Geomechanics. Textbook

Geomechanics. Textbook

IOIA Geomechanics Abstracts General Conferences See abstract: 107k. 9~9 A~O~4NJS Prof esslo~al liability. CONSULT a~GR ,V~O,N~, APR. 1976, I~i, ~3...

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Geomechanics Abstracts


Conferences See abstract: 107k.

9~9 A~O~4NJS Prof esslo~al liability. CONSULT a~GR ,V~O,N~, APR. 1976, I~i, ~3. A report on the 0yez.Internat~nal Business Co-~icatic~s s~,~-er o~ p r o f e s s i o n a l n e 6 1 i g e n e e and l n s u r s ~ c e i n cons t r u c t i c ~ and Property is P r e s e n t e d .

Companies, institutes and laboratories See a l s o a b s t r a c t :


96o WIT~XE, W The Institute fur Foundation Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics and Water Ways Construe. tlon in 1976. 8F,~I~. PUBL.INST.FOUND.~G, SOIL MECH,ROCK MECH.WATERWAYS CO~STR.RWTH ~IV.AACHa~,W.GEaMANY, 1976, P7-~5. A r e v i e w Of t h e develoI~-ent Of t h e R h e i n i z c h - W e s t f a l i z c h e Technizehe Hochschule Of Aachen and Of civil en~ineerin~ advances l s Presented. ~he accon~datl~n, ~ s o m ~ e l end respmmibilitles Of t h e Institute e r e cc~sidered.

Properties of rocks and soils Texture, structure, composition and density 963 TOWNER,GD The assessment of soil texture from soil strength measurements. 2F,IT,6R. J.SOIL SCI. ,V25,N3,197k,P298-306.

Fractu re processes P~G, SS WEST VIRGINIA UNIV.MORGANTOWN,USA A photoelastic coating technique for rock fracture




1976,~73-176. Books See also abstract: 1013, 1014. HA3E~- SCHAIM, I Geomechanics. Textbook. I~SF,22R. U.HAB~.SCHAD~,BED~T, MASS.~SA AND R~OVOT, IS~A~, 197~,27~P. The author's many years of experience Of foundation engin e e r i ~ Problem i s t h e " ~ " s o u r c e o f d a t a i n t h i s b o o k . Field test results ere analysed in terms of Hertz's the. cry and of t h e d i m e n s i o n s o f t h e foundatlcns end t h e rigidAty Of the buildings. Loads other than concentrated ones ere considered and lo-~tng tests ~ rocks ere evaluated.

Bibliographies 962 ~)~,WJ Penetration testing " in Canada. Conference. 3F,20R. PROC. EUR. SYMP. P--~ETRAT.TEST. STOCKHOLM, JUNE 197~,VI,

P~63-166. Because of the size of the coun~zry and the variety Of soll ec~ditlons enccan~tered, it is difficult to give more than & ~ketchy overview of the situation re@srdi n 6 p e n e t r a t l ~ t e s t i n g i n Censda. This l~ZJperc o m i s t s Of brief no~es on the Keolo~Ical conditioDs, a review of recent CanadAen literature en the topic end an outl i n e Of some~cu~r, e n t r e s e a r c h work on p e n e t r a t i e n t e s t i n ~ known t o t h e w r i t e r . A u t h .

~5 JANACH,W INST .CERAC, ~ S , SD The role "of bulk~n~ in brittle failures c~ rocks under ra~id c o ~ e s s i ~ . 9F, gR. INT .J .ROCK M~EH .MIN .SCI.GEOMECH .ABSTR. ,VI3,N6, JUNE,

~6 ST~RN, M UNIV. TE(AS, AUST INsUSA BECKE8, EB UNIV.TEXAS,AUSTIN,USA Dt~HAM, RS UNIV.TEXAS,AUSTIN,USA A co,tour inte~al computation of mixed-mode stress intensity factors. 5F, TR. INT.J.FRAC. ,V12, N3, JUNE 1976, P359-368. A path independent co,tour integral formula for the distinct calculation of combined mode s~reas intensity factors in linear plebe elasticity problems is presented. The method Is based cn a Somigliena type singular integral repres~ntatic~ and Is easily appended to exizting finite element computer codes. ~--~ical results to three Problems with known perturbatic~ solutions ere g i v e n and d e m ~ s t r a t e t h e a c c u r a c y and s t a b i l i t y o f t h e method. Auth. SCHOCK,RN UNIV .CALIF., L ~ E , U S A A constitutive relation descrlhing dilatent behavior in Climax Stock grenodiorite. 2F, IIR. INT.J.ROCK MECH.MIN.SCI. ,GE~ECH.ABSTR.,VI3,NT,JULY, 1976, P221-223 •