Copyright © IFAC Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture. Wageningen. The Netherlands. 1995
Genetic Algorithms for Irrigation Optimization Chen Yuming, Ding Jing, Xiong Fanlun The Institute of Intelligent Machines Acdemia Sinica P. O. Box 1130 Hefei ,Anhui, 230031 P.R.China
Abltract:Tbe optimum management of irrigation is tbe problem of multi-goals and multl-constraill8ts. In tbis paper, tbe genetic algoritbms are applied to tbe irrigation optimization for crops. Using tbe multi-points crossover metbod ,tbe computational complexity of conventional genetic algoritbms is reduced. And at tbe same time ,a satisfactory solution can be derived.
Keywords: Genetic algorithms ,IrrigatIon Optimization
In the lab, a project on the irrigation optimization applying GAs in ShiJing Irrigation N et-
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search algo-
works is going on. The approach of multi-
rthms based on the mechanism of natural slec-
points crossover and mutation is introduced so
tion and nature genetic. It has become increas-
that the computational complexity can be de-
ingly popular in recent years as a method for
solving complex search problems in many computer application fields. The management of irri2. GENETIC ALGORITHMS(GAs)
gation plays an important role in districts lack of water, especially in some northern parts of China . It is an urgent problem how to distribute the
Genetic Algorithms have been developed by
water resources in the most reasonable way.
John Holland (Holland, 1975) ,his collegues and
Conventionally, hill- climbing method is adopt-
his students at University of Michigan of USA.
ed, but can not satisfactorily solve the problem
GAs are an example of a search procedure that
involving too many factors . Due to the complexi-
uses random choices as a tool to guide a highly
ty of the irrigation optimizaton problem, it is ap-
exploitative search through a coding of a param-
propriate to solve them with GAs which are
eter space. They combine survival of the fittest
blind ,parrallism and robustness.
among string structures with a structured yet
randomized information exchange to form a
As shown in the figure above, there are six ar-
search algorithm with some of the innovative
eas distributed in 13 counties which need to be
flair of human search.
irrigated on time. From March to April every
GAs differs from other optimum seeking meth-
and cotton must be made.
ods in some fundamental ways:
Originally, to made an effective irrigation plan,
year, the irrigation plan for the Spring Wheat
(1) GAs work with a coding paramater set , not
an irrigation model is intruduced. Some parame-
the parameter themselves.
ters in the irrigation model are assumed as fol-
(2) GAs search from a population of the points,
not a simple point.
Q : the total amount of water in reservoir;
(3) GAs use payoff (objective function) infor-
SI: i = 1 , ... ,6, the area of each district,
mation ,not derivatives or other auxiliary knowl-
AI: i= 1, ... ,6, the area ratio of wheat field to
cotton field in each district,
(4) GAs use probability transition rules, not de-
h, h': the price of water per unit volume,
terministic rules.
W I : i = 1, ... ,6, the ratio of loss water to the totle water quantity during the conveyance
The efficiency and the simplicity of the operation
from the reservoir to each district respec-
are two main attractions of the genetic algo-
rithme approach. A simple genetic algorithm is
Y I: i = 1, ... , 6, the total water quantities of
composed of three operations:
well irrigation which can be applied for each
(1) reproduction
distict respectively.
(2) crossover (3) mutation
Some variables, which will be used in the model of the irrigation optimization for economic profit ,are shown as following:
XII: the quantity of water distributed to each district,
ShiJing Irrigation Networks is located at the X12:
eastern foot of TaiHang Mountain ,south part of
the ratio of water distributed to wheat field and cotton field in each district,
Hebei plain. There are good soil and temperate
XI3 : the ratio of irrigated area to unirrigation are
climate which are fit for growing wheat and cot-
of wheat field in each district,
ton. This area is the important Agriculture-base
XI.: the ratio of irrigated area to unirrigation
in China. But in recent years, the reservoir wa-
area of cotton field in each district,
ter is lacking seriously due to the dry weather. How to distribute reasonably the limited water
E: econom ic profit.
resources is a much-concerned problem.
With the definition above, the model ofirrigation
Geographical distribution map of ShiJing Irriga-
optimizaton for econmic profit is expressed as
tion Networks is shown as following:
following: 6
E=~E, 1-1
E =f( (XII Y)~2)A S X I A~)C'3 I I 13
+g ( Fig. 1.
X (1-A , )SIX '4
-g (0) (l-A , )S,(1-X,4 )
- (xlI+Y I)h-
~Zvl XW,Xh'
with constraint condition
that there is only one district requires irrigation.
~ l~WI I ~Q 1-1
Local optimum solutions will be included in the initial population.
where f(x) and g (x) are the economic profit function of wheat and cotton when x is the ir-
In the sub - problem. the conventional genetic
rigative water per unit area. According to the analysis of statistical data in previous years. f
algorithms can be used to get the local optimum
(x) and g (x) are approximately an quadratic
solutions. Usually the follOWing steps are need-
ed· i) First. n experience values of previous years. each representted as (Xn ••••• XI.) • are selected to form initial population of the local optimization problem. ii) Each decision variable Xli' •••• ~4 in initial
population is coded as a binary unsigned string with length
The solution strings are con-
structed to link all the coded variables together. 6
So. the length of the solution string is
Thus. the solution set that includes
~Ilj. I-I
ble solutions is obtained. ill) T he operator of the genetic algorithm con-
sists reproduction. Crossover and Mutation.
It is difficult to satisfactorily solve the irrigation
a) Reproduction
conventional algo-
Reproduction is a process in which each string is
rithms. here. GAs as a searching algorithm is
copied according to their objective function val-
suitable to such kinds of problems.
ues ( El)' that is strings with a higher value have a higher probability contributing. one or
Applying a genetic algorithm to solve the irriga-
more offsprings in next generation.
tion problem is firstly to initialize population and
For example:
code the decision variables as some finit-length
Let AI' A2 are the two members of the initial
population. El =the fitness of Al E2=the fitness of A2
4. 1 Initialize popuation
nl=the offspring number of Al n2=the offspring number of A2
In this problem. the search space of irrigation
then in the next generation after reproduction
optimization model is very large. which involves
nl/n2=EJE 2·
24 variables (among 6 districts. there are 4 variables in each district) and a constraint. The con-
The reproduction operator may be implemented
ventional GA appears to be incompetent in ac-
by creating a biased roulette wheel where each
tural operating when confronting so many vari-
current string in the population has a roulette
ables . Since. the increasing of useful information
wheel slot sized in proportion to its fitness (El).
in every generation will be very slow and the
In this way. strings with higher fitness have a
number of genetic generations will increase in
higher number of offspring in the succeeding
searching optimum solutions. In order to reduce
generation .
the searching time and the complexity of the problem. the whole problem will be divided into
Once a string has been slected for reproduction.
six local sub-problems in which it is considered
an exact replica of the string is made. This
string is then entered into a mating pool.a tenta-
particular locations), even though reproduction
tive new population. for further genetic operator
and crossover effectively search and recombine
action .
extant notions. In artificial genetic systems, the mutation operator protects against such an irrecoverable loss.
b) Crossover Crossover may be processed in two steps. First. the members of the new strings in the mating
iv) In every new generation the unresonable so-
pool are freely met and combined. When two
lutions which have contradicti onwith constraints
mates are selected. the pair of strings undergo
are wiped off.
crossover as following: Following reproduction. crossover. and muta-
an integer position k along the string is selected
tion, the new population is obtained and ready to
uniformly at random base. the valu of k is in the 6
range [1.
~al -lJ . By
be tested. By decoding the new strings and calswapping all characters
culating the fitnes function values • it is found
between position k
+ 1 to ~al inclusively
that the population average fitness and the maxitwo
mum fitness has increased. So, a local optimum
new string are created
solution can be obtained while the operation of
For example:
the algorithm repeat.
the pairs of strings we slected is A I and A z. A I =10100··I · 11011
A z =01110· .1.01100
4.2 Muti- paerts
Suppose in choising a random number between 1 6
~al- l.the
The local optimum solution of each district,
value k is obtained (as indicat-
which has been obtained are selected to form the
ed by the separator symbol in Al and A z ). After crossover operation, the resulting string are as
initial population of the whole problem • and views of some experts that are adopted as a
heuristic information are also included in it . Re-
Al = 10100 ... 01100
coding and reproduction are similar to the opera-
A z =01110 ... 11011
tions mentioned above (here. each string contains six sub-strings), but crossover and muta-
c) Mutation
tion are different. In the whole irrigation opti-
Mutation is the occasional (with small probabili-
= O. 01 ) random
mization model. multi-points crossover and mu-
alteration of the value of a
tation method has been intruduced. That is. not
string position. that means changing a 1 to a 0 or
a single point but many points in the string
ty M
vice versa.
For example:
crossover • and even more points will be selected
Suppose. A I is an arbitrary string in the popula-
in mutation process. Suppose. the crossover slec-
tion .
tion probability is PI.and the mutation probabili-
Al = 10100 .. . 01100
ty is QI' In addtional, during the multi-points
the 3rd position is selected randomly among the
crossover and mutation process of every genera-
string • and assuming mutation occur according
tion, some new constraints are put forward to
to the mutation probability M. the string after
restrain the strings resonably. The example of
the action is:
this multi-points crossover is shown as follow-
A l '= 10000 ... 01100
ing: BI and Bz in the mating pool are selected to crossover
Mutation plays a decidely secondary role in the operation of genetic algorithms. Beause occasion-
ally they may become overzealous and lose some
Bl = (101.. ,.100)(100 ... 100)(010... 011)
potentially useful genetic material (1 's or O's at
(101. , .. 111)(000... 110)(011. . . 101)
B 2 =(001.. 1.111)001. .. 010)001. . . 101) OIl. 1.. 000)001. . . 010)(100 ... 001)
initialize population of sub- problem i
the first and the forth sub-string are selected (according to selecting probability P J ) to crossover.
The randomly choised positions in the selection of sub-strings are indicated by the separator symbols
in BI and B 2 • After the crossover
the reSUlting strings are shown as following: crossover
B 1 '=001. .. 111)000 . . . 100)(010 .. . 011) 001. . . 000)(000 ... 110)(011. . . 101) B 2 '= (001. .. 100)(101. . . 010) (101. .. 101)
011. . . 111)001. . . 010)(100 . . . 001)
Idecode and constraint I
The last operator. mUlti-points mutation. is performed as following: Cl is the arbitrary string
which is going to mutation. Cl = (101. .. 100)(100 ... 100)(010 ... 011)
001. .. 111)(000 .. . 110)(011. . . 101) the first and the third sub-string are chosen ac-
cording to selecting probability QJ. Assuming that the 3rd position in the first sub-string and
!recoding the whole problem
the 2nd position in third sub-string are selected
randomly to mutation . On the basis of the muta-
tion probability • mutation takes place in the first sub-string . the new string are created as fol-
! multi - points crossover
I multi-points mutation I
Cl' = (lOO . .. 100)(100... 100)(010 ... 011)
001. .. 111)(000 .. . 110)(011. .. 101)
t decode and constrain
The new population is obtained and ready to be tested. The new strings is decoded and the fit-
ness function values are calculated.
~ Yes
With the implementation of the above algo-
rithm. it is found that the max and average economic profit values
Fig. 3.
have a gradually increasing
tendency as searching generation by generation. Through several of generations , the satisfied results are obtained while the operation of the algorithm repeat.
5. CONCLUSION T he irrigation optimization problem using GAs
4. 3 program's flow
are described in this paper . The method that divide the whole searching space into several subspace is adopted . In the process of the searching
The problem of irrigation optimization in ShiJing Irrigation Network has been solved using C lan-
algorithm approach, the slection of constraints
guage in the lab. the flow of the program is
in the multi-points crossover process is impor-
shown in the right figure .
tant to the reasonableness of the solutions. And
it has shown that the searching agorithm is con-
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