846389 Geotechnical sampling in deep water using a tensioned conductor pipe-cnsing and weighted footblock Yan, H T Can Geoteeh J V21, NI, Feb 1984, P92-99 A drilling system for soil sampling of the seabed, suitable for large water depths, has been developed. The drill rod operates inside a tensioned conductor pipe-casing which provides lateral support to the rod. The system has been used successfully in 122m of water.
846390 Borehole seismic profiling and tube wave applications in a dam site investigation Henriet, J P; Schittekat, J; Heldens, P Geophys Prospect V31, N1. Feb 1983. P72-86 Seismic reflection profiling with a constant source-receiver geometry has been carried out in boreholes on the site of the proposed storm surge barrier on the Schelde river, 3km downstream of Antwerp, Belgium. The continuous, single-channel reflection profiling in PVC-lined boreholes was used to ascertain the position of an old subsurface gas storage tunnel. The field tests picked out a level of abnormally low P-wave velocities, interpreted as a gas-charged horizon. S wave velocity data and the results of consolidation testing gave comparable results for the maximum past burial depth.
846391 Exploring the interior of salt domes from boreholes Nickel, H; Sender, F; Thierbach, R; Weichart, H Geophys Prospect 1/31, NI, Feb 1983. P131-148 Borehole logging methods using radiowave electromagnetic methods can be divided into absorption measurement methods using two boreholes and reflection methods using a single borehole. The instrumentation and use of these two methods are described. The reflection method enables areas with numerous discontinuities to be discovered, but there is a lack of azimuthal resolution. The absorption method allows multifold measuring procedures of high-frequency attenuation at different wavepaths between two boreholes.
846392 Suggested practice for drilling boreholes for pressuremeter testing Briaud, J L; Gambin, M Geotech Test J V7. NI, March 1984. P36-40 A standard practice is suggested for the preparation of the borehole in which a pressuremeter probe is to be inserted. The practice covers the required diameter of the hole, the various drilling tools and methods used to place the probe, the test spacing and testing sequence, and the way to judge the quality of the borehole and the test. This practice is an adjunct to the suggested practice for pressuremeter testing in soils.
846393 New developments in pre~muremeter testing Ground Ettgng VI7. NS, July 1984, P27-29 Soil Mechanics Ltd have developed a new on site data acquisition and analysis system for the Cambridge self-boring pressuremeter known as the Camkometer. The system is based around an HP-86 microcomputer linked to a newly developed "Autonomous Data Acquisition Unit' (ADU). A new high pressure dilatometer for rock testing has also been introduced by Soil Mechanics Ltd.
Photographic techniques 846394 Monitoring of a phosphate mining area in central Florida using Landsat satellite data lnglis, M: Budge, T K US Bureau of Mines report OFR 37-84. March 1983.67p This report presents an investigation on the applicability of Landsat multispectral scanner satellite and simulated thematic mapper data to the phosphate mining area of central Florida. An evaluation was made of the sensors as mine monitoring tools. The report describes the computer software and hardware used in the digital analysis of the scanner data. the theory of unsupervised classification, the methodology of image processing, and documents the classifications of selected mining and wetland areas. Conclusions are discussed and recommendations are made for future investigations.
Avail: NTIS, Springfield. Va. 22161 USA (PB 84-165752) G e o p h y s i c a l techniques See also: 846088, 846391 846395 Seismic refraction as a tool Gardener, R Civ Engng, London July 1983. P34-36,51.54 Describes seismic refraction as a tool in the evaluation of rock quality for dredging and trenching.
846396 Some results of the experimental study of seismic anisotropy of sedimentary rocks using different types of waves Brodov, L Y; Evstifeyev, V I: Karus, E V: Kulichikhina, T N Geophys J R Astr Soc V76. N1, Jan 1984, P191-200 (Paper to the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy, Suzdal. 11-19 May 1982J The presence of anisotropy has been established and its parameters have been estimated by the combined use of compressional and shear, SH- and SV-waves. Anisotropy has been studied in argillaceous and carbonate rocks to a depth of 2km by combined surface and borehole observations along longitudinal and non-longitudinal vertical lines with linear shot lines. Anisotropy in carbonate rocks has been found to be a function of their heterogeneity, ordered fracturing and the amount of clay present. The highest anisotropy has been found in argillaceous rocks irrespective of their depth and degree of heterogeneity.
846397 On the anisotropy of sedimentary rocks from shear-wave analysis Puzyrev, N N; Obolentseva, I R; Trigubov, A V: Gorshkalev, S B Geophys J R Astr Soc V76, NI, Jan 1984, P243-252 (Paper to the Proceedings of the Ist International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy, Suzdal, 11-19 May 1982/ The results of experimental seismic prospecting investigations of the anisotropic properties of sedimentary rocks at depths of less than 2.5kin are presented. Shear and converted PS-waves were recorded. Examples of SV and SH velocity distributions and shear wave polarisation are given. It is concluded that the medium essentially differs from that usually adopted for sedimentary rocks in that the symmetry axis is not normal to the layering.