can be expressed, for instance, in terms of total person-hours per day of viewing of a certain structure or unit. Different assumptions or detailed surveys can be carried out to determine the
(IT,) as:
‘li 1
where IZ is the number of landscape units. At the end of this process landscape categories will be expressed by a magnitude which has specific dimensions (for instance, visual incidence in km2 * person-hours) multiplied by a dimensionless factor which depends on the intrinsic value of landscape units and on the degree of human modification of such units, before and after the project. When the quality of a unit is not affected by the project (Qpre = Qpost) the impact is obviously nil. If visual incidence (Vi) is expressed as percentages or fractions of one, with respect to an established threshold considered as a maximum, the overall impact is also dimensionless. Alternatively, impacts on landscape could be expressed by quality loss and visual incidence taken separately, and thresholds could be defined for both parameters independently. Thus, the significance of geomorphology as a conditioning factor of visual impacts can be incorporated. Geomorphology is included in the definition of landscape quality; landform and relief are used to establish the effect of landscape modifications on human beings, through the consideration of visibility. Mitigation measures can affect the visibility of the project and the degree of naturalness, but not the value of units, as defined above. Therefore it is possible to calculate the impact during the construction phase, considering the visibility and degree of conservation without mitigation, and the impact during the functioning phase, considering all possible mitigation measures. The index proposed can be applied at both the reconnaissance and detailed levels. The only differ-
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I8 (1997) 169-182
V 0
Fig. 4. Visibility map for a motorway (modified from-Rivas et al., 1995b).
built in the area shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Areas from which the motorway
ence would be the scale of the maps to be used and the precision in the values obtained for the different parameters. It can also be used to determine postproject impacts for audits. As in the former case, it is possible to define thresholds or limits between impact categories. It must be mentioned that, although the definition of thresholds is simple at the conceptual or theoretical level, it may be more difficult to establish and apply them at the practical level, depending on the nature of the impacts and of the area considered. Sites of Geomorphological Interest (SGI). These sites are defined on the basis of scientific, educational and recreational interest, from the geomorphological point of view. The value of a SGI can be expressed by means of a dimensionless index such as: ” ,=
48 (where C = state of conservation of the SGI (from 0 to 4; Table 21, Q = quality of the SGI (O-41, P = potential for use of the SGI (O-4), and V,,; = value of the SGI, which will range from 0 to I) with quality defined as (Table 2): Q= W,.A+ W,.E+ W,.K+ W,;Ex+W,.D
is visible are shown in white
(where W = weights of the different parameters (Delphi method), A = relative abundance, E = extent of the SGI with respect to the largest SGI of the same kind, K = degree of knowledge, Ex = good example for processes, and D = diversity of elements of interest: mineralogical, geomorphological, palaeontological, stratigraphical, structural, etc.) and potential for use (Table 2): P=W,;Ac+
. Act where W = weights of the different parameters (Delphi method), AC = activities which can be carried out, such as specimen collecting, field experimentation, recreation, etc., 0 = conditions for observation, S = availability of services, H = inhabitants in the area, and Act = accessibility. Weights add up to 1 in both cases. Division by 48 is used to normalise V& values to a theoretical maximum value of 1. The expression for V& shows that the most relevant parameter is the state of conservation (Cl since the destruction or near destruction of a SGI leads to values near 0. On the other hand, we have considered quality twice as important as potential for use
V. Riuas et al. / Geomorphology 18 (1997) 169-182
Table 2 Values of the different parameters potential for use of XX’s
Table 2 (continued) used to express the quality and
Value Description Potential for use
Value Description
E 4 3 2 1 0
AC: activities 4 5 types of activities 3 4 types of activities 2 3 types of activities 1 2 types of activities 0 1 type of activity
of conservation
Well preserved, no deterioration. Some deterioration with loss of some minor elements. Deteriorated through some human actions which destroy or hide part of the features. Numerous human actions which deteriorate the character of the site. Character of the site destroyed.
H: number of inhabitants 4 > 100000 inhab. in a radius of 25 km 3 50-100000 inhab. in a radius of 25 km 2 25-50000 inhab. in a radius of 25 km 1 10-25000 inhab. in a radius of 25 km 0 < 10000 inhab. in a radius of 25 km
Q: quality of the SGI A: relative abundance Only one example in the region 4 2-4 examples 3 5 - 10 examples 2 IO-20 examples 1 > 20 examples 0 D: diversity 5 or more 4 4 elements 3 3 elements 2 2 elements 1 1 element 0
S: availability of services 4 2 0
Act: accessibility Direct access 4 Direct access 3 Direct access 2 < 1 km from 1 > 1 km from 0
elements of interest of interest of interest of interest of interest
E: extent > 90% of the greatest SGI of the same kind 4 70-90% 3 30-70% 2 lo-30% 1 < 10% 0 Ex: good example for processes 4 Present, active processes clearly defined Erosion/accumulalion features of present processes not 2 clearly defined or fi3ssil forms clearly defined Fossil forms arid/c’‘’ deposits whose use for extrapolation 0 past processes is difficult K: degree of knowledge More than a Ph.D. thesis and numerous articles in refereed 4 national and international journals. At least one Ph.D. thesis and/or more than one article in 3 refereed international journals and/or various in national journals. Some articles in refereed national journals and/or one 2 article in an international journal. Some brief notes in national journals or some articles in 1 regional-local journals. No existing publications. 0
Good services within 1 km Incomplete services within 5 km Absence of services within 10 km
via national/regional via local roads via tracks a vehicle path a vehicle path
0: conditions of observation Public property of land, no limitations of access, no visual 4 obstructions Limitation of access or partial visual obstructions 2 Private property or view obstructed by fences, vegetation, 0 etc.
because the former reflects the intrinsic interest of the site and is essentially permanent while potential for use is more subject to changes. Finally, the impact on a SGI (&) can be defined as follows: ‘sgi = Vsgi(post) -
and the total impact on SGI (ZTsgi): i: ITsgi
where n Thus, fractions possible
is the number of SGI. impacts on SGI can also be expressed as of the maximum theoretical value. It is to have a positive impact if the project
V. Ricas et al./Genmorphology
improves the characteristics which determine potential for use, thus resulting in a post-project value higher than the pre-project value. If the project causes the total destruction of the SGI, the impact is the total value of the SGI; that is VP,,. Impacts as defined above are also dimensionless. Obviously, a precise assessment of this type of impact requires a detailed knowledge of the geomorphology of the area, including a good inventory of valuable geomorphological sites. Geomorphological units as a support of other components of the environment include: - high-productivity ecosystems (for instance, high quality soils, estuaries and coastal wetlands, etc.) _ valuable biotopes (a heathland on a dune field, a karst massif which supports a particular forest formation, etc.) The application of the concept of morphodynamic units for the definition and mapping of biotopes (Frances, 1987) has shown that the most important factor which determines the distribution of the relict green oak (Quercus ilex) forest and some rare and endangered species of fauna, in northern Spain, is the presence of carbonate massifs and karst morphology, followed by height and orientation as secondary factors. The importance of geomorphology for ecosystems such as dune fields or coastal wetlands is obvious. In the case of high-productiuity ecosystems, impacts can be expressed, in a first approximation, by the absolute loss in productivity (in calories . year- ’) or in monetary terms, translating kcal year-’ into weight of food products with a market price, through different food chains (Cendrero et al., 1981; Rivas and Cendrero, 1991). In a second approximation that value could be corrected using a series of coefficients dependent on the reversibility of the action, the percentage of the unit affected and the relative abundance of such units in the study area.
where Z, = impact on ecosystems [calories +year-l], S = area affected [m*], Pr = theoretical productivity [calories m-* year- ’1, R = reversibility [dimensionless, 0 to - I], s = proportion of unit affected [fractions of 1, dimensionless], and I = importance, defined as [I - Rarity], that is 1 - (surface of similar units)/(surface of reference area).
18 (19971 169-182
The total impact on geomorphological units which support high-productivity ecosystems would be: w
where rz is the number of units affected. Thus, all impacts on high-productivity environments could be added up, regardless of the type of unit/ecosystem considered, as impacts are expressed in the same productivity or monetary units. In the case of geomorphological units which support valuable biotopes, the impact can be expressed by means of:
I, = impact on biotopes [m2], S = affected surface [m2], R = reversibility [dimensionless, 0 to - 11, s = proportion of unit affected by the project [fractions of 1, dimensionless], I = importance, defined as [l - Rarity], that is 1 - (surface of similar units)/(surface of reference area>, and K = factor representing the quality or significance of the biotope (to be determined by the appropriate specialists). As in the former case, impacts on units supporting valuable biotopes can also be added, as they are expressed in m2. The impacts described here can be assessed for both geomorphological units which actually support valuable ecosystems and those which do not presently have them but represent their potential domain. For instance, a precise map of the area covered by carbonate rocks with karst morphology in northern Spain reflects the maximum potential area for the Cantabrian green oak forest. Thus, some actual and potential environmental consequences of projects or plans could be assessed on the basis of geomorphological characteristics. According to the method described above, impacts on geomorphological assets are expressed either by magnitudes with specific dimensions (km’ . persons, calories . year- ‘, m2> or as fractions of a maximum theoretical value. The establishment of impact categories can thus be simple and straightforward; it would only require the definition of certain criteria. For instance, as in the case of air or water quality standards, impacts above a certain value, on landscape or on units supporting productive ecosys-
V. Rivas et al./Geomorphology
terns or valuable biotopes, could be considered as not acceptable. In other cases the standard would not be expressed in absolute terms, but as the acceptable proportion with respect to the maximum theoretical value. The numerical values proposed for the parameters involved in the different indicators described are not necessarily acceptable for every possible situation. The characteristics of each area, the nature of the project, the scale of the analysis and the degree of detail of the assessment may require the use of different values. Nevertheless, once a set of values is accepted, the level of objectivity of the assessment can be very high and, consequently, also the degree of reproducibility of the results obtained by different operators.
2.4. Impacts on processes The establishment of indicators for the assessment of impacts on processes (and the hazards related to them) is more comphcated, because predictions have to be made with respect to dynamic rather than static qualities of the environment. Very often, the state of the art with respect to the study of different geomorphological processes does not enable making precise predictions with respect to the evolution of those processes if certain changes are introduced. Moreover, the response of natural systems may occur far away, in time and/or in space. The assessment of impacts on geomorphological processes requires the definition of ‘‘geoindicators’ ‘, of magnitudes, frequencies, defined as “measures rates and trends of geological-geomorphological processes occurring over periods of 100 years or less, at or near the e.arth’s surface, that are subject to variations of significance for understanding rapid environmental change” (Berger, 1996; McCall, 1996). If these indicators are to be useful for environmental impact assessment, it should be possible to identify the natural and human contributions to the changes they may experience. Also, it should be possible to make forecasts concerning the changes that would take place as a result of certain actions (projects>. This, in turn, requires baseline studies to determine the initial or present condition of the system.
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When it comes to impacts on hazards related to different processes, the definition of a conceptual framework and a general methodological procedure may be possible (Panizza, 1990; Cendrero, 1992; Cavallin et al., 1994), but the application of the methodology to specific problems in real-world situations is normally very difficult. For all these reasons, proposals for impact indicators for geomorphological processes are not presented here. 2.5. Integration To obtain a measure of the overall geomorphological impact some procedure for integrating individual impacts must be found. The main difficulty for arriving at a satisfactory integration is that the different impacts are expressed in different “units” or “magnitudes”. If an integrated index of geomorphological impact has to be obtained, those heterogeneous units must be transformed into homogeneous ones. One possibility is to express the different impacts in monetary terms, using a series of clearly defined criteria and assumptions. In some cases this is immediate (resources) and in others it can be done in a reasonably acceptable way (high-productivity ecosystems). However, to express in monetary terms impacts on the landscape or on sites of geomorphological interest requires the application of complex and expensive socio-economic survey methods (Lopez de Sebastian, 1975; Krutilla and Fisher, 1975; Cendrero et al., 1981) and it is not clear to what extent the monetary values thus obtained are comparable to the former ones. Nevertheless, this procedure would make it possible to add individual impacts and to obtain a value for geomorphological impacts (and, similarly, for EIA adding other types of environmental impacts) expressed in monetary units. Although this would not be an absolute and objective measure of impacts, it would certainly provide the means to make useful comparisons between different alternatives, on the basis of criteria clearly expressed in numerical terms. Another possibility is to transform individual impacts and to express all of them on a scale of O-l or O-100, by means for example of “value functions”, as in the Batelle method (Batelle Columbus Labora-
V. Rims et al./Geomorpholog~~
tory, 19721, or normalizing the values obtained as proposed above. If all impacts are expressed in values between 0 (no impact) and - 100 (maximum possible impact), values can be considered as “ points” or as measures of “environmental quality loss” and added up, with or without the use of weights (Ervin, 1974; Eckenrode, 1975; Cendrero and Diaz de Terln, 1987; Claver, 1991; Cendrero et al., 1993). A third possibility is to express impacts graphically, showing on a map the simple graphical superposition of individual impacts (Diaz de Teran et al., 1992; Rivas et al., 1995b). This is illustrated in Fig. 5. A somewhat more refined approach is to correct the above values, taking into account the intensity of impacts. Three levels (or more) of impact intensity (defined, as indicated above, on the basis of fractions of maximum theoretical impact) can be defined for each individual impact and coefficients can be assigned to them, such as: high = 1; medium = 0.5; low = 0.1. But of course, even if they have similar “intensities” impacts on SGI’s may be more (or less) significant than impacts on geomorphological
18 (1997) 169-182
resources or on geomorphological units which support valuable biotopes. To take this into account, weights can be assigned to impacts on the different environmental components (using the Delphi or some other weighting method). In this case, Geomorphological Impact (GI) can be expressed by means of two indices:
[(xs01%1%01) +(xoR~4iR*~oR) +(xo,~~o,~~o,)+(xo,~~o,~~o,)l
/rwso,+WOR+ Ki, GI, = 5,.
+ WOE 1
where X represents linear kilometers affected by the different types of impacts, Z the intensity of such impacts and W their weights. S, and I,_ represent, respectively, the area and intensity of landscape impacts. GI is thus expressed by a double index: GI, (km); GI, (km*). The higher those values the greater the combined impact. A similar procedure can be used to integrate other types of impacts, on geomor-
?? 3
Fig. 5. Map of integrated geomorphological impacts. 1: impact on geomorphological resources, 2: impact on SGI, 3: impact on geomorphological units which support valuable biotopes, 4: impact on geomorphological units which support high-productivity ecosystems. Impact on landscape: A: high, B: medium, C: low. Modified from Rivas et al. (1995b).
V. Riuas et al./Geomorphology
phological features or on other components of the environment, so that a final EIA can be expressed in quantitative terms and comparisons can be made among alternatives.
3. Conclusions The figures obtained for the different impacts on geomorphology using the indices proposed, although expressed quantitatively, do not always represent “absolute measures” of specific magnitudes. Some impacts can indeed be expressed in strict quantitative terms (on geomorphological resources or on geomorphological units supporting ecosystems of high productivity); others, although expressed in magnitudes with well-specified dimensions (landscape impacts), are obtained on the ‘basis of parameters which are described in part in relative terms; finally, other impacts (on SGI’s) are expressed in relative terms with respect to a maximum theoretical value. EIA is a tool which must be applied to enact existing legislation and it is meant to provide the means to make decisions concerning the approval of projects or to select “the best” among different alternatives (locations and/or designs). Thus, it is desirable to establish procedures with the maximum possible degree of objectivity, so that the ambiguity of the assessments made by an expert or a group of experts can be reduced to a minimum. The methodology described above represents a possible approach to obtain that kind of assessment. It establishes a set of clearly defined parameters and criteria for the evaluation of impacts on geomorphological features. The choice of parameters or the criteria used (contained in the tables and in the expressions used for the calculation of the various indices) may not be. considered the best or even adequate by other geomorphologists, but once they are accepted and applied, any person studying the same area or project should derive the same or very similar results. The application of the method must rely, of course, on a good knowledge of the geomorphology of the study area. One of the more subjective aspects of the methodology presented is the choice of the “area of reference”, which is necessary to determine the relative abundance (rarity, singularity, importance) of differ-
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ent features. The choice of the area of reference should probably depend on the nature and magnitude of the project, the natural and socio-economic character of the region affected and the types of impacts considered. Examples of possible reference areas include administrative divisions (municipality, province, state, nation), natural physiographic units or environments (a mountain chain, a segment of the coastal fringe, a river basin, a forest), visual basins, the area within a specified distance from the project, etc. We believe that the kind of approach proposed here could facilitate the incorporation of geomorphological considerations into the process of EIA, thus contributing to a better understanding and preservation of the geomorphological environment.
Acknowledgements Critical review by Andrea Patrono, Hans Veldkamp and two anonymous referees helped to improve the original manuscript. The research described in this paper was funded by the Human Capital and Mobility programme of the European Union (Project ERBCHRXCT 930311) on Geomorphology and EIA: a network of researchers in the EU, publication No. 26. A. Cendrero had a grant from the DGICYT, Spain (Project PR 94-036, Prog. Sabaticos).
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