Geophysical investigations in Sweden for the characterization of a site for radioactive waste disposal — an overview

Geophysical investigations in Sweden for the characterization of a site for radioactive waste disposal — an overview

104A Cahbration precision for neutron moisture meters was ~mproved by correcting for texture and bulk density variations with depth For moisture deter...

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104A Cahbration precision for neutron moisture meters was ~mproved by correcting for texture and bulk density variations with depth For moisture determinations in-field It was necessary to have separate calibration equations for each soil layer to account for individual bulk density-moisture content relations Once calibrated, neutron moisture meters gave results comparable with other instrumentation

853339 Investigation of in situ testing devices (In Norwegian) Lume, T, Lacasse, S Norw Geotech inst Publ N150, 1984, P9-10 NGI is evaluating tesU.ngprocedures and methods of interpretation of in situ testing devices for offshore work Cone penetrometer, piezocone, field vane, dilatometer and pressuremeter measurements have been taken m soft and mediumstiff clay and sand at four sites

853340 Radiography of soil samples offshore (In Norwegian) Lacasse, S Norw Geotech lnst Publ NI50, 1984, P12 Site investigation of soft samples in the North Sea has been faclhtated by the movement of a radiography and photography laboratory to an offshore site Non-destructwe methods are used to investigate sample disturbance, soil-type and heterogeneity, gas presence, fissurauon or other such features Automatic constant strain rate oedometer tests are camed out to control sample quality

853341 Design process in rock engineering. Technical note Bemawski, Z T Rock Mech V17, N3, July-Sept 1984, P183-190 The need to adopt a similar design philosophy for rock engineering as already exists m other engineering dtsciplmes is emphasized The engineering demgn process is described and design approaches and methods for rock engmeenng outhned

853342 Error analysis in estimating soil water content from neutron probe measurements: 1. Local standpoint Haverkamp, R, Vauchn, M, Vachaud, G Soil Sci V137, N2, Feb 1984, P78-90 The calibration of a neutron moisture meter and its use to gather moisture content data with two different probes is described Analysis of the errors in determmauon of an individual water content value shows the variance has instrument and calibration components For soft water storage, the variance associated with the rule of integration of water content profile must be added, and this can be significant Of the two neutron tubes used, the one with the higher count rate gave lower variances

Planning, g e o t e c h n i c a i and structural m a p p i n g See abo 853200

foliation planes and were unlikely if slopes were forested or had an lsotan value of less than 0 6

853344 Trends in engineering geologic and related mapping 1972-1983 Varnes, D T, Keaton, J R Bull Assoc Engng Geol ~ 1

N3, Aug 1984, P255-267

The development of mapping techniques over the 1972-1983 period Is summarlsed Increased definition has been attained through the use of geomorphology and remote sensing The increasing use of computers for analysis and portrayal of the ever increasing amount of data acquired is d~scussed 853345

Overview of the geophysics activity within the Canadian Fuel Waste Management Program Soonwala. N M

Geoexpioration 1:22, N3-4, Ju() 1984, P149-168 The programme described was carried out m Canada for the screening and evaluation of possible sites for disposal of nuclear fuel wastes Grawty and airborne magnetic and electromagnetm methods and an airborne gamma spectrometer were used for mreal inspection Sites were evaluated using electromagnetm, DC resistivity, magnetotellunc, radar, magnetic, seismic and sonar techmques and by borehole geophysical methods

853346 Geophysical investigations in Sweden for the characterization of a site for radioactive waste disposal - an overview Olsson, O, Duran, O, Jamthd, A, Stenberg, L Geoexpioration V22, N3-4. July 1984, P187-201 Prospectwe nuclear waste disposal sites m Sweden are evaluated using magnetic, electromagnetic, seismic and electrical methods and by dnlling boreholes, to provide data on temperature, salinity and gamma ray intensity The geophysical data, plus that from geological and hydrological mvesugatlons, is used to prepare a model of the site to define the geometry used for modelhng groundwater flow Borehole logs provide data on faulting, whilst temperature and salinity logs provide the best hydrauhc information The practical and potential use of other mvestigatwe methods and the vahdlty of data provided by all the descnbed methods is considered

853347 Route geotechnical characterisation and analysis Vlta, C L J Geotech Engng Div A S C E VllO, NI2, Dec 1984, P17151734 Difficulties in evaluation of potential geotechnlcal behaviour due to scarcity of site specific data may be lessened by the use of the landform based probabdlStlC approach described hereto, which uses Bayesian probability concepts Th~s approach quantities these uncertainties and rationally augments avadable data w~th that from other sites of the same characterlsUc landforms It ~s useful where local or regional soil property parameters are avadable but there is httle s,te specific mformatton Estimates can be updated with site specific data as it becomes available The analysis is illustrated by the example of an arctic ground transportation route

853343 Geological investigations of the Bhagirathi Blockade of August 1978

853348 Method for stratigraphic correlation of several boreholes

Gupta, S K, Dave, V K S

Hawkins, D M d lnt Asso¢ Math Geol VI6, N4, May 1984, P393-406

In: Engineering Geoseiences, edited by B B S Singiml P50-64 Publ Meerut, India Sartta Prakashan, 1982 The area, prone to landslides, was examined and geologic, geomorphic and slope characteristics determined Landslides occurred along planes of least resistance, joints, faults, shear or

A new method is proposed to mathematically predict strata variations, based on core examination of boreholes The model is based on the mixture model of cluster analysis and computational effort increases linearly with the number of boreholes