168 and females treated at the high dose level. No significant increase in MnPCEs was found in the animals killed 48 h after treatment.
126 Crebelli, R., S. Fuselli, G. Conti, L. Conti and A. Carere, Istituto Superiore di Sanit?a, Rome (Italy) Mutagenicity spectra of airborne pollutants in bacteria
The mutagenicity spectra of the organic extracts of both airborne particulate matter and diesel and gasoline soot particles were determined with a battery of nine bacterial strains of different genetic specificity. The assays with crude extracts and with fractionated acidic, neutral and basic components revealed striking differences in the patterns of mutagenic responses produced by each of the complex mixtures investigated. The mutagenicity of air particulate matter was shown to depend mainly on direct-acting acidic and neutral compounds, with a lesser contribution of basic promutagens which required exogenous metabolic activation by liver $9. The assays with a diesel soot extract indicated the prevailing contribution of direct-acting acidic and neutral compounds, and suggested an important role also for nitro derivatives other than nitropyrenes. The gasoline exhaust was characterized by powerful promutagenic compounds, belonging to the acidic, neutral and basic fractions.
127 Cernfi, M. 1, A. Pastorkovfi 2 and V. Hfijek 2, Postgraduate Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute and 2 Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Prague (Czechoslovakia) Genotoxic effects as a criterion to assess suitability of river water for the purpose of irrigation
The Elbe river water is consistently contaminated by wastewater discharges from industrial plants that have inadequate wastewater treatment facilities. The suitability of its use as irrigation water in agriculture was assessed by deter-
mining the sum of its mutagenic activity using a standard Salmonella plate assay according to the method described by Ames. The tests for mutagens in water were performed repeatedly at 3month intervals during a period of 2 years. The organic compounds present in water were separated by running 10-1 water volumes through the organic sorbent Separon SE with subsequent extraction in acetone; mutagenicity for strains TA98 and TA100 was tested using aliquots corresponding to the original water volumes of 10-500 m l / p l a t e . Positive dose- and site-related mutagenesis assays were demonstrable in strain TA98 only, with a maximum mutagenic response from the water samples collected at the site of wastewater discharge from chemical production. The greatest increases in mutagenic activity were detected in the summer and autumn months (more than 430 net revertants were detected per liter of water). In terms of the Ames mutagenesis assay the demonstrated genotoxic potential of water-borne mutagens was clearly significant.
128 Clerici, L., A. Collotta, F. Lucchini 1 and M.G. Sacco ~, EEC Joint Research Centre, Environment Institute, 21020 Ispra (Va) and 1 C N R ITBA, Via Ampere 56, 20131 Milan (Italy) In vitro and in vivo mouse embryotoxicity of 1,3 : 3,4-diepoxybutene (DEB)
DEB, a genotoxic compound that is formed in mammalian organisms by oxidative metabolism of 1,3-butadiene, was studied for its noxiousness on the early period of mouse embryo development. Mouse embryos were recovered at the 2-cell stage from prepuberal superovulated CD-1 females and cultured in vitro. DEB concentrations exceeding the 10 -6 M level severely impaired the growth of the embryos. Exposure to 10 -5 M DEB completely abolished the formation of blastocysts. In in vivo experiments in which DEB was injected intraperitoneally, the dose that killed 50% of the embryos was found to be about 16 m g / k g body weight. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments indicate that the embryocidal effect of DEB is