Medical and Biolo&xl Applictztions of Elecfrockemical Devices. 3, Koryta. Wiley, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, fx -+ 331 p.,$50.00,
EU3.50. The biochemical applications of electrochemical methods and instimentation - mafrrly analy%ical electrochemistry - has enabfed us to acquire basic data regarding both the physiology and pathology of living systems. The diffusion of electrochemical devices among research and rorrtine eticaE laboratories has for years provided very important resuH.s. In the firs& chapter of this book
the author describes basic concepts of the electroanalytical methods applied to biology and medicine. The next four chapters deal with the various types of ion-selective electrodes, followed by three chapters in which the author illustrates polarographic and voltammetric techniques for oxygen determination, the study of kidney physioiogical parameters, and the measurement of the benzodiazepines in biological fluids, Last, but not least, the ninth chapter deals lvith the theoretical. bases underlying enzyme electrodes, also describing their assembly and employment according to the electrochemical features of the material to be analyzed, The many drawings and tables, the cIarity of the text and the exhaustive bibliography make this book suitable for clinical laboratory workers, physiologists, biologists and students in all branches of biomedicine. L. SiLVESTRONE Rome
and Molecular Aspects of Biomembmne I’ransporL E. QuagliarieBo, F. Paimieri, S. Papa and M. Klingenberg (Editors). EJ_sevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 1979, xii f 526 p., $68.25, Df1.140.00.
This volume reports on proceedings of the lnternationd Symposium on Function and Molecular Aspects of Biomembrane Transport held in April 1979. As always in such a volume, the quality of the different contributions differs considerably. However, in total, the subjects discussed cover a large part of the vast field of biomembmne transport and its molecular mechanism, many being in the forehont of the field. The volume is subdivided into five sections. The first section, ‘T&ion, anion channels” comprises articles dealing with the strutture and function of different channels in different biological membranes, as well as with the gramicich channel in lipid bilayer membrane. The second section concentrates on ion pumping A’PPases. The third section on cation transport contains articles concentrating mainly on CaZt and proton transpo&. The fourth section on metabolite transport is the largest. It comprises articles on different transport systems and translocators in membranes from different so-urces. The fifth section on reconstitution contains only seven articles dealing with structural studies of different reconstituted transport systems. This volume, like many others of this kind, should find its place OR the shelves of every good biochemical-biophysical library, and should be immediately acquired, before it becomes obsolete. LB. MILLER