0} = 1. An absolutely convex absorbing fuzzy set p in X is called a fuzzy seminorm (see [3]). If, in addition, inf{p(kx): k > 0} = 0 for x #=0, then p is called a fuzzy norm. Next, the definition of probabilistic norm on X will be recalled (see [1, 3]). Let ~ + ( R +) denote the set of all fuzzy sets of R + = [0, ~) such that (a) a~ is increasing and left continuous; (b) a~(0) = 0 and limk_,~ o~(k) = 1. The element eo of ~ + ( R ) is defined by e0(0)= 0 and eo(k)= 1 if k > 0 . For a~, j6 ~ ~+(R), the set a~ ~ / ~ (x) = sups+t=x min(o~(s),/~(t)). A probabilistic seminorm, on a vector space X, is a mapping P:X-->~+(R) with the following properties: (i) P(O) = e0; (ii) P(kx)(t) = P(x)/(t/llcl), for all k e K, k ~ 0; (iii) p ( x ) ~ P ( y ) ~ P ( x +y) for all x, y e X . If, in addition, P(x)(0 ÷) = 0 for each x 4: 0, then P is called a probabilistic norm. Finally, we recall that a fuzzy number is a fuzzy set on the real axis, i.e., a mapping tr: R ~ [0, 1], and a fuzzy number a~ is called nonnegative if a~(t) = 0 for all t > 0. Denote the set of all upper semicontinuous normal convex nonnegative fuzzy numbers by G. For a nonempty set E, d is a mapping from E x E to G and let mappings L, R:[0, 1] x [0, 1]---~ [0, 1] by symmetric, nondecreasing in both arguments and satisfy L(0, 0) = 0 and R(1, 1) = 1. Denote
[d(x,y)]r=[)~r(X,y),pr(X,y)] forx, y ~ E , 0~
3. Some properties of fuzzy normed spaces Proposition 3.1. Let (X, It) be a fuzzy normed space and denote Ilxll,, ( r ) = inf{t > 0: xr ~ tp} (where ~ means quasi-coincidence, i.e., (tlz)(x) + r > 1). Then
Fuzzy norms and metrics
lI" II~ (') is called Minko wski functional of # and satisfies: (1) Ilxll,(r) -- Ofor some r e (0, 1) if and only if x = O; (2) Ilkxll. (r) = Ikl Ilxll. (r), k e K;
(3) IIx +yll,. (r) ~< Ilxll. (r) + IlYlI~, (r); (4) I1"11.(') is nonincreasing and left continuous
for r.
P r o o f . For any fixed xr ~ X * , sup,>o (t#)(x) = 1 since # is a absorbing fuzzy set. H e n c e there exists a t' > 0 with (t'#)(x) > 1 - r, i.e., x~ ~ t ' # and t h e r e f o r e we have shown that I1"11. (') is meaningful for every xr e x * . In what follows, to show the proposition, it suffices to verify that II'lt. (') satisfies (1)-(4). F o r the p r o o f of ( 2 ) - ( 4 ) , see [6]. (1) If x = 0, then II011. ( r ) = i n f { t > 0 : O ~ t # } . By the preceding proof, we know there exists a t' with 0r ~ t'#, and hence 0r g t# for all t > 0 by tot = Or. T h e r e f o r e I[ 011. (r) = 0 for all r e (0, 1]. Conversely, if we assume the conclusion is false, then there exists an x d: 0 with Ilxll. (r) = 0 for some r e (0, 1). Since # is balanced and 0 = Ilxll. (r) = inft>0 {t: xr d t#}, it follows that (tg)(x) > 1 - r for all t > O, and hence inf,>o (t#)(x) =/=O; this contradicts with # being a fuzzy norm.
Proposition 3.2. Let X be a vector space and II'll ('):X*~
[0, 09 satisfy ( 1 ) - ( 4 ) of Proposition 3.1. Then there exits a unique fuzzy norm # such that I['l[ (') is a Minkowski functional of #. P r o o f . L e t II'll(') by a mapping from X * to [0, oo). D e n o t e # = U { x l - , : [[x[[ (r) < 1}. W e will verify # is a fuzzy n o r m and [1"[[ (') is a Minkowski functional of #. First, we prove an equivalent relation: xr ~ # if and only if [Ix 1[ (r) < 1.
I f x r d #, then # ( x ) > 1 - r. Notice that # = U {xl-r : [[x[[ (r) < 1}, and there is an r' with [[x[[ (r') < 1 such that 1 - r < 1 - r', i.e., r > r' and [[x[[ (r) < 1. H e n c e [Ix[[ ( r ' ) t > [[x[[ (r) since [1.[[ (.) is nondecreasing for r. Conversely, if [[x[[ ( r ) < 1, then there is a 6 > 0 with [[x[[ ( r ) < 1 - 6. Since H'I[ (') is left continuous for r, therefore for rn increasing to r, limn__,~ [[xll (rn) = Ilxl[ (r). H e n c e there is an r,, with [[x[[ (rm) < 1 - 6 < 1. This implies # ( x ) I> 1 - rm > 1 - r, i.e., xr~#. In o r d e r to show that [[.[[ (.) is a fuzzy n o r m , it suffices to show that # is an absolutely convex absorbing fuzzy set and inft>0 (t#)(x) = 0 for any x q: 0. # is balanced: F o r any 0 < t ~ < 1 , if xr g t # , then (1/t)Xr ~ # , and hence [[(1/t)x[[ (r) < 1. By (*), it follows that [[x][ (r) < t ~< 1, and this implies xr ~ # by (*). H e n c e t# c / z . # is absorbing: For any x e X , [[(1/(llx[[ ( r ) + 1))x[[ ( r ) < l , i.e., by (*) (1/([Ix[[ (r) + 1))xr g #. Hence ([[x[[ (r) + 1)#(x) + r > 1. This implies (supt>0 t#)(x) > 1 - r for all r e (0, 1], and hence supt>0 t#(x) = 1. # is convex: Consider x~ g t# + (1 - t)#, i.e. supy+z=x m i n ( t # ( y ) , (1 - t)#(z)) > l - r . This implies that there exists y ' , z' with y ' + z ' = x , t # ( y ' ) > l - r and (1-t)#(z')> 1-r. With regard to (*), II(1/t')y')[[ ( r ) < 1 and [ [ 1 / ( l + t ) z ' [ [ ( r ) < l . F r o m (3) of the conditions, we infer that [ I x [ [ ( r ) = [[y' + z'[[ (r) ~< J[y'[[ (r) + [[z'[[ (r) < t + (1 - t) = 1, and this implies xr d # by (*). H e n c e t# + (1 - t)# c #.
Wu Cong-Xin, Ma Ming
Finally, inft>o (tl~)(x) = 0 for any x ~ O. Otherwise, there exists an x ~: 0 with inft>o (ttQ(x) = r > O. Take 0 < 6 < r; then from inft>o (t#)(x) = r we infer Xl_r+ 6 g t~t for any t > 0, i.e., II1/tll (1 - r + 6) < 1. H e n c e Ilxll (1 - r + 6) < t for any t > 0 , and this implies Ilxll (l-r+ 6)=0. By (1) of Proposition 3.1, we conclude the proof. Note 1. The consequences of Propositions 3.1 and 3.2 are also true for fuzzy seminorms only when (1') replaces (1). (1') II011 (r) = 0 for any r • (0, 1]. Note 2. The fuzzy norm defined by Wu Congxin and Fang Ginxuan [7] is a mapping from X* to [0, ~) and satisfies (2)-(4) and (1"): (1") Ilxll (r) = 0 for some r • (0, 1] if and only if x = 0. Example. Let I1"11 be a norm on a vector space X. Then I1"11(') defined by I1"II (r) = I1"II for all r • (0, 1] is a fuzzy norm in the sense of W u Congxin and Fan Ginxuan I1"II ('), called an induced fuzzy norm. For a fuzzy norm on a vector space in the sense of [7] denote # = U{xl-r:llxll ( r ) < l } . Then { x + t l ~ A r * : t > O , r > l - ) . } is a q-neighborhood basis of xx for a unique fuzzy topology T. W e say that the fuzzy topology T is determined by I1"II ('). Proposition 3.3. Let I1"111('), 11"112(') be f u z z y norms in the sense of [7]. Then II'lh ('), II'lh(') determine the same f u z z y topology T if and only if there exist functions a(r), b(r), r • (0, 1], with infr~tr,,11 a(r) =p~, > 0, sup,~l~, 11b(r) = q,, < ~, r • (0, 1], such that a(r) Ilxlh (r) ~< Ilxlh (r) ~< b(r) Ilxlll (r)
for any x, • X*.
Proof. Sufficiency. From preceding theorems of [6], it suffices to show that for any r there exist t', t" such that t'~q f3 r* c t~2 f3 r* c t"~tl f3 r*, where gi = U (Xl-r" Ilxlli (r) < 1} (i = 1, 2). For a fixed x, g t'#l As*, then IIx/t'lll (r) < 1, and this implies Ilxlh (r) < t'. H e n c e Ilxlh (r) < b(r) Ilxlll (r) < t'q~/2. Take t' < 1/q~n; we infer x~ g/z2. This implies t'/A 1 c ~2" The other inclusion is similar. Necessity. Since I1"11~('), 11"112(') determine the same fuzzy topology T, there exist t', t" such that t'~t~ f3 r* c/~2 f3 r* c t"#l f3 r*. D e n o t e n(),) = inf{t' : t'/z~ t3 ),* c / z 2 N ,~*}. Then n().) is a nondecreasing function and (n(),) + 1)/.t I f"l ~,* c /~2 N r*. This implies II(1/(n(1) + 1))xlll (r) < Ilxlh (r). Proposition 3.4. Let (X, I1"II (')) be a f u z z y normed space in the sense of [7]. Then I1"11(') is equivalent to an induced f u z z y norm if and only if I1"11"is equivalent to I1.111, where I1.11~ is defined by Ilxll r = Ilxll (r). Proof. From Proposition 3.3, there exist a(r), b(r) such that a(r) Ilxlll (r) ~< Ilxlh (r) ~< b(r)llxlll (r), since I1"111('), II'lh (') are equivalent. On the other hand, 11"112(') is induced by I1"II, which implies II" I1~ is equivalent to I1"II. So we infer I1"11~is equivalent to I1"I1~-
Fuzzy norms and metrics
Conversely, since I1.11x is equivalent to I1"11", there exists M(r) such that Ilxll 1 ~< Ilxllr <~M(r) IIxlIL Denote g(r) = inf{M: Ilxll~ ~
4. The relations between fuzzy metric and fuzzy norms Proposition 4.1. (X, d, max, max) is a fuzzy metric if and only if there exist mappings p :X* x X* --->R +, )~:X* x X* -->R + satisfying (1))~(Xr, yr)=O for all xr, Yr, EX*; (2) p(x,, Yr) = 0 for all r • (0, 1] if and only if x = y; (3) p(xr, Yr) = D(Yr, Xr)'~
(4) o(xr, Yr) p(Xr, Zr) + O(Zr, Yr); (5) p is nondecreasing and left continuous for r.
Proof. Necessity. From Lemma 3.1 of [2], we obtain ).l(X, y) = 0 for all x, y • X whenever L/> max. Hence [d(x, y)]r = [~,r(X ' y ) , pr(X, y)] ---- [0, pr(X, y)]. Define p(Xr, Yr)= pr(X, y), p(Xr, Yr,)= Pmin(r,,,)(x, y). Then p : X * xX*--->R + satisfies
(2)-(5): (2) If p(Xr, Yr)----0 for all r • (0, 1], then pr(X, y ) = 0 for all r • (0, 1], i.e.,
d(x, y) = 0. This implies x = y. Conversely, we infer [d(x, x)] r = 0 for any x e X, r • (0, 1] from d(x, x) = ~). Hence p(Xr, Xr) = Dr(X, X) = O. (3) From d(x, y) = d(y, x) it follows [d(x, y)]r = [d(y, x)] ~. This implies p(x~, Yr) = p~(x, y) = Pr(Y, x) = P(Yr, Xr)" (4) By Lemma 3.2 of [2], it is trivial. (5) Since d(x, y) is a semi-continuous, normal convex fuzzy number, we infer p(Xr, y~) = pr(X, y) is nondecreasing and left continuous for r. Sufficiency. Denote pr(X, y) = p(Xr, Yr) and [d(x, y)]r = [0, p,(X, Y)I" Then d(x, y) • G and it satisfies (i)-(iii) of a fuzzy metric. In order to show d ( x , y ) • G for any x , y • X , it suffices to show that [0, pr(X, y)] = [d(x, y)]r satisfies: (a) [d(x, y)]r is a closed interval; (b) [d(x, y)]rl = [d(x, y)lr2 whenever 0 < rl ~< rE ~< 1; (C) For any nondecreasing sequence rn converging to r, N~=I [d(x, y)]rn= [d(x, y)]r. From the definition of [d(x, y)]r, (a), (b) are trivial since p~(x, y) is nondecreasing for r. Now we verify (c). For any nondecreasing sequence rn converging to r, [d(x, y)]~n = [0, pr~(X, y)]- This implies I
[d(x, y)] rn ~ ~-~ [ 0 , [~rn(X, y ) ] n~l
[0, lim prn(x, Y)I" L tl-----~~
On the other hand, pr(x,y) is left continuous for r. Therefore [0, limn--,®prn(X, y)] = [0, p,(X, y)]. Finally we verify that d : X x X---> G satisfies (i)-(iii) of a fuzzy metric. (iii) is the consequence of Lemma 3.2 in [2]. For (i), if x = y, then pr(X, y) = 0 for all r • (0, 1]. This implies d(x, y ) = 0 . Conversely, we infer pr(X, y ) = 0 for any r from d(x,y), therefore x = y . For (ii), from [d(x,y)]~=[O, p~(x,y)]= [0, Pr(Y, X)] = d(y, x) r, we infer the conclusion.
Wu Cong-Xin, Ma Ming
Proposition 4.2. Let (X, Iz) be a f u z z y normed space in the sense of Katsaras. Then f u z z y norm I~ can induce a f u z z y metric d such that (X, d, max, max) is a f u z z y metric space and satisfies: (a) d(x + z, y + z) = d(x, y); (b) d(Ax, Ay) = I;q d(x, y). Proof. Define ~.,(x, y) = 0 and p r ( X , y) = IIx - y II. (r) = inf{t > 0: (x - Y)r d t/t} for any x, y e X. It is easy to verify that Ar, Pr satisfy (1)-(5) of Proposition 4.1. Therefore, a unique fuzzy metric d is determined by [d(x,y)]r= [Zr(X, y), pr(X, y)]. Now we show that d satisfies (a) and (b). (a) For any z e X,
[d(x + z, y + z)] r -~" [~,r(X "~-Z, y + Z), pr(X -t- Z, y + Z)] = [0, IIx +z
- (y + z)ll~ (r)] = [0, IIx - YlI,, (r)]
= [Zr(X, y), pr(X, y)] = [d(x, y)]~. This implies d(x + z, y + z) = d(x, y). The proof of (b) is similar. Proposition 4.3. Let X be a vector space, (X, d, max, max) be a f u z z y metric space and satisfy (a), (b) and (c) If [d(x, y)]r = {0} for some r, then [d(x, y)]r = {0} for all r ~ (0, 1). Then Ilxll (r) -- re(x, O) is a Minkowski functional of a f u z z y norm in the sense of Katsaras.
Proof. From Proposition 4.1, we infer that [d(x,y)]r=[Ar(X,y), p r ( x , y ) ] = [0, pr(x, y)]. Denote itxll (r) -- re(x, 0). According to Proposition 3.2, in order to show the proposition it suffices to show H"If (') satisfies (1)-(4) of Proposition 3.1. (1) If x = 0, then d(x, 0) = 0 and this implies Ilxll (r) = re(x, 0) -- 0 for all r e (0, 1]. Conversely, if IIxll (r) = pr(X, 0) = 0 for some r • (0, 1), then from (c), we infer d(x, 0) = 0. This implies x = 0. (2) From (b) we infer I1~11 (r) = pr(kx, 0) = Ikl pr(x, 0) = Ikl Ilxll (r). (3) According to Lemma 3.2 of [2], Pr(', ") satifies the triangle inequality. This implies (3) by the definition of I1"11(')(4) Since d(x, y) is a semicontinuous normal convex fuzzy number we infer that I1"11(') satisfies (4) from Ilxll (r) = pr(X, 0).
5. The relations between fuzzy metric and probabilistic norm Proposition 5.1. Let (X, P) be a probabilistic normed space. Denote d(x, y)(t) = 1-P(x-y)(t) whenever t>~O, and d ( x , y ) ( t ) = O whenever t
(b) d ( ~ , Xy) = IXl d(x, y); (c) d(x, y)(O +) =O for any x =/=y.
Fuzzy norms and metrics
Proof. F r o m the definition of probabilistic n o r m we infer d(x, y ) ~ G for any x, y ~ X. N o w we verify d(x, y ) satisfies ( 1 ) - ( 3 ) of a fuzzy metric. (1) If x = y , then P ( x - y ) = e0, and this implies d(x, y ) = 0. C o n v e r s e l y , if d(x, y ) = 0, then P ( x - y ) ( t ) = 1 - d(x, y ) ( t ) w h e n e v e r t i> 0. Since P is a probabilistic n o r m , P ( x ) ( 0 +) = 0 for any x 4: 0. This implies x = y. (2) W e only consider t i> 0. T h e n d(x, y ) ( t ) = 1 - P ( x - y ) ( t ) = 1 - P ( y - x ) ( t ) = d ( y , x). (3) Part (1) of (iii) is meaningless by L e m m a 3.1 of [2]. N o w we show the second part of (iii). W e have d(x, y ) ( s + t) = 1 - P ( x - y ) ( s + t) = 1 - e ( x - z + z - y ) ( s + t).
F r o m the definition of probabilistic n o r m , P ( x + y ) ( t ) >! P ( x ) ~ P ( y ) ( t ) , and we infer that 1 - e ( x - z + z - y ) ( s + t) <~ 1 - e ( x - z ) ~ e ( z - y ) ( s + t)
<~m a x ( d ( x , z ) ( s ) , d ( z , y)(t)).
In o r d e r to show d(x, y ) satisfies ( a ) - ( c ) it suffices to consider the case of t/> O. (a) follows f r o m d ( x + z, y + z ) ( t ) = 1 - P ( x + z - (y + z ) ) ( t ) = 1 - P ( x - y ) ( t ) = d(x, y)(t).
(b) follows f r o m d(Xx, ~.y)(t) = 1 - P(Xx - )Ly)(t) = 1 - P ( x - y ) ( t ] l Z ] ) = d ( x , y ) ( t / i Z l ) = IZl d(x, y ) ( t ) .
(c) F r o m P ( x ) ( 0 ÷) = 0 for any x ~ 0, we infer d ( x , y ) ( 0 ÷) = 1 - e ( x - y ) ( 0 ÷) = 1 for any x 4: 0.
Proposition 5.2. L e t X be a vector space and ( X , d, m a x , max) be a f u z z y metric space and satisfy ( a ) - ( c ) o f Proposition 5.1. Then d ( x , y ) can induce a unique probabilistic norm. Proof. D e n o t e P ( x ) ( t ) = 1 - d(x, O)(t). T h e n P ( x ) ~ ~ + ( R ) for any x e X. In o r d e r to show P ( . ) is a probabilistic n o r m it suffices to verify p ( . ) satisfies (i)-(iii), according to (c). (i) If x = 0, then d ( x , 0) = 0, and this implies P ( x ) = eo. (ii) This follows f r o m P ( A x ) ( t ) = 1 - d(Ax, O)(t) = 1 - IZl d(x, O)(t) = 1 - d(x, O)(t/IZl) = P ( x ) ( t / I Z l ) .
(iii) W e have P ( x ) ~ P ( y ) ( s + t) =
sup S'+t'=$+t
min(P(x)(s'), P(y)(t')).
Wu Cong-Xin, Ma Ming
According to (a), for any s' + t' = s + t,
d(x + y, O)(s' + t') >I max{d(x + y, y)(s'), d(y, O)(t')} = max(d(x, O)(s'), d(y, O)(t')}. This implies
Hence P(x) ~) P(y)(s + t) <~P(x + y)(s + t).
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