383 Hungarian
We have just learnt that Prof. Las.216 Guczi. Prof. Zolt&n Paal andAcademicianPa1 Tetenyi have received the National Prize awarded by the Council of Ministers of Hungary. This price was awarded for their work in metal catalysis. We congratulate our colleagues for their success. It is a special pleasure for his fellow editors to learn that Prof. L. Guczi has obtained this distinguished award. We are also very pleased, because Academician P&l Tetenyi is a member of the Editorial Board.
Glycol Mono- and Diesters Lummus C. has patented (U.SPatent, 4,348,537 (1982)) a method for producing glycol esters from olefins, carboxylic acids and water at room temperature in the absence of oxygen, using noble metal (Pd) catalysts and Mn( IV) compounds.(See Catalytica Highlights, Vo1.9, No.1). By-products include ethylene glycol, acetaldehyde and ethylidene diacetate. The selectivity to ethylene glycol is reported to be 80.4%. This is a variant of the abandoned Oxirane synthesis which used Te- and Br-containing catalysts; the absence of halogen in the Lumnus route should avoid the severe corrosion problems encountered by the Oxirane synthesis.
New publications Associates
from Catalytica
As a continuation of their series of volumes entitled "New Catalytic
Materials: A Perspective for Research and Development in the Energy and Chemical Industries", Catalytica Associates will publish in 1983 reoorts on: "Advances in'zeolite Technology", "Layered Structures as Novel Catalysts", and "Novel Hydrotreating Catalysts and Processes for the Fuel and Chemical Industries". Further information can be obtained from Dr. T.E. Whyte Jr., Catalytica Associates, Inc., 3255 Scott Boulevard, Suite 7-E, Santa-Clara, CA 95051, U.S.A. New German
Patent Nomenclature
To someone (relatively) used to the British and U.S. patent systems, the new German patent numbering system hascaused some oroblems. The followins clarification of the system was kindly provided by K. Kochloefl. I include this here in the hope that it may be of interest to some readers. In the old nomenclature, DOS meant a German patent application laid open for public inspection. In the new system, the letters DE are used and the numbers are grouped, for example, as 42 62 225 and not 4,262,225. After the number follows an indication of the current status of the application: AI indicates a oatent /first draft1 laid open for pubiic inspection; A2 jndicates the same but with a literature search by the examiner; Bl again means a patent application but it has been checked by the examiner; Cl indicates that it is a patent but that objections can still be made during a three-month period; finally, C2 means that a patent has been granted. J.R.H.R.
VOL. 6, NO. 1, pp. 133-135.
New Items:
July 25-28, Cambridge, U.K.
Residential School on Heterogeneous Catalysis
Volume 6 No. 3 -June
Contact: Miss L. Hart, Royal Society of Chemistry, 30 Russell Square, London, WClB 5DT, U.K.