G8 countries should generate 25% electricity from renewables

G8 countries should generate 25% electricity from renewables

General NEWS G8 countries should generate 25% electricity from renewables Renewables and DE can meet Chinese energy demand more cost effectively Gov...

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General NEWS G8 countries should generate 25% electricity from renewables

Renewables and DE can meet Chinese energy demand more cost effectively

Governments of the G8 should

energy and energy efficient tech-

Green power and other distrib-

the country's size, an investment

establish national renewable

nologies "through such measures

uted generation sources can meet

of US$1,053 billion would be

portfolio standards to generate at

as the phase-out of fossil fuel

the growth in energy demand in

needed by 2021 to meet demand

least 25% of electricity from

subsidies" and requiring export

China at a lower cost than central

using central plants, while DE

renewables by 2025, "with high-

credit agencies and development

generation, says the World

could meet the same goal for an

er targets needed for some G8

banks to adopt minimum effi-

Alliance for Decentralized Energy.

investment of $653 billion, a sav-

governments," according to a

ciency or carbon intensity stan-

Renewable energy systems, high-

ings of $400 billion. Retail costs

report from the International

dards for projects they support.

efficiency cogeneration/CHP and

for power would be 9.97cents

Climate Change Taskforce. G8

Reforms at the national level

energy recycling systems could

kWh with central facilities and

governments should also increase

would include "levelling the play-

meet that country's growth in

7.16cents with DE.

their research spending on

ing field between renewables

demand because Decentralised

Under a low-carbon scenario,

advanced technologies for ener-

and fossil fuels, and internalising

Energy (DE) requires less trans-

solar PV would contribute 11%

gy-efficient and low- and zero-

the latter's costs by phasing out

mission and distribution. T&D

of new capacity generation by

carbon energy supply by at least

fossil fuel subsidies and adopting

networks have high capital, oper-

year 20, while wind would pro-

two-fold by 2010, while simulta-

cap and trade systems as well as

ations and maintenance costs, as

vide 7% and bioenergy cogener-

neously adopting strategies for

encouraging ecological tax

well as significant energy losses,

ation would account for 30%.

the large-scale deployment of

reform and performance based

while DE facilities to generate

CHP from coal and gas would

no-carbon technologies.

efficiency incentives."

electricity are sited close to point

provide 40% of the total.

The Taskforce has called for

At the international level, reforms

of demand so electricity flows

The World Alliance for

major economies to form a

would include a significant

shorter distances to customers,

Decentralized Energy is a

Climate Group to pursue initia-

increase in the World Bank

greatly reducing the need for

research organisation established

tives that will lead to large emis-

investment in renewables and

T&D investment.

in 2002 to accelerate the global

sions reductions, a shift in agri-

reform of the OECD

Maximizing the implementation

deployment of decentralised

cultural subsidies from food crops

Arrangement for ECAs to

of DE could reduce retail power

energy systems. It estimates that

to biofuels derived from cellulosic

improve the terms offered for

costs by 28%, and capital costs

"inefficient " central power sys-

materials, national mandatory

renewable energy projects "so

by 38% compared with a sce-

tems generate 93% of the

cap-and-trade systems for carbon

that they are at least as

nario of high centralized genera-

world's electricity and it wants to

emissions, and a removal of bar-

favourable as those for fossil

tion, it notes. Since T&D costs are

double the share of DE to 14%

riers to investment in renewable

fuel and nuclear energy."

relatively high in China due to

by 2012. www.localpower.org

Energy Laboratory in Colorado. The former vice president of CH2M Hill will succeed Richard Truly at the Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research. Arvizu holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering from Stanford University and worked at Sandia National Laboratories' solar energy division where he managed construction of the heliostat field, the largest solar facility in the world at the time.

2004, to 325.9 billion won (US$314 million), of which 117.0 billion won will be used for loans, 95.8 billion won for technology research and 92.3 billion for support projects. The proportion of renewables will increase from 2.1% in 2003 to 2.6% in 2005 and expected to account for 5% of all energy consumption by 2011. South Korea will also work with China to build a 100 kW solar farm and investigate a combined solar-wind power energy plant in Mongolia.

systems in ten communities on a pilot basis and train people from different ethnic groups as solar technicians at a centre in India. Solar radiation in Afghanistan averages 6.5 kWh per square meter per day, with sun for 300 days a year. The Afghan government will contribute $150,000 for the project.

S Korea increases RE spend

ADB approves RE funds

South Korea will increase spending on renewable energy projects, according to officials of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy. Total funds allocated this year are 66% higher than

The Asian Development Bank has approved US$750,000 to Afghanistan to develop solar energy technology in isolated rural areas. The money will go towards the installation of solar

News in BRIEF World Bank goes 100% green The World Bank will purchase green power for all electricity consumption at its head office in Washington. The Bank will purchase 85 million kilowatthours of renewable energy certificates from WindCurrent of Maryland, a company that sells wind power to the mid-Atlantic power grid. The purchase represents enough electricity for 8,000 homes for one year, and is equivalent to eliminating the carbon dioxide emissions of 10,000 cars for one year or planting 15,000 acres of trees, according to figures from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

NREL chief announced Dan Arvizu is the new director of the U.S. National Renewable


January/February 2005

Xcel to add 400MW wind Xcel Energy has started negotiations with three wind developers to add 400 MW of green power to its electricity generating mix in Colorado, and wants to start buying wind power by the end of this year. Power purchase agreements will triple its wind capacity in Colorado to 600 MW, in addition to 25 MW it purchases in Wyoming.
