The COMMITTEE for MAPPING MACROMYCETES in Europe has made good progress in recording certain species selected for this purpose as being reasonably easily identifiable , as indicators, and both rare and common species were included . Information concerning about 50 species is already in the hands of Dr Lange and , as Douglas Henderson reminds us, the records for the U.K. were entered on individual record cards of the Biological Records Centre, Monk's Wood, so that the further information which we hope will be collected through the above "cross-off" scheme can very readily be integrated with the Committee's records. M.N.
General Collection of Transparencies Additions, 1972 BOXB MYXOMYCETES 96 Trichia decipiens
ASCOMYCETES Calycella sulfurina Catinella olivacea Claviceps purpurea Cyathipodia macropus Daldinia concentrica Leptopodia elastica Paxina leucomelas Peziza vesiculosa Peziza vesiculosa Poronia punctata (on pony dung) Pro polis versicolor