had been

used, but rarely (less than three times) and only by a minority of subjects

in each group (hashish: 8

A. Pierson et al.


skydivers and 7 controls; heroin: 1 skydiver); 7 skydivers and 4 controls were smokers. No subjects suffered from any psychiatric disorder at the time of the experiment. This was confirmed by the low scores observed on the depression and anxiety scales in both groups. No difference between the two groups was observed for these scores. The data used for clinical and psychological assessments and the results of the statistical comparisons of the two groups are presented in Table 2. For Sensation Seeking, skydivers showed significantly more Thrill and Adventure Seeking and more Boredom Susceptibility than controls. There was a tendency for Experience Seeking to be greater in skydivers than in controls (p = ,064). Novelty Seeking as measured on the TPQ also tended to be greater in skydivers, but again the difference did not reach significance (p =.077; Table 2).


for Clinical

Table 2 and Personality Evaluations Groups of Subjects Skydivers n=22 m SD

3.95 MADRS (Montgomery and Asberg 1979) 3.05 HRSD (Hamilton 1967) 1.00 Covi (Covi and Lipman 1984) 4.63 Tyrer (Tyrer et al 1984) 0.59 Widlijcher ERD (WidlCicher 1983) 1.91 Abrams-Taylor (Abrams and Taylor 1978) 1.41 EHD F1:anhedonia (Jouvent et al 1988) 3.68 EHD F2:hyperemotivity -0.86 EHD F3:emotional expressiveness 0.77 EHD F4:sadness 0.86 EHD F5:anxious hyperattentivity 3.50 EHD:blunted-affect (Fl + F3 hypo) 4.91 EHD:lack of control (F2 + F3 hyper) Chapman PAS (Chapman and Chapman 14.95 1978) 9.23 Zuckerman:Thrill and Adventure (Zuckerman et al 1964) 6.64 Zuckerman:Experience Seeking 4.91 Zuckerman:Disinhibition 5.18 Zuckerman:Boredom Susceptibility TPQ Novelty Seeking (Cloninger 1987) 19.77 + * p1.05 ** p1.01


in the Two

Controls n=2 1 m SD 2.18 2.44

MannWhitney U p+ 174.5 .I62



I .64





I .08


















** *



































































Another important observation concerns emotional blunting in skydivers. Compared to the controls, the skydivers had significantly higher level of both hetero- and self-rated emotional deficits. Higher



Frontal reactivity

and sensation seeking


scores were observed on both the Abram+Taylor blunted-affect scale and the Depressive Mood Scale (EHD - anhedonia and hypo-expressiveness). A positive correlation was also found for these self-rated (AT) and hetero-evaluated (EHD) deficits: Abrams-Taylor/EHD anhedonia [r(22) = .63, p = ,001 in skydivers, r(21) = 57, p < .Ol in controls], and Abrams-Taylor/EHD emotional hypo-expressiveness [r(22) = .75, p < .OOOlin skydivers, r(21) = .62, p < .Ol in controls]. No correlation was found between these indices of emotional deficits and sensation or novelty seeking within each group. However, another dimension of the EHD (lack of control) showed the two groups of subjects to be different, both for the personality trait (experience seeking in skydivers, novelty seeking in controls) and the direction of the correlation. A negative correlation was found in skydivers between experience seeking and both hyper-emotionality [r(21) = -.53, p < .Ol] and lack of control [r(21) = -.55, p < .Ol], whereas a positive correlation was found in controls between novelty seeking and both hyper- emotionality [r(22) = .61, p < ,011 and lack of control [r(22) = .51, p < ,021.

ERP and Behavioral Results ANOVA conducted for each parameter used two inter-group factors (Group: skydivers vs controls and Sex: males vs females) and two intra-group factors with two levels each (Target: targets vs nontargets and Proportion: 20/80% vs 80/20%). No main effect of sex was found; the results are therefore presented for males and females together.

No group effect was observed on RT (348 f 52 ms in skydivers vs 342 f 63 ms in controls)

Grand-average ERP traces are shown in Fig 1. ERP amplitudes are given in Table 3 ERP amplitudes revealed two main group effects. The first was that the frontal N2P3 peak-to-peak amplitude was greater for skydivers compared to controls in all experimental conditions (no interactions) (F(1,41) = 5.85, p < .02). This result seems to be mainly attributable to frontal P3 amplitudes, which were significantly greater in skydivers than in controls (p = -05) rather than to frontal N2 amplitudes which did not show any significant inter-group difference.

A further difference between the two groups was observed for the frontal/parietal P3 ratio (Fig 2) which was, on average, significantly higher in skydivers than in controls (F(1,41) = 3.96, p < .05). Again this result seems to be due to differences in frontal P3 amplitudes (Fz), since the parietal P3 component (Pz) did not show any significant difference in amplitude between the two groups. A Group x Target interaction did, however, indicate that the difference between the two groups was significant for non-targets only (t(84) = 2.47, p < .02). In skydivers, the frontal/par&al

P3 ratio was in fact

significantly greater for non-targets (0.76) than for targets (0.43) (t(76) = 3.77, p < ,001).


A. Pierson et al.



2.31 4.71 5.06 5.59

-0.46 6.75 7.21 16.63

3.55 0.22 4.24 4.67 3.80 4.45 4.30 10.34

2.18 3.64 3.39 3.80

0.58 3.66 3.08 8.14

2.71 2.67 2.60 3.67

-2.83 11.71 14.54 16.13

3.37 5.70 5.49 5.95

-2.08 10.58 12.66 16.87

4.22 4.78 5.71 5.76

= Amplitude

* Amp.

Lat. = Latency


1.30 0.30 1.48 2.37 1.55 1.44 2.73 1.25 2.02 3.11 4.49 2.10 0.75 0.59 0.40 0.41 345.8 44.6 364.4 75.3

0.67 3.10 3.03 5.60

Frequent Non-Targets Skydivers Controls m SD m SD


Infrequent Non-Targets Skydivers Controls m SD m SD

Table 3 of Subjects for the Different

Frequent Targets Skydivers Controls m SD m SD


0.45 0.31 0.39 0.18 0.41 0.33 0.47 0.37 0.76 0.31 0.65 0.30 363.4 30.2 362.7 34.9 332.7 29.0 322.5 42.4 377.5 49.4 352.6 40.6




-1.12 7.14 8.26 16.93





N2b P3a


Amp* Amp

in the Two

Infrequent Targets Skydivers Controls m SD m SD

ERP Amplitudes


B I !z


i 2 R 4g



A. Pierson et al.

FzfPz 1

.oo skydivers controls






Fig 2 The ordinate gives the ratio of P3 amplitudes measured at Fz and Pz sites respectively (Fflz). This ratio was significantly larger in skydivers compared to controls only for non-targets. This was essentially due to a larger frontal (Fz) P3 in skydivers.

The other effects of the experimental probability

of occurrence

conditions were similar in both groups. The classic effect of the

of the stimulus on P3 amplitudes

infrequent compared to frequent stimulations, this typical effect was also observed amplitudes and N2P3 peak-to-peak


was found, with a greater parietal P3 for

of target/non-target

for indices related to automatic

amplitude. A target/non-target

was also apparent in both groups of subjects, but depended amplitudes for targets greater than for non-targets,




frontal N2 and P3

effect on these same ERP parameters on the probability

of stimulation,


but only when stimuli were frequent (80%).

An Emotional Deficit in Skvdivers The main finding

of the present

(anhedonia and blunted-affect) any depressive


constitutes a trait.

study was that skydivers


a larger emotional


than controls. These negative symptoms were observed independently

This point supports the argument

that the presence

of an emotional



Frontal reactivity

As was expected, sensation

and sensation



seeking (Thrill and Adventure Seeking, Boredom Susceptibility) was

greater in skydivers than in controls. The existence of negative symptoms in these subjects indicates that sensation seeking may be an adaptive reaction to emotional deficits. It could be assumed that with repetition, the sensation seeking value of jumps may be diminished. Indeed, it has been established that anxiety or fear are reported by both experienced and inexperienced subjects (according to a different time pattern), which would suggest that a jump always has a certain character of novelty (Schedlowski and Tewes 1992; Bockheler 1995). A number of psychological studies have pointed out how unique this threatening situation is (Galor and Tenenbaum 1986). Frontal P3 Amnlitude as an Index of Larger Orienting Reactions in Skvdivers Comnared to Controls From the cognitive point of view, the two groups of subjects did not show any significant difference in the effects of the two intra group variables on ERP (targets vs non-targets and frequent vs rare stimuli). This indicates, in particular, that controlled processes which are necessary to classify stimuli as being targets or non-targets were similar in skydivers and in controls. In contrast, there was an effect on ERP of the inter-group variable (skydivers vs controls): the frontal P3 component was larger in skydivers than in controls whatever could be the stimulus but this difference between the two groups was only significant for non-targets. As the non-target stimuli required more automatic processing, results are in favor of an increase of automatic processes in skydivers, compared to controls. Moreover, as frontal P3 amplitude (P3a) is known to index, with the preceding negative component (N2b), orienting response (Renault 1983, Niiatanen and Gaillard 1983, Wijers et al 1989) it could be suggested that skydivers have developed an ability to react automatically to all stimuli, including non-relevant stimuli. Why an Orienting Resnonse to Non-Relevant Stimuli in Skydivers? Sokolov’s theory of orienting (1963) postulates that orienting reflexes occur when recognizing novelty but also when recognizing any discriminable change in the stimulus

The basic finding of an

anteriorly distributed positivity (P3a), with a relatively shorter latency than the classical pa&al


(P3b) in response to rare non-targets has been observed in a number of studies (Graham and Hackley, 1991). Sokolov (1960) proposed that the development of a neuronal model for repetitive stimuli should block inputs in the reticular formation. This accounts for habituation provoked by repetition and explains that the most frequent stimuli in an oddball task do not provoke as large orienting responses than rare stimuli. Before complete habituation, residual indices of orienting might however be observed for frequent stimuli and it is plausible that larger indices of orienting (here, NZb-P3a amplitude) in skydivers by comparison to controls may be related to a more important residual orienting response not only to rare but also to frequent non-targets (because, in comparison with controls, OR should be larger and/or because of a less rapid habituation).


A. Pierson et al.

What is the Orienting in an Oddball Task? It is common to consider after Lindsley (1970) that the orienting reflex results from a sudden increase in reticular or thalamic non-specific


response should have two components:

However Naatanen (1986) proposed that the orienting

an arousal component,

specific activation but also an attentional


resulting from a transient increase in non-


in a reflex-like

attention switch to the

eliciting stimulus. For his part, Sanders (1983) in his cognitive-energetical

model of arousal, stress and



perceptive proposed

related linear stages of information stages be dependent

be dependent

major neuroanatomical Williamson

to energetical

on arousal (phasic activation)

on tonic activation.

(1975) neurophysiological



in contrast to motor stages which he

This model is based upon the Pribram and McGuiness

scheme describing structures

and proposed that

three different systems in the control of attention and the in these processes.

In the same perspective,

Tucker and

(1984) consider the phasic arousal system as regulating the phasic response of the brain to


events and as being the primary mechanism

should be dependent on norepinephrine

The position

of Pribram

emotional processes are considered environmental characteristic


(the tonic activation system being important to motivational

as the events.


by which




In the same view, Tucker and Williamson

of the phasic arousal system and of its norepinephrine

form of depression

reflex. This mechanism

and MC Guiness (1975) is that the phasic arousal system is integral to

is coherent with catecholaminergic







(1984) suggest that the emotional substrate is depression-elation.


models of affective disorders that several authors relate to the only

with emotional deficit, in contrast with agitated and impulsive depression

be more dependent on serotoninergic An Impairment

of the orienting

that could

pathways (Jouvent et al 1991, Hansenne et al 1995, 1998).

in Frontal Structures of the Brain?

Although ERPs recorded at the frontal sites do not indicate that they originate from frontal sources, the question of such frontal generators

can be raised since some neuropsychological


caused by, or involving,



state and lack of interest in the outside world (George et al 1994).

Several authors (George et al. 1994) consider govern the primitive unmodulated


of the dorsomedial

that frontal regions


data describe a

cortex with a pseudo-

may in some way regulate or

(drives or natural tendencies)

which are ingrained in sub-

cortical structures and the limbic system. Other studies, principally those by Knight (1984), have observed a reduction in the amplitude of the P3 wave in reaction to novel stimuli in frontally lesioned patients and interpreted this as the expression

Frontal reactivity and sensation seeking

of a deficit in prefrontal

control of the external/sensory-intemablimbic


system. Knight


demonstrated that in normal subjects the frontal P3 was greater in amplitude, and that the frontahparietal P3 ratio was greater than 1, for novel stimuli. In the present study, while the fiontal/parietal P3 ratio is not greater than 1, the higher ratio for non-targets in skydivers compared to controls (0.76 vs 0.36) seems to suggest that skydivers show an abnormally strong orienting reaction towards non-targets. This could be due to an involvement of frontal structures in processing not only of novel or rare relevant stimuli but also of irrelevant stimuli in these individuals. The Development of Orienting as a Mean of Adaptation The increase of the P3a component amplitude in skydivers in comparison with controls is in opposition to what we found in depressed patients with blunted-atTect (Pierson et al 1991, Partiot et al 1993). The authors have shown that blunted-affect in depression was primarily related to abnormally low P3a amplitudes that they have interpreted as an impairment of orienting automatic processes, This deficit extended to cover controlled processes, but only for high effort-demanding tasks (Pierson et al, 1996). On the basis of Pribram and MC Guiness’s and Tucker and Williamson’s approaches, the larger OR observed in skydivers than in controls for non-target stimuli seem to indicate that skydivers give an emotional significance not only to relevant but also to irrelevant stimuli. The abnormal reactivity to nontargets of skydivers could be interpreted as an adaptive reinforcement procedure which consists in using the context as arousing stimuli. It may be suggested that skydiving is an adaptive form of behavior that contributes to the development of orienting reactions. Indeed, when individuals display a primary emotional deficit, two different attitudes are possible: either they let the emotional deficit take hold and (with time or because of specific events) reach a stage of clinical depression, or they react by developing certain adaptive forms of behavior aimed at compensating for the deficit. High-risk taking activity is one of these possible forms of adaptive behavior. This interpretation of skydiving as an active adaptation procedure is reinforced by the existence of correlations showing that while skydivers register the highest scores for experience seeking, they record the lowest scores for hyper-emotionality and lack of control. Their experience seeking is not an impulsive behavior resulting from lack of control. This last result is coherent with an improvement in the orienting attentional component. Conclusion: The Frontal P3 Amplitude as an Index of Adaptive Capacities Examining two populations with emotional deficits, we observed opposite results concerning some indices of orienting (P3a amplitude). The former population (depressed patients), examined in a previous work (Pierson et al 1991, Partiot et al 1993), showed a deficit in these indices whereas the


A. Pierson et al.

other population development emotional



of these indices than control deficits,

in the present



subjects. This opposition

the frontal P3 amplitude


on the contrary,

a larger

suggests that, in individuals

in reaction


time tasks does not reflect the

emotional deficit per se. We suggest that it rather reflects the capacity to use some behaviors







the emotional


in order

deficit. Depressions



with emotional




deficit might be due to the lack of

such a capacity.

Acknowledgement The authors thank B. Renault and R Ragot for their valuable comments in revision qf manuscript

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