ANNOUNCEMENTS GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY AWARDS V. M. GOLDSCHMIDT MEDAL This award, consisting of a gold medal and a certificate, shall be awarded for major achievements in geochemistry or cosmochemistry. Such achievements may consist of either a single outstanding contribution, or a series of publications that have had great influence on the field. The Goldschmidt Medal will normally be awarded annually, but may be reserved at the discretion of Council. F. W. CLARKE MEDAL This award, consisting of a medal and a certificate, shall be awarded to a young scientist for a single outstanding contribution to geochemistry or cosmochemistry, normally published within five years of the completion of his formal studies. Independence and originality shall be important factors. The Clarke Medal will normally be given annually, but may be reserved at the discretion of Council. Neither award is normally shared, except in highly unusual cases, such as independent discoveries or joint work where the contributions or the coworkers are essentially equal. Members of Council are ineligible for the duration of their term. Past medalists are permanently ineligible. Nominations for either of the above awards are to be submitted to the appropriate Committee Chairman, using a form made up along the following guidelines. Committee Chairmen must receive nominations no later than November lst, 1983, for awards to be given in November 1984. THE GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY GOLDSCHMIDT MEDAL NOMINATION Name: Address: Citizen of: Chief fields of specialization: Biographical sketch: Chief contributions to geochemistry and selected bibliography: Name, Address and Telephone Number of Geochemical Society Member making nomination: Signature of Nominator: Send this form and attachments to: Dr. Peter Buseck, Department of Chemistry: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281, U.S.A. THE GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY CLARKE MEDAL NOMINATION Name of Nominee: Address: Institution: Year (and month if known): Final Degree: Name of Degree Advisor: Citizenship of Nominee: Chief field(s) of specialization: Title of paper for Award (give full title, authorhsip, journal, year, vol., pages) and attach copy of paper: Significance of the paper that makes it worthy of the Award (attach separate letter if desired): Biographical sketch (optional) : Address and Telephone Number of Geochemical Society Member making Name, nomination: Signature of Nominator: Send this form and attachments to: 1187
Karlis Muehlenbachs, Department of Geology. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G ;ZE3
All nominations will be considered by the Medal Committees ana will remain active for three years, unless the candidate becomes ineligible on grounds of membership in Council or on one of the Medal Committees. Such nominations will then be tabled for the duration of this nominee's term, then reactivated for the balance of the three-year period after expiration of the term. Awards mended merit,
are made by Council, from between a nominee ano an alternate recomby each Medal Committee. The awards are based solely on scientific without regard to citizenship or membership in *he Society. 4LFRED
This award, consisting of a gold-filled medai and a certiiicace, shali be awarded for major achievements, over a period of years, 1.n organic geochemistry. Such achievements shall consist of pioneering and innovative investigations which have made highly significant contributions to the understanding of the origin and fate of organic materials ln the geosphere and/or in extra-terrestrial environments. The Treibs Award is normally given annually, but may be smitted in a given year at the discretion of the Executive Committee o f the Organic Geochemistry Division of the Society. This award Ls subject to approval by Council of the Geochemical Society. Nominations
be submitted
Dr. ?ierre Albrecht, Institut de Chimie. Universite Louis Pasteur. B.P. 296/R8, 59008 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE.