G7 Effects of heavy alcohol consumption on hemodynamic response to mental and physical stress

G7 Effects of heavy alcohol consumption on hemodynamic response to mental and physical stress

A 1997-VOL. 10, NO. 4, PART 2 POSTERS: Nonbiological Influences jon Blood Pressure G5 G6 DIFPERENTBEHAVIORAL PROFILEBETWEEN w@’ECOATAND SUSTAINE...

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1997-VOL. 10, NO. 4, PART 2

POSTERS: Nonbiological

Influences jon Blood Pressure



DIFPERENTBEHAVIORAL PROFILEBETWEEN w@’ECOATAND SUSTAINED HYPERTENSIVEDIPPERS, BUTNOT BETWEENNON-DJITERS. R. Coelho,A Santos, H. Barros,} !h!d!lk* pskwW &ien-@~~ 4 Un.F.cfi.ica, FadfedPorto, Porlugal. In hypertension(1-fT)the roleof psychologicalfactorsis unclear. In pstierdawithHT “in office”, 24-hambulatoryBP (ABP)may identifya groupat low cardiovascularrisk (white-coat-WCHT), showing“normal”ABP valuesbut, posaibly,higher emotional reactivity.ABP also separatesdippers from nondippera. We studied 64 pts with untreatedessentialHT (Hta: ottce and daytime ABP>140/90 mmHg), 54 pta with WCHT (offIce BP> 140/90; daytime ABP< 134/85rnrnHg)and 92 normotensives(NT).Thesethreepopulations(aging18-75y)underwent psychometricevaluation:depression(tieck DepressionImm.mV-BDI), psychopathology (HopkinsSympiomCheck3ist90-scL9&R) and quality Of life, QoL (PsychologicalGeneral WeU-Being-PGWB& Nottingham Health Protile-NHP). Mean VdU&S ff0K23 tht%% WdUadO~ were adjustedfor gender,age, weigbtand educationusingANCOVA. Htaftable)had significantlyworse scores of depressionand of QoL than WCHT and NTr+F.o.os nr u NTA WC.HTJ but no differenceswerefoundbetweenNT andWCHT.The 3 popula.= %.m,ion Emotional Pain Physical QoL

EVJDENCE OF ABNORMAL BLOOD PRESSURE REGULATION IN NORMOTENSIVE,CHRONIC HEAVYDRINKERS. A. Thakur,BH Sung*,MS Siddiqui*,S, Grrdapati,MF Wilson*.State Urriversityof New York, Buffalo,NY. Chrooic alcoholic are at increased risk for the development of hypertension, stroke, coronary artery diseasearrdcardiomyopathy,We have studied underlying mechanismsof BP regulationin 16 healthy nornrotensive drinkers. Heart rate, BP, stroke volume, cardiac output and calculatedsystemicvascularresistancewere compared between hcmy (> 4 drirrldday) versus mild drinkers (<1 drink/day)by alcohol consumption questionnaire, Heavy drinkershad averageof 10 drioka/dayfor 20 years. Both groups had similar age and body mass index. All had normal magnesium levels and liver function tests. Both groups had similar BP (119/74 vs 119/67 rnrnHg, NS). Althoughcardiacoutputs of heavyand mild drinkerswere similar (5.1 vs 5,5 lhnin, NS), heavy drirrkers had significantlysmallerstroke volume(70 vs 85 mf, p < 0.05) with directionallyhigherheart rate(73 vs 64 bpm, p=o.09) than mild drinkers.Heavy drinkers also had significantly highervascularresistance(1504 vs 1269 dyrre.s.cm-5,p < 0,05) than mild drinkers.Conclusions: Elevated systemic vascular resistance in heavy drinkers may indicate increwed sympathetictone. Reduced stroke volume may suggest impaired contractility of the heart in heavy drinkers. Although both groups had similar blood pressure, there was an altered BP regulation in heavy drinkersand may requirefirrtherevrduationand follow-up to preventalcohol-relatedcardiovasculardysfunction. KeyWords:alcohol,hemodynmnics,blood pressure, stroke volume,vascularresistance.



92 S4

13.1+!.0 11.1+1.3 15.9+1,1*


(mm 30.7+2.8 21.2+3.7 36.3+3.2*


25,7+3.0 27,9+4.o 35.3+3.3*

mnbility- (FGwa) (NSFJ 27.6+2.2 67+2 23.3+2.9 67+3 32.3+2.4-

~~ns did ~~t differfororherpsychopathological itens(SC~’&R). DifferencesHTs v WC-HTwere increasedwhen only dippers (nocturnalBP fall> 10%)were compared,but non-dippersWCHT(n=21) showed similar abnormal scores aa non-dippers Hts(n=21). Conclusion:differentlyfrom HTs dippers, WCHT dippers (like NT) did not show any abnormal patterns of depression,dimensionsof QoL and of emotionaltraits. In contrast,non-dippersare clearlymore psychologicaldisturbed, independently of beingHT or WCHT. KeyWorda: white-cd hypertension, dippers, depression, psychopathology,qualityof life.

G7 EFFECTS OF HEAVY ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION ON REMODYNAMIC RESPONSE TO MENTAL AND PHYSICAL STRESS MS Siddiaui*,BH Sung*, S. Gudapati,M Ching*,HA Capote,MF Wilson*.State Universityof New York, Buffalo,NY. There is considerable evidence that moderate alcohol consumptionmay have a cerdioprotective effect but chronicheavydrinkingleads to sustainedelevationof blood pressure (BP). We studied hemodyrramicresponse to mental and physicalstress in 18 healthy, normotenaive social drinkers. Study subjects were divided into heavy driokers (>4 drinka/day, n=9) and mild drinkers (<1 drink/day, n=9) by alcohol consumption questiomaire. Both groupswere comparablein age, body massindexand gender distribution. Each subject performed a standard mental arithmetic test (MAT) end handgrip test. Hemodynarrricvariables were measured at baseline and duringstress. Heavyand milddrinkershad similarbaseline systolicand diastolicBP (119/74 vs 120/70 rornHg,NS) and heart rate (71 vs 67 bprn, NS). During MAT, heavy drinkers had significantlyhigher HR response than mild drinkers(14 vs 7%, p < 0.05) but increases in BP were Siilar between two groups (131/79 Vs 132/74 rnnrHg, NS). No significantdifferenceswere noted in BP and HR response to handgrip teat between heavy and mild driukera.Conclusion:Amountof alcoholconsumptiondid not etl’wt BP at rest and during stress in healthy normoterreivesocial drinkers. However, elevated HR during mental stress suggests enhanced sympathetic activation in heavy drinkers end it may be one of the earliestindicationof abnormalcardiovasculartinrction. I@YWords: alcoholconaumptio%hemodynarrrics,mental stress, physicrdstress.

G8 NON-DIPPING BLOODPRESSUREPROFILECORRELATESTO HIGHPRAINHIGHJOBSTRAINMEN. LWJenaenand EB Pederaen*.ResearchLaboratoryof Nephmlogyand Hypertension,SkejbyUniversityHospital, Aarhus,Denmark. To gruupsof men(37 taxi driveraand 37 with sedsntaryjobs) withthe samecasualbloodpressure(BP)(127/81;129/81 mmHg),ageand BMIwerestudied.The24 hourBP was monitoredwithTakeda2421equipment,and baselinelevels of vasoactivehormoneweremeasuredby radioimmunoaasays. All participantswereinterviewedaboutsmokinghabits, alcoholintakeandphysicalexercisein a structuredmatterusing a questionnaire,The averagealcoholintakewerethe samein the two roups,smokin was significantlymorecommen among~etasidrivem&mt becmUrolsubjecta(50% vs. 24 %, P < 0.03).Only24 % of the taxi driversdid regularexercisecomparedto 79 % of the contxrlsubjects(P < 0.001). The 24 hourmeanBP andthe daytimeBP werethe samein the groups.Thetaxi drivers’nightlyBP fall wasreduced(SBP 8%va 16%,P< 0.002;DBP 10%vs 19%,P