Chin. Aswon. Astrophys. Vol.20, No. 2, pp. 250-252. 1996 Copyright 0 1996 ElacviefScience Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0275-1062196 $32.00 + 0.00 SO27S-1062(96)00035-5 ABSTRACTS OF OTHER PAPERS IN ACTA ASTRONOMICA SINICA 36/4 (1995) AND
ACTA ASTROPHYSICA SINICA 16/l (1996) (Asterisks mark papers published originally in English) A statistical study of the Lyman-a forest Lu JIAN-LONG & HAUNGKE-LIANGDeportment
of P&&s,
Nanjing Nomaal Uniuersity, Nanjing 210097 Using medium-resolution, Lye data of 72 quasars we study the relation between the Lya ab sorption line density N(Z,b,) and the emission redshift of the quasar Z.,. The results show that, for quasars with larger Zem, the mean N(Zabl) for all the absorption lines is also greater, but for a given absorption redshift, there is no correlation between N(Z.u,) and Z.,. Results from other works are compared and discussed.(AAnS, 1995 36, 367-378). The effect of extragalactic interstellar dust emission on the cosmic microwave background WV JIAN-XIAN & HE BAO-PENGDepartment of Physics, Huanan Normal University, Guangzhou 510631 Radiation from interstellar cold grains in external galaxies depends strongly on the deceleration parameter go and the amount of the cold dust. Under the constraint from COBE, no matter what value of qo is selected, the amount of cold dust is small. It is shown that Ostriker’s assumption of an average optical depth of rg = 0.5 due to dust implies a very uneven distribution of dust grains with the grain temperature. (AAnS 1995, 36, 379-383). Investigation
of submillimeter
site potential of Ding-R.& Tibet CHEN Lintong 710600 Using radio sondage data obtained in 1970-1987 we calculate the vertical atmospheric water vapour content (WVC) at DingHi, Tibet. The statistics show that the average number of days per year with WVC 5 1 mm is 77 at Ding-Hi, and is estimated to be over 120 at the nearby Meimo Hill. The potential as a submillimetre site here is thus better than Mauna Kea. During Winter and Spring when the water vapour content is small, the total cloud cover is also small, which is advantageous for infrared observations. Meimo Hill also enjoys a good, wideaspect. (AAnS 1995, 36, 419-427)
HONGQING& &I GUAN-RONGShaanti Obaeruatory,
Grand Unifled Theory and the surface temperature distribution of neutron stars TAO
of Physics, Sichuan United Unioersity, Chengdu 610064 Based on the rotating metric solution of the SU(5) GUT coupled to the Einstein-Yang-MillsHiggs system, the surface temperature distribution of a neutron star with electric, magnetic, SU(3)c colour charge is investigated. It is found that when the collapse passes a certain radius, the temperature distribution changes from one that is colder at the poles to one that is hotter at the poles. The pole-equator temperature difference is evaluated in some specific instances. (AAnS 1995, 36, 442-447). A numerical simulation of ring galaxy formation LIU Bu-LIN Beijing Astronomical ObserNumerical simulation is made of collision between two galaxies in which vatory, Beijing 100080 spiral structure is incorporated in the distribution of test stars of the target galaxy. The simulated ring structure bears a closer resemblance to the real galaxies than does Toomre’s previous work. (AApS 1996, 16, 7-14).
The radial distribution of supernovae in spiral galaxies LI WEI-M)NG & LI ZONEWE
partment of Astronomy, Beijing Nirmal Wniveruity, Beijing 100875 We have compiled a sample of 899 SNe discovered up to March 28,1993, among which 277 SNe are used to study the radial distribution of SNe in their parent galaxies. The radial distribution of single SNe and multiple SNe in four galaxy samples, namely the total galaxy sample, the SbwSbc 250