Department of Reviews and Abstracts CoNDUCTED BY HuGo EHRENE'ES'l',
Selected Abstracts Gonorrhea Antoine, T.:
Gonorrhea in the Female, Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 28: 883, 1\J36.
The gonococcus is not only a mucous membrane parasite; it also invades the sub· epithelial tissues, uterine musculature and parametrium. Gonorrhea in the acute form in the female is rarely seen by the physician. For diagnosis and differential diagnosis, smears and complement fixation tests are necl•Hsaty. In acute cases rest in bed and warm Sitz baths together with dilute KMnO, irrigations serve very well. In cases of urethritis and cystitis disinfection of the urine with urotropin and salol is all that is necessary. After the acute stage, instillations of AgN03 -1 per cent or colloidal silver may be used in the urethra; the urethral glands may be treated by endoscopy. In involvement of Skene's and Bartholinian glands, instillation of 5 per cent to 10 per cent AgNO, may be made with a cannula. ·with involvement of the latter glands, conservative treatment usually suffices; if this fails and an abscess forms incision and drainage is the treatment of choice. These are usually mixed infections. Condylomata acuminata are specific infections of another nature; these may be treated by Sitz baths, surgical excision or diathermy. Colpitis gonorrhoi,·a in childr(•n and old women may be treated with 1 per cent to 5 per cent AgNO,, 5 per eent protargol or with follicle hormone. Cervicitis is difficult to treat; prot!Lrgol-glycerin tampons may be applied to the portio. In chronic cervicitis intradabh• to trPatment, the Sturmdorf opera· tion may be done. During pregnancy treatment should be limited to the cervix an•l urethra and should be discontinued within 14- days of delivery. No treatment iH given in the early puerperium; precautions must be taken to prevent ascending infeetion. In addition to local treatment there are :J forms of general treatment: heat, fever therapy, and vaccines. In the subacute stage, heat may be applied in the form of air, lamp, diathermy or hot packs. Fever therapy is carried out with protein substances, dyes, metallic colloids, iodine and turpentine preparations. Vacdne therapy should be used only in sclecte
Brunet, Walter M., and Salberg, Joseph B.:
Gonorrhea iu the Female, Am ..l.
Syph. Gonor. & Ven. Dis. 21: 64, l\J37. 1n the authors' experience pelvic extensions in gonococcus infection are usuall~· !]played until the seeond, third, or ewn fourth menstrual epoeh, but in this serie~, 2\i of the :30 instance~ occurred between thirty or forty days. There is no doubt in their mind that the cause for these preeipitate complication~ wa~ dircetly attributalJl., to