Solid State Communications, Vol. 26, pp. i—li. © Pergainon Press Ltd. 1978. Printed in Great Britain.
Calendar of Solid State Events Announcements for publication should be mailed to: Editor, Solid State Communications, Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19174. Submitted items must be in the format of the calendar. They should give the date, title and location of conference, the scope of the conference including sponsors of the meeting, and the name and address of person to whom inquiries should be directed.
7—11 August 1978
28 August—9 September 1978
Gordon Conference on Physics and Chemistry at High Pressure, Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, New Hampshire, US.A. Topics will include electronic effects, structures, lattice vibrations, hydrogen and hydrides,liquids and shockwave physics. There wifi also be a session on techniques.
Electrons in Disordered Metals and at Metallic Surfaces, Gent, Belgium. A NATO Advanced Study Institute on “Electrons in Disordered metals and at Metallic Surfaces” will be held at the State University of Gent, Belgium. (B.L. Gyorffy and P. Phariseau, directors) Information and application forms available from:
Information: Dr. J.E. Schirber, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87115, U.S.A. Dr. E. Whalley, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada KIA OR9. 22—25 August, 1978 Australian Conference on Electron Spectroscopy, Melbourne Australia. The topic of the conference will be the general field of electron spectroscopy of solids, liquids and gases with emphases bemg placed on the use of photoelectron spectroscopy and of comcidence techniques. Recent developments using synchrotron radiation sources and in the area of angular dependent studies wifi also be highlighted. The conference will be of interest to physicists, chemists, materials scientists and others concerned with the electronic structure of materials. Abstracts must be received by February 1, 1978; Conference Proceedings will be published as a special volume of the Journal of Electron Spectroscopy. Information: Dr. R. Lackey, Department of Physics, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, 3083, Australia.
Prof. Dr. P. Phariseau, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Krijgslaan 271, gebouw S9, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. 30 August—i September 1978 Recombination in Semiconductors. There is to be an international conference on Recombination in Semiconductors at the University of Southampton, U.K. from 30 August to 1 September 1978. Information: Dr. A.F. Willoughby, Engineering Materials Laboratory, The University Southampton, SO9 5NH UK 11—15 September 1978 High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, Oxford, U.K. There is to be an international conference on the Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics at the University of Oxford, U.K., from the 11th .
until 15th September 1978. This meetmg is a satellite event on the 14th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, sponsored by IUPAP to be held in Edinburgh, 4th—8th September 1978 (Information: The meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics).