388 * Davis, J.C. Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology. Wiley, Chichester, Sussex, 1973, 550 pp., £9.25. A textbook for students and practitioners interested in geomathematics, which is the area of earth science concerned with quantitative methods of analysis of geologic data. * Dyer, K.R. Estuaries: A Physical Introduction. Wiley, Chichester, Sussex, 1973, 140 pp., £3.00. A textbook for students or a referenc~ book for those actively working in the estuarine environment, this volume describes the various systems of classification of estuaries and the effects of topography, tides and river flow. * Gobbett, D.J. and Hutchison, C.S. (Editors). Geology of the Malay Peninsula, West Malaysia and Singapore. Wiley, Chichester, Sussex, 1973, 438 pp., £22.00. A detailed summary concerned with the present knowledge of Malayan geology, providing an introduction to the history and current state of geological investigations in Malaya, followed by ten chapters on geomorphology. Well illustrated plus an up-todate bibliography. Goldman, C.R., McEvoy III, J. and Richerson, P.J. (Editors). Environmental Quality and Water Development. jCreeman, Reading, 1973, 510 pp., £8.40. A volume containing reports from a study concerned with major water developments and the conflicts which accompany them. * Gordon, R.B. Physics o f the Earth. HoltBlond, London, 1973, 207 pp., £2.00. This book deals with the physical processes that shape the environment in which we live. It aims to explain how phenomena in or on the Earth - storms, earthquakes, the formation of mountains, can be understood in terms of physical principles and simple analysis. Intended for college students taking an introductory science course, with some knowledge of basic physics assumed. Hirschfeld, R.C. and Poulos, S.J. (Editors). Embankment--Dam Engineering. Wiley, Chichester, Sussex, 1973, 454 pp., £ 12.50. A collection of eleven papers dedicated to
NEW BOOKS Arthur Casagrande dealing with embankment--dam engineering. Also includes a short biography. Well illustrated. Hoefs, J. Stable Isotope Geochemistry. Springer, Berlin, 1973, 140 pp., DM.39.00. A compact volume intended for students interested in investigating stable isotopes. The book is divided into three parts: Part A giving the theory of isotope effects and the technical background; Part B, the summary of the fractionation mechanisms affecting the most important elements; and Part C surveying the most important results from a geological standpoint. Holz, R.K. (Editor). The Surveillant Science. Remote Sensing of the Environment. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Mass., 1973, 390 pp., U.S. $7.95. A collection of papers divided into ten parts. The first two provide necessary background information. The next six parts deal with specific regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and methods for their utilization for remote sensing. Part nine deals with multispectral sensing and the final, social implications of remote sensing. Many photographs, images, charts and graphs. Lewis, R.S. and Smith, P.M. (Editors). Frozen Future. Quadrangle Books, New York, N.Y., 1973, 455 pp., U.S. $12.50. A collection of papers dealing with experiments in Antarctica. Many photographs and tables. Lippmann, F. Sedimentary Carbonate Mineral& Springer, Berlin, 1973, 228 pp., DM. 58.OO. A compact monograph concerned with sedimentary carbonate minerals. Many figures and tables. Meteorological Office, 856C. Tables of temperature, Relative Humidity, Precipitation and Sunshine for the World. Part II, Europe and Azore¢ Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1972, 228 pp.,£6.60. A completely revised edition presenting, for over 600 stations, tables showing monthly values of averages and extremes for the four climatic elements. Tables are arranged in al-