displays all properties against depth on a single diagram. Data input can be in the form of raw measurements or calculated variables. It is possible to calculate derived properties such as porosity and sensitivity, arrange data in depth order and interpolate missing values.
Photographictechniques AND SURVEYING. A g~LVCTION OF 782226 P H O I K X ] ~ PAPERS BY E H THOMPSON, 1910-1976 %~nompson~ E H London: The Photogrammetric Society, 1977, 359P A me~.orial volume of the papers, correspondance and editorial articles of E H Thompson. After a section on geodesy and mathematics, the l~hotogrammetry papers are arranged in the following sections: single photograph geometry, relative and absolute orientation, applications, instruments, general.
Geophysicaltechniques 782227 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY FOR ESTIMATING I ~ A B I L I T Y . TECHNICAL NOTE Kelly, W E J Geotech EDgrg Div ASCE, V103, NGTIO, 1977, Pl165-I169 This note shows that empirical relations can be developed between aquifer resiativlties determined from electric resistivity soundings and aquifer permeability. The approach should be useful for applications to shallow aquifers. 782228 SUBSURFACE CAVITY DETECTION: FIELD EVALUATION OF RADAR, GRAVITY AND EARTH RESISTIVITY ~ETHODS Fountainl L S Transp Res Rec, ~612, 1976, P38-46 782229 STUDYING LANDSLIDE SLOPES BY GEOPHYSICAL METHODS (IN RUSSIAN) Zhlgalin, A D Razved Okhr Nedr, N1, Jan 1977 , P39-44 782230 GEOPHYSICAL METHODS OF STUDYING LANDSLIDES (IN RUSSIAN) Pymda, I F; Koropetskii, M N R~zved Okhr Nedr, NI0, Oct 1976, P30-34 782231 APPLIED GEOPHYSICS Telford, W M; Geldart, L P; Sheriff, R E Cambridge: The University Press, 1976, 860P Principally applied to exploration for oil, gas and mineral deposits, covers gravity, magnetic and seismic methods, electrical l~roperties of rocks, methods employing natural electrical sources, electromagnetic methods, resistivity methods, i~duced polarisation, radioactivity methods, geoplkysical well legging, and gives some examples and problems. This textbook is also intended to be a referemce work for exploration geophysicists. 782232 INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL FILTERING IN GEOFHYSICS (DEVELOPMENTS IN SOLID EARTH GEOFHYSICSj NO 8 ) Kulhanak, 0 Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1976, 168P
Intended for readers with little or no experience in digital processing methods, includes applications in an extensive list of references. 782233 FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOPHYSICAL DATA PROCESSING: WITH APPLICATIONS TO F E T R O I ~ PROSPECTING Claerbou% J F New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976, 274P Contents: transforms, one- sided functions, spectral factorization, resolution, matrices and multicharmel time series, data modelling by least squares, waveform application of least squares, layers revealed by scattered wave filtering, mathematics] physics in stratified media, inltial-value problems in 2 and 3 dimensions, seismic data processing with the wave equation. 782234 INNOVATIONS IN SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION OF SOILS. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 581 Washington, DC: National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1976, 52P A collection of symposium papers including: E-phase system for detecting buried grar~ar deposits, remote seismic detection by laser interferometer for mining geophysics and tunnelling operations, microsonic detection of landslides, evaluation of geophysical systems for remote sensing of subsurface cavities in Kansas, microgravity and its applications to civil engineering. Avail: TRB, National Academy of Sciences, 2101, Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20418, USA 782235 COMIWJTER PROGRAMS IN BASIC FOR THE INTERPRETATION OF GRAVITY, MAGNETIC AND RESISTIVITY PROFILES McCann, C Reading University geological report no 9, 1977, 100P 782236 COLLECTION AND REDUCTION OF GRAVITY AND MAGNETIC SURVEY DATA McC ann, C Reading University geological report no 8j
1976, 49P 782237 FM-CW ELECTROMAGNETIC TETHNIQUE OF MEASURING cOAL LAYER THICK~SS Ellerbruch, D A; Belsher, D R U S ~ OFR 68-77, May 1976, 32P Microwave frequencies in the range 1 to 2 GHz were used to measure samples up to 55cm thick. All samples were backed with a naturally occurring shale. The results indicate that layer thickness can be determined in most cases, although large anomalies may produce misleadlrg results. Mar~ anomalies that were detected with the FM-CW system were verified visually by drilling into the coal layer. The dielectric constant of coal apparently varies significantly within a coal seam. The form of the output signals from the FM-CW system seems to simplify the data inteTpretation and analysis process compared with the ~ar.1~lly s w e ~ microwave system used ~eviously. It appears that this technique has the potential of measuring changes in the dielectric constant of a coal seam and providing an output that can be used