Desaltnation,8 1 ( 199 1) 282 Elsevler Science Pubhshers B.V.. Amsterdam
General Aspects of Water Re-use in the USSK Prof. O.M. Nefedov Acudmy
of Sc...
General Aspects of Water Re-use in the USSK Prof. O.M. Nefedov Acudmy
of Sciences of the USSR
Problems of how to provide the population with water and how to use them for industrial and agricultural development in the country and in some of its particular regions are discussed. Special attention is paid to the environmental situation regarding the preservation of fresh water resources. Techno-ecological activity around important basins in the European part of the USSR (Azov sea, Volga river) and in other regions (Aral sea and Baikal lake) is considered. The role of fundamental scientific research in the elaboration of a conceptual approach to the utilization and development of innovative technologies for water purification and reuse are discussed.
Evaporative Processes - R & D 285 The fluidized bed techmque in the evaporatron of wastewaters with severe fouling/scalrng potenttal - Latest developments, applications, ltmitatrons Ft. Rautenbach, C. Erdmann and J St. Kollbach GERMANY 299
Open multrple effect desalmation with low temperature process heat T. Baumgartner, D. Jung and R Sizmann GERMANY
Drstrllate punty from MSF: The theoretical design and a real case behavior C. Sommariva, R Borsanr and A Tasca ITALY
Vacuum desalination using waste heat from a steam turbine S C. Low and J.H Tay SINGAPORE
A model for stagewise calculatron of non-condensable gases In multi-stage evaporators A. Serfert and K. Genthner GERMANY
A calculation method for condensers In multr-stage evaporators with noncondensable gases K Genthner and A. Setfert GERMANY
Heat exchange intensification at condensation tnsrde tubes of film- type evaporators of desalrnation plants V.G. Rrfert, A I. Sardak, Ya.E. Trokoz and V A Podberesny USSR
General approach to the drop entrarnment calculation in heat- and masstransfer apparatus V V. Iljushchenko, A.M. Rosen and S.I Golub USSR
A wavedrrven vapour compression system for desalination: Experimental and mathematrcal modelling A.J. Crerar and C.L. Pritchard SCOTLAND
284 399 Development of a plate evaporator/condenser for the mechanical vapour compression process N.-E. Cfausen DENMARK 497
Sea water desalination in thrn film plants V. Slesarenko USSR
419 Optrmal thermodynamic synthesis of dual-purpose desalmation plants. Extraction vs. back pressure turbines N.J. Scenna and P. Aguirre ARGENTINA 437 Some theoretical aspects in simulation of multiple stage desalination systems J.M. Montagna, N.J. Scenna and T. Melli ARGENTINA 449 Second law analysts of multi-effect and MSF desalination plants M.Sh. Al-Ahmad and M A. DaWish USA 451 A systematic approach for detection of malfuncttons in equipment of nuclear de&nation plants dunng operatton I.1 Kutbi SAUDI ARABIA 483
Prelrminary desgn and energy analysis of evaporatrve desalrnation cascades S.C. B&OS and J.R. Flower UK
Need and feaslblhty of nuclear desalmatlon for low cost potable water production Aboughalya Ez-Dean, M J Cnjns, Kup~tz, G F Tusel and K Wangnick GERMANY