Introductoru AgDlications of Partial Differential Eauations: With Emvhasis on Wave Provaqation and Diffusion. By G. L. Lamb, Jr. Jo...
Introductoru AgDlications of Partial Differential Eauations: With Emvhasis on Wave Provaqation and Diffusion. By G. L. Lamb, Jr. John Wiley & Sons, New York. (1995). 471 pages. $54.00. Contents: Preface. 1. One-dimensionai problems--Separation of variables. 2. Laplace transform method. 3. Two and three dimensions. 4. Green's functions. 5. Spherical geometry. 6. Fourier transform methods. 7. Perturbation methods. 8. Generalizations and first order equations. 9. Selected topics. Appendices. A. Fourier series. B. Laplace transform. C. Sturm-Liouville equations. D. Bessel functions. E. Legendre polynomials. F. Tables of sums and integral transforms. References. Index. Gettinq Started with the Internet. By Joan Brady Lumpkin and Susan B. Durnbaugh. John Wiley & Sons, New York. (1995). 88 pages. $13.95. Contents: 1. Introduction to the Internet. 2. Electronic mail (E-Mail). 3. Internet news. 4. Telnetting. 5. Internet tools, 6. File transfers (FTP). 7. Using Mosaic. Bibliography. Glossary. Index. Enrico Fermi, Physicist. By Emilio Segr~. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. (1970). 276 pages. $13.95, £11.25. Contents: List of illustrations. Preface. 1. Family background and youth. 2. Apprenticeship. 3. Professor at Rome. 4. Emigration and the war years. 5. Professor at Chicago. Appendixes. I. Letters to Enrico Persico. 2. Artificial radioactivity produced by neutron bombardment. 3. Physics at Columbia University. 4. The development of the first chain-reacting pile. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Representinq Time in Natural Lanquaqe: The Dynamic Interpretation of Tense and Aspect. By Alice G. B. ter Meulen. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1995). 144 pages. $25.00. Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. The aspectual verbs. 3. Dynamic aspect trees. 4. States, generic information, and constraints. 5. Perspectives. 6. A fragment of English. 7. Epilogue. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Learninq Modelling with DERIVE. By M. Stewart Townend and David C. Pountney. Prentice Hall, London. (1995). 244 pages. $25.95, Contents: Series preface. Preface. 1. Mathematical modelling. 2. Trigonometric models. 3. Algebraic models. 4. Optimization models. 5. Statistical modelling. 6. Modelling with differential equations. 7. Modelling with recurrence equations. 8. Dimensional analysis. 9. A modelling miscellany. 10. Learning modelling--Things t h a t get in the way. DERIVE functions and utilities. Index. Science and Culture; Popular and Philosophical Essays: Hermann yon Helmholtz. Edited by David Cahan. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. (1995). 418 pages. $52.00, £41.50 (cloth); $17.95, £14.25 (paper). Contents: Introduction. Selected further readings. 1. On Goethe's scientific researches (1853). 2. On the interaction of the natural forces (1854). 3. On the physiological causes of harmony in music (1857). 4. On the relation of natural science to science in general (1862). 5. On the conservation of force (1862-63). 6. The recent progress of the theory of vision (1868). 7. On the aim and progress of physical science (1869). 8. On the origin and significance of geometrical axioms (1870). 9. On the origin of the planetary system (1871). 10. On the relation of optics to painting (1871). 11. On thought in medicine (1877). 12. On academic freedom in German universities (1877). 13. The facts in perception (1878). 14. Hermann von Helmholtz. An autobiographical sketch (1891). 15. Goethe's presentiments of coming scientific ideas (1892). Index. Evolutionary Game Theory. By JSrgen W. Weibull. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1995). 265 pages. $30.00 Contents: Foreword by Ken Binmore. Introduction. Acknowledgments. Mathematical notation. 1. Elements of noncooperative game theory. 2. Evolutionary stability criteria. 3. The replicator dynamics. 4. Other selection dynamics. 5. Multipopulation models. 6. Elements of the theory of ordinary differential equations. Lexico-Loqical Form: A Radically Minimalist Theory. By Michael Brody. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1995). 155 pages. $20.00. Contents: Series foreword. Acknowledgments. Introduction. 1. Chains and Move ~. 2. Multiple wh-/neg-relations and Subjacency. 3. Chains and d-sets. 4. Positional principles. 5. Reconstruction and partially determined full interpretation. References. Index.