Fuzzy Sets and Systems 31 (1989) 111-121 North-Holland
Giuliano ARTICO and Roberto MORESCO Dipartimento di Matematica Pura • Applicata, Universit~ di Padova, via Belzoni 7, 35131 Padova, Italy Received May 1987 Revised September 1987
Abstract: Given a fuzzy proximity 6, we construct a fuzzy uniformity (in the sense of Lo~en) which turns out to be the coarsest one among those which induce 6. We show that some ~asic theorems of general topology about precompact uniformities have a nice extension to fuzzy set topology.
AMS Subject Classification: 54A40. Keywords: Fuzzy uniform space and map; fuzzy proximity space and map; precompact uniformity; functor.
~educfion In [2] we have introduced the notion of fuzzy proximity as a map from I x × l X into I which gives a 'degree of nearness' between fuzzy sets, meaning in a certain sense how likely two fuzzy sets are of being near each other. We have shown that this concept generalizes the analogous one of classical topology and that it is quite compatible with the notion of fuzzy uniformity introduced by Lowen [5]. In particular we have seen that every fuzzy uniformity lI induces a fuzzy proximity 6u in such a way that the fuzzy topologies generated by the two structures coincide; moreover fuzzy uniform maps, fuzzy proximity maps and fuzzy continuous maps behave in the desired way, namely the given correspondences are functorial. To obtain a full analogy with the classical case we still needed to examine some questions which naturally arise: 1. Is every fuzzy proximity induced by a fuzzy uniformity? 2. If the answer to the previous question is affirmative, is there a coarsest uniformity among the ones which induce a given fuzzy proximity? 3. Given a fuzzy proximity 6, is it possible to provide an explicit method for constructing a fuzzy uniformity lI~ such that, of course, 6u~ = 67 f~,d is !!~ the uniformity requested in 2? 4. How can one describe the fuzzy uniformities of the form 1167 In this paper we give positive answers to the pi~evious questions. Moreover we show that the correspondence which assigns to a fuzzy proximity space (X, 6) the 0165-0114/89/$3.50 (~ 1989, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
G. Alnico, R. Moresco
fuzzy uniform space (,t, LIa) is functorial and that fuzzy uniform spaces of the type (,t", Ha) and uniformly continuous functions form a reflective full subcategory of the category of fuzzy uniform spaces and maps. As far as the fourth question concerns, it turns out that a fuzzy ~aiformity is of type Ha if and only if it admits a basis of elements of 'finite type' (Definition 3.2) (in the classical case this is the concept 0i totally bounded uniformity); tt~rthermore it is rather interesting to observe that these uniformities are exactly the precompact ones introduced and studied in [6]. We remark that a useful tool for our investigation is a theorem due to N. Morsi which says that a fuzzy proximity is completely determined by its behaviour on crisp subsets [7]; we thank the author for providing us with a preprint (,f his paper. Section 1
For definitions and results on fuzzy uniform spaces and fuzzy proximity spaces we refer the reader to [4], [5] sad [2]. However for convenience we recall the definitions of fuT~y uniform basis and of fuzzy proximity. By the way we point out that in the definition of fuzzy proximity we adopt the formulation of axiom FP4 proposed by Morsi in [7], since this formulation is equivalent to the analogous one provided in [2] and is quite simpler than it. As usual I denotes the real unit interval. X is a set and we use the same symbol to indicate both a subset of X and its characteristic function. Moreover, since no confusion can arise, if a belongs to I we denote the constant fuzzy subset with value a by the same symbol a. DeflJtion. A subset ~ c I x×x is called a fuzzy uniform basis if and only if the following conditions are fulfilled. F U B I . ~ is a prefilter basis. FUB2. For every p e ~ and for every x e X, p(x, x) = 1. FUB3. For every p e ~ and for every real number e > 0, there exists/~ e ~ such that .8~, - e ~< ,p. FUB4. For every fl¢ ~ and for every real number e > 0, there exists ,6, e ~ such that p+ o p, - e <. p.
Defin|don. A function ~" I x x I x--> I is called a fuzzy proximity if and only if for any/~, v, p e I x if fulfills the following conditions: ~ 1 . a(O, 1)=0. M Q a(., p) = a(p, FP3. p) v 6(v, p ) = v v, p). FP4. if 6(~u, p) = a, for every e > O, there exists C c_ X such that 6(~u, C) < a + e, 6(X\ C,p)~ (~ ^ p)(x) for every x e,t". FP6. if [p - p'[ ~
Fuzzy uniformitiesinduced by fuzzy proMmities